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Everything posted by NorfolkNog

  1. Good grief. That would keep someone busy for a while. Eight bids on it so far. I just wonder if it could be lifted without damaging it?
  2. I've been in touch with a fellow vintage radio enthusiast who also does wood turning. He has a database of woodworking machinery but no luck, must be a very small manufacturer. I've suggested John might consult Norwich council archives who might have a record. Worth a shout though, thanks for looking!
  3. Just wondered if any of you folks had any information as above? I think John used to work for Hunters. Sure any help would be appreciated.
  4. One bit I didnt like was on the Chet at the time they did all the banks and put those horrible iron posts in. It was the section just a short way in from the main river. It was a chicane that extended for several hundred yards. The channel was very narrow and the sharp bends were really only enough for one boat. I must admit to giving it some throttle and hoping nothing was coming the other way! It's much better now though.
  5. NorfolkNog

    Not Good

    That's just what I thought - places like Horsey Gap seem favoured generally. Ludham does seem a quiet place as a rule although it can get a bit lively in the Kings Arms! (shut now of course) Bit more in the EDP https://www.eveningnews24.co.uk/news/crime/people-fined-after-rave-new-years-eve-ludham-6878904
  6. Saw this and it reminded me of the tagline for Beccles most famous resident
  7. Merry Christmas to all And what better than to listen to Carol's superb take on this festive classic
  8. Following JA's piccies here's a view of a torrid Waveney nicked from Twitter
  9. Good grief. Never seen it like that. Something like a months worth of rain in 24 hours? As well we didn't get our December trip in!!!!
  10. Couldn't decide whether to give this a thumbs up or a ho ho but gave it a ho ho ho in the end. Spot on as always Grace - sit back and have a glass of wine
  11. There was some discussion about this a while back if it's any help https://forum.norfolkbroadsnetwork.com/topic/4371-omni-directional-aerial/page/2/
  12. Certainly at GY there are signs everywhere saying the moorings are closed but I think that's the BA covering their backs. I think it's like most things, use judgement and common sense. I've hired extensively in winter and never had any restrictions imposed on me............ yet!!
  13. Eureka!! Thank you very much. It was the insert key. Pressed it and the horrible blue bit didn't pop up when I tried to edit. It was driving me mad. Much appreciated!
  14. Technically yes, agree with Helen, overnight would not be a good idea, if you wanted to pop to the shops it shouldn't be a problem although even better if you left someone on board. Commissioners Cut is the safest bet, you could always cruise up to the Yacht Station to take a look, it is interesting particularly if you havn't been up there before.
  15. Thanks Grendel - seems to be some sort of auto edit, I'll have another look at the settings to see if I can find anything. The annoying thing is it suddenly started, must have clicked on something inadvertently but don't know what!
  16. Help! Whenever I type a post or even a PM and try to correct it I get this annoying blue box instead of the normal ‘straight’ cursor. The little blue box has a mind of its own and its driving me mad! How can I turn it off please!
  17. Well technically, no. We’ve done it several times as we have at Yarmouth. Just for a short stop though. They shut the gates at Norwich although it’s easy to bunk under the fence onto the footpath. There is also a stretch before you get to Bishops Bridge which is beyond the gate. Problem is that if anything went wrong you could get in bother with the hire yard. I wouldn’t moor overnight in winter. We’ve also moored at GY and bunked over the fence. I think the reason the BA declare them closed is basically to cover themselves, there’s nobody to actually stop you. Having said all of this my example in not necessarily one to follow!
  18. Rattles piggy bank..........
  19. I'd agree, Commissioners Cut is a good bet and buses are frequent during the day although they do stop in the early evening. Not sure if you are looking to stay overnight or for a day visit? Another option would be to get a train from Brundall or Cantley but you would of course miss out on that stretch of river.
  20. Aw, thanks Grace. This Forum really is the friendly one - a very kind member (you know who you are) very kindly offered to pick up some of the beer from Reedham until we are down next. Problem is it wont keep for very long and I think here in flat cap land we are going to be in the high tiers for a good while yet so it will be a long time before we can travel anywhere. Gutted. But it does show how folks on the Forum will go out of the way to help others
  21. Hi Ian yes, MT was right, I was shedding a tear because I can't get my hands on any! Both the Christmas Crack and the Christmas Crackling are superb - not tried the Hoppy Christmas but would love to have the chance. The Christmas Crack is dangerously drinkable - you should have seen me last year after the HD open day........ But sadly in spite of my hints HD don't do mail order - many breweries do including another favourite of mine up here - Mallinsons of Huddersfield
  22. ...or Reedham to be exact. These beauties are on sale at the Humpty Dumpty shop and I'm stuck in Tier 3 flat hat land 150 mile away!!
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