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Everything posted by NorfolkNog

  1. Thanks for the clarification folks. I did honestly think guns were a no no. Mind you Carol, Nigel Royall and others have published some fascinating information about gun punts, fowling and a guy called Scientific Fuller who inhabited Rockland Broad in days of old and shot everything in sight.
  2. Probably stating the obvious - great sympathy to all affected of course but it is for the best for all of us in the end
  3. I didnt think shooting was allowed on the Broads??? https://www.edp24.co.uk/news/health/new-inn-rockland-boat-capsize-rescue-1-6897782
  4. I do get a sense that speeding offences, particularly serious ones, tend to be later in the day, rather than say in the mornings.
  5. That's very interesting. I wonder if Brian Eno stumped up the cash for the initial purchase?? Just trying to think what I would spend on beer in 6 months Then add Mrs Nog's gin bill..........
  6. Interesting thread, just catching up with it. Re the rangers - I've been hiring in winter for the past 14 years, usually in December and February. I can't recall seeing a ranger although I suppose there might be some about. We've crossed Breydon every December and most years in February. We've also moored at Reedham numerous times. The quay is pretty much empty in winter which does make life easier I must admit. Might not be so good for novices though. I wonder what the rangers do in winter?
  7. Sounds quite feasible if they have all that cooking to do! I'm sure it will be right. I don't know how much batteries cost but you must be looking at a grand I would have thought. Why go to all that trouble? Baffling (but then I am a simple soul)
  8. A very fine beer. Mind you with a name like that it would have to be wouldn't it? I also drank it at the Caxton Club where it was on much better form I should add.
  9. 14 batteries. Good grief. No wonder they don't want to replace them. The title of this thread says it all I think!
  10. Hmmmmmmm. https://find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk/company/11328803/filing-history
  11. ......sorry should have maybe done the link https://forum.norfolkbroadsnetwork.com/topic/17698-vogue-marine-brundall/
  12. Drank Jenny Morgan in the Joseph Conrad once I recall. Must stress I was just waiting for a train.
  13. Agree with your comments CC and yes, I think that would be the way to go. Gastro pub, absolutely not!!!
  14. Tend to agree although suppose better than some wild idea about using it for holiday lets or flats etc although probably wouldn't get planning. Hope it works, problem can be too many cooks etc
  15. Radiance was the same Jean. Swancraft quality. I rest my case
  16. Indeed, if the heating system is installed and maintained properly it should be fine.
  17. Herbert Woods normally hire in November, not sure if that applies to this year. Couldn't agree more. It's magical in winter. We would normally be out in December but with the current situation its looking less likely I'd avoid a boat with a very large folding canopy area. However as mentioned before we hired Swan Radiance from Swancraft extensively in winter and latterly Humber Bridge. Both were/are very well maintained with no problems with draughts or heating. Perhaps given the problems mentioned elsewhere I'd be a bit cautious. I've said it a million times, no one put more care into the builds as to what hirers actually wanted than Swancraft.
  18. Cracking boat. I seem to recall someone on the Forum owned it once but could be mistaken.
  19. Yippeee! I'll crack the piggy bank
  20. I think good boats do indeed get snapped up. I sometimes look and dream and its amazing some are almost sold before they are advertised. I think Richardsons have been selling some off but maybe as less come on the market from the hire fleets demand and prices will hold up. Moorings do still seem quite difficult to come by too. But as to what will happen next year..........
  21. Good grief. That's what you call confidence. Works on my bog standard computer (not an Apple)
  22. Agree, We were turned away for the first time in February due to lack of space. They have the trip boats too and I don't suppose they could get all the day boats on the front. Unless they are flogging off some of the older boats.
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