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Everything posted by NorfolkNog

  1. Slack on Thursday is 10.14 so you would need to be off early although you'd probably be OK a bit later. The weather has abated here in flat hat land so it should be OK. The levels were high in December but we had plenty of room under the bridges. Good luck!
  2. Tides look good from Wednesday onwards although you would probably have to come back Saturday or Sunday to avoid nav lights. I would have thought you'd be OK under the bridges. Hopefully no high winds either, you should be fine. Go for it!
  3. Checking on Carol's excellent Broadland Memories website it appears there was indeed an old corn mill at Stokesby https://www.broadlandmemories.co.uk/stokesbypostcards.html
  4. Agree, looks like the Ferry at Stokesby. The signs are a bit blurrred but should say Lacons I would think.
  5. Thanks for the heads up, that was there in December, I should have mentioned it but you're right, didn't see it anywhere on the BA media. I guess it hasn't been shifted due to the Christmas holidays.
  6. Local notice (thanks Sally Ann)
  7. Never too early for a beer!!! Loving your tale. That boat at Horning was there when we were out. Think it's one of the winter regulars. Speaking of which, wonder what happened to Tombstone? Hope you manage to extricate yourself from the fishermen!
  8. An excellent pub and a good example of how to make the best of difficult times. Good grub, good beer, cosy, live music and as far as I can tell they don't operate random hours or boot you out early. Some pubs have a habit of closing when it's quiet but if they're closed no one will go in and probably not return.
  9. It's amazing how often that happens. We moored on the deserted quay at Reedham. Big steel Broads Authority work boat moored slap behind us. No obvious reason to moor there. With a fast ebb behind us I had a tricky manoeuvre to reverse out.
  10. Good idea if you can spot someone I've moored on the river corner before but it's very low down, usually get protests from my mooring assistant (Mrs Nog) and it takes up more drinking time
  11. Hi Kate enjoying your tale and photos glad you are enjoying the peace and quiet of December cruising! I believe Eastwood Whelpton are members of the hire boat federation but I'm sure they would let you moor there, no shortage of space! Might be worth someone enquiring in future as it's less muddy and quite a good height. Worth it for the pub
  12. Thanks for the update Kate. This was Cockshoot Dyke on Sunday, so sounds about he same. The heights at Ludham seem a tiny bit high but not too far out for the time of year. Glad you got up to the Fur and Feather. We needed wellies (which we have now left with Bridgecraft) as it was even muddier than normal. Worth the effort for a drop of Norfolk Nog though. I've already made a mental note to visit the Stag at the next opportunity.
  13. Mrs Nog seems to think Wroxham was about 6 and a quarter so you never know! Hope you get moored at St Bennetts, no shortage of space!
  14. Sounds very similar situation to when we were out. If it's showing 7 feet ish at Ludham it would sound about right. St Bennetts was above water but not a lot! Looks like you have a low air draught which is ideal in winter
  15. How are you finding the levels generally? Are they starting to drop again?
  16. I think we could be tempted indeed!
  17. Hi KP, sorry to have missed you! Lovely and warm at the mo but levels have gone up a bit in the last couple of days so please be careful!!
  18. What a lovely tale! Thank you Andrew. Had the pleasure of sharing a beer with you in the Maltsters a while back but not now sadly!
  19. Certainly will M February and May, with Bridgecraft of course And all the best to you both for the festive season
  20. Massive thumbs up to Bridgecraft, boat ran impeccably, very economical and heating fired up every day without the need to run the engine. Fantastic personal service from this family run yard, highly recommended
  21. Fair comment Jean. If only say 25 per cent of a village supported a pub it would survive. We can't all like the same things!
  22. Very friendly locals (and dogs) at Upton. As I say, the day I can't drink in a pub I'll give up!!!!
  23. ...... And of course me and Mrs Nog doing our bit
  24. Well every single table bar one booked this lunchtime. Busy with locals already. Doesn't feel like a failing pub.
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