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Everything posted by littlesprite

  1. Congratulations Clive, I'm booked for a weekend at Seacroft in February so it's nice to know the standards are as high as ever.
  2. Sorry to bring football into it again! but in league 1 the Doncaster Rovers manager is called Paul Dickov. What were his parents thinking.
  3. I am probably going to embarrass myself here but how does this work, and could it be used to power a boat, especially one that floats on the salty stuff. http://www.maplin.co.uk/p/salt-water-powered-4-x-4-car-n45cd?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_term=15P9_W1_D6&utm_content=Product-6&utm_campaign=15P9-6
  4. Even better than that JM, I go on a football site (punishment for supporting Gillingham) and one of the teams in our league is Scun Thorpe, notice the space because if you spell it correctly it stars the name out, now you would think a forum for league one football could make a special rule for one of it's own teams.
  5. Robin, As a boat owner I fully understand the 60/40 split but you've missed my point in 2 ways, why should I pay full 100% tax on my generator at home and a boat pay nothing, why does any body have to pay road duty on fuel not used on the road, I except VAT but why road duty.
  6. Robin forget boats for a minute and think domestic. I have a mobile generator without wheels, I also have a ride on mower that isn't road legal, I have a hedge trimmer, I have a strimmer, all of them run on petrol which attracts full road duty, try arguing with the garage that you shouldn't be charge the duty and they laugh you of the forecourt.
  7. It's suddenly occurred to me, yes even my senile old brain has a light bulb moment sometimes, The basic/budget boat of today was the new top of the range platinum boat of yesterday.
  8. Everybody will have different views on what constitutes a good holiday, some will want all the mod cons and others just the basics, the beauty is that all groups are catered for with the choice on offer, but more importantly the freedom to exercise that choice.
  9. Correction! I've just checked a quality street tin and it's 780gm including wrappings.
  10. A couple of years ago the £5 sweet tin was 1kg, it has slowly shrunk to this years 800gm.
  11. I think I will just give in and admit defeat, I will suggest that next year the awards are renamed. The NBO (Norfolk Broads Organisation) Awards. Sorry I'll get my hard hat.
  12. Dave, I have no connection to the broads awards but do read and make the occasional post on that forum, all I'm saying is you haven't got to agree with the awards but why try to destroy them when they do no harm. just out of interest have a look at the bottom of the page and all the same criticisms seem to be leveled at the Michelin guide even by their own expert. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michelin_Guide
  13. Dave, That was exactly my point, everyone will have different opinions on what is or isn't good, how many Oscar winning films have I seen and felt cheated. Any award system will have it's flaws but that doesn't make it bad or invalid, you can take as much from the award as you want but at the end of the day some people go for low end value for money boats, others new top of the range super cruisers it's all down to personal choice and the award is just a guide.
  14. How many people vote before a establishment gets a Michelin star yet they are highly prized and well respected. I think the broads awards have got some things that could be better but overall a lot more that is good, if anyone is truly upset by them just go out and do better, in the mean time these are the only local awards and you could do worse than simply supporting them.
  15. Hi Kev, Welcome aboard.
  16. Welcome to the forum Biscuiteer glad you've decided to start posting.
  17. Jonzo, Haven't you heard about Duracell, they out perform ordinary batteries by 10 times.
  18. Whilst I accept the point about having a level playing field that is an argument that could be levelled at anything, every business has the same opportunity to take part if they so desire, if a business chooses not to take part then how can the playing field be even. Usain Bolt has records in 100m but is he the best, I've never been given the chance to run against him so perhaps we will never know, my 100m time is about 9, unfortunately that is minutes not seconds.
  19. The Broads awards might not be perfect but it is there and helps to promote the broads, whilst we can all think of ways to make improvements how many of us make the effort. For me the important thing here is that anything showing the broads in a good light is worth doing, whether it should be run by the NBO is irrelevant if they are the only ones who can be bothered, I believe anyone having the best interests of the broads and broads businesses should welcome and support the awards.
  20. I've always found the best way to handle cows or bulls is with a knife and fork. sorry, I'll get my coat.
  21. Jim, I think the other site being down doesn't explain 122 views and no replies, when the site is down you can't view posts either. You just have to except that this is the friendly forum.
  22. Ron, the power lines are very low at PH and feed the little shed/bungalow things along that stretch.
  23. You encounter a rag and stick regatta miss 2 hours playing time.
  24. I've tried Amazon, ebay, Argos, nowhere seems to stock this game any advice on where I can find it? ok. I'm being silly miss a turn.
  25. I don't know about anywhere else but the PH mooring opposite woods has overhead electric lines that could be hit with a rod or tangled with line, I always assumed that was the reason for the no fishing notice.
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