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Everything posted by littlesprite

  1. I thought it was incredible that a man starts the bridge for future generations yet he will never see it finished in his lifetime, that's good forward planning. Using what nature has to offer without destroying it or cutting it down, something to learn about conservation perhaps.
  2. Found this very interesting so thought I would share, sorry if you've already seen it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aLB6PC62z5k
  3. Thank you smellyloo, The letter has achieved it's purpose, the thread has received many hit's and sparked discussion, people have frantically been googling strokes in their attempt to come over as knowledgeable which perversely means they have become more knowledgeable. the letter has raised awareness, job done.
  4. I can't believe this trivial thread is still going on when the world is full of serious issues, for instance, why does the one coat fence paint I've just brought tell me to leave 4 hrs.' between coats?
  5. Ok. it is early in the morning and the old grey matter is not up to scratch but have I stepped into some alternate universe? This thread seems to be about a turtle who is playing on a bungee rope while being in love with a crocodile, am I somewhere close so far?
  6. Having now read grace's post several times I still can't decide whether she is seeking the wisdom of my superior intellect or suggesting I'm not right in the head, I'll try taking one of the yellow pills and two of the blue and see if that makes it a little clearer. :shocked
  7. If I understand this correctly, a guy who has taken his dog into a area where signs state "all dogs to be kept on a lead" has totally ignored this and his dog has caused trouble, so now he is telling us that we should never let our dog off a lead.
  8. It's worth giving Jon (650XS) a call at Wayford Marine Services, he's a forum member and transports boats all over the country.
  9. Hello Ray, nice to have you on board.
  10. The sad fact is that all services provided need paying for, who should pay is where the problem comes in. Local Councils get their money from the community charge or business rates, if they want to spend more they have to charge more. Business gets their money from the customers (same people who pay the community charge) if their costs go up then so do their prices. The bottom line is that we have to except cut's or paying more, I don't like it any more than the next man but we are left at the end of the money chain, everyone passes costs on until it reaches us and the chain stops.
  11. "What's bad about the Broads" I've thought about this long and hard and I can only think that if you remove the ROS from Broads your left with BAD.
  12. In a situation when you have to power down, where the river is narrow, the wind and/or tide pushing you along then often there is little you can do except try to come alongside the bank/boat as gently as possible. There will be some boats that will hold steady, there will be some people who can get a boat to sit up and beg, for the rest of us who are trying to steer a Pooh Stick just try to minimise the coming together and avoid damage.
  13. Orca is a killer whale (which is actually a dolphin) anyhow it's a large vicious predator, so the smaller version should be Piranha which is a small vicious predator.
  14. I wasn't suggesting changing the way it's done, I just didn't know why it is the way it is (does that make sense) it was only when Carol asked the question that I'd even thought about it as a anomaly.
  15. littlesprite


    Carol has asked me a question that I couldn't really answer but was sure someone on here could help. Why do the police, Fire brigade, Ambulance all get paid out of the public purse yet Lifeboat are manned by volunteers and financed by donations, it probably seems like a silly question to some but unfortunately one that I just couldn't answer.
  16. Joking aside for a few minutes, The BA and local authority have both suffered budget cuts, these cuts mean costs/services must be reduced, this leaves hard choices to make. Cut back on dredging. Cut back on mooring maintenance. Cut back on welfare payments. Cut back on education. Reduce the number of hospital beds. Simple truth is to keep a bin service requires new money, £1 added to hire charges and the same for private tolls would cover the cost and leave no one greatly out of pocket. It just needs people to talk and work together instead of the head in the sand approach currently being used.
  17. Having read this thread from top to bottom I believe your all talking rubbish.
  18. welcome Fred, nice to have you on board.
  19. I do wonder why they haven't got someone like Amanda Tapping involved, she could certainly float my boat. :naughty:
  20. Where else can you get fall down drunk, drive a boat at high speed creating a massive wash, chuck your rubbish over the side and it just washes away, it's brilliant. I was joking, honest!
  21. Having finished in the garden I find that the suggestion of using doubloons to rescue my craft has met with some scorn, I've now decided to use grouts instead.
  22. As with all things in life people should wear what suits them and ignore everyone else, let them spend them time trying to conform to the norm whilst you just get on and enjoy life your way.
  23. The sun is shinning brightly in the sky, temperatures soaring and I'm left without a boat. I haven't sold the boat, oh no, it has however been high jacked and is being held for ransom by that infamous Long Jon Silver of Wayford, (you may have noticed him limping around on one leg of late) My first thought was to get the Queens own to hunt him down without mercy and recover my pride and joy, however, on reflection it appears he has Royall connections and operates above the law. I have now agreed a secret meeting in that smugglers den (Wayford Inn) in a couple of weeks to hand over a wodge of doubloons in the hope of getting littlesprite freed. In the mean time it's back to the gardening.
  24. Hi Mandy, I don't know how seriously you've trapped the nerve so don't want to be the harbinger of bad news but 21 years ago I trapped my nerve just pulling on a sock, 3 months later I was only just getting over it. The initial pain was in the lower back at the point where the nerve was trapped, as the healing process took effect the pain slowly moved across the back and down the leg, sounds strange but is quite common with nerve damage apparently. I still have a weakness in the sciatic nerve after all these years and just have to take it easy for a day or 2 if I feel a twinge.
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