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Everything posted by littlesprite

  1. I understand and support the ban on smoking in public enclosed spaces, if however smoking is banned in public open spaces then what next, ban cars because of the harmful emissions, and what about all that diesel fuel burnt by boats. Freedom needs some control for the benefit of all but be careful or freedom will be the next thing banned.
  2. Unfortunately large charities employ many full time staff, that's fine but how interested are they in putting themselves out of work, after all that is the end result if they are successful in their endeavours. Some years ago I realised that I couldn't save the world, with this in mind I looked at supporting just one charity and settled on Demelza a local children's hospice. For me I can't think of anything worse than a parent losing a chid or a child losing their life, I know my contribution might/won't save the child but hopefully their short lives can be made better.
  3. Whether you are coming about, mooring, or any other difficult manoeuvre the rule is the same, look for the largest most expensive bling boat and do the manoeuvre there, help is on hand almost immediately.
  4. The problem with reducing tax on petrol is it then has to be collected from elsewhere, not a day goes bye without someone complaining about cutbacks on services. people don't like tax rises on wages, VAT, petrol duty, road tax, yet complain about spending on Health, housing, welfare, education, you get nothing for nothing in life and people need to make the choice. in the mean time I'm off to Asda.
  5. I thought the BA were looking to maintain the same number of moorings overall, if some of the old ones are removed then new ones will be sought. With a lot of moorings being on short leases the BA have tried negotiating longer leases to justify the cost of up keeping the quay headings. The problem with moorings near boat yards (river ant) people returning boats have to spend their last night within easy traveling time of the yard, the same then applies to the new hirer who leaves the yard at 3 or 4 and has to find the first available mooring. BA revenues will continue to drop if hire yards close, I think Clive is running 15 less boats next year, so even if they are kept on the broads in private hands the multiplier is lost and the Authority tolls drop, tolls drop and spending on moorings falls.
  6. I thought we had just finished Christmas 2014! Shirley it can't be a year ago? Merry Christmas to all.
  7. Being a man, I don't cry over such sentimental clap trap, I will however have to remember not to watch it again whilst peeling onions.
  8. What's incredible is that Gracie has seen the thread and not made a comment! Gracie speechless.
  9. The problem persists for now, tried IE and google without any luck, if I remember I'll ask my son to have a look.
  10. I seem to have a problem Doctorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!! Embedding youtube video's, it seems that others are still succeeding but not me, I seem to have lost a lot of my options on the bar thingy at the top of the dialogue box. Any help please.
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HCpJ289-g6A Watching this I have to ask the sallies, "why bother"
  12. Merry Christmas JanetAnne, ignore pesky mod and get tucked in, the shops are full of Christmas Chocolate, my first advent chocolate has already gone.
  13. It's a sad fact of life that at a certain age funerals become the most frequent invitation you get, but at 38 it's far to early and my sympathy goes out to his friends and family.
  14. I'm slightly concerned that I could read it without a pause.
  15. Old people poke me at weddings and tell me "your next" So I started doing the same thing to them at funerals.
  16. The one thing I'm grateful for is that God thought long and hard before creating man, as my skin wrinkles, so my eyes fail and I can't see them.
  17. The fastest growing area at the moment seems to be the micro-pub, certainly in Medway there are quite a lot springing up. They serve real ale with no tele, no music, no gaming machines, no spirits, just a pint and a chat. https://www.facebook.com/1050fromVictoriaPub
  18. Because earwigs don't survive winter very well they will try to hide in any small crevice (boat cover) at this time of year, they are capable of flight so it isn't necessary to moor under trees for them to get on-board.
  19. Sad news Iain , hope you recover soon and maybe start thinking about booking one of the many riverside properties on the Broads, if you got one with a day boat you have the best of both worlds, time in a boat and a good nights sleep.
  20. JP, the planning department should be charging a fee for applications and be self financing, we know that boats have to pay Tolls and therefor are self financing, the problem is other areas of the BA's NP responsibility contribute nothing. The NP grant has and continues to be cut back, will this shortfall be made up from all the above inflation Toll rises.
  21. My concern with these above inflation increases for a specific reason, is why does it not get reduced after the project is complete. I'm all in favour of dredging and mooring repairs but once completed will my Toll be reduced again and if not where will the money go then?
  22. Some of those photo's put me to shame, stunning just doesn't do them justice.
  23. Attached is a copy of an old Hamilton's guide tide chart, if you print 2 copies and cut one around the outer circle, the other around the inner circle, laminate both and fasten together through the centre you can calculate tides all over the system if you know the GHYS time.
  24. Have I missed something here? How can a thread about Woodforde's Nog not be broads related.
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