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Everything posted by littlesprite

  1. Clive could just be busy, I haven't been on for a while because life has been a bit hectic, maybe he will find time once all the boat building and such is complete. I know he has also been doing a lot to the Seacroft site at Hemsby as well as all the boaty stuff.
  2. Having been walloped on more than one occasion myself, I do sympathise with anyone who falls victim, however, the yards can't always be blamed. Some people will pass a driving test on the first attempt, others will need many attempts, some people will be calm in a emergency, others will panic, Some people will drive in a sensible steady manner, others will be idiots. Yes! the yards can always do more but so can the helm.
  3. Congratulations Clive and Kathleen, Carol and I are only 4 years away, time fly's, will see you in the shed some time soon. Carol and martin. p.s. I wonder if a love of the broads keeps people together?
  4. https://www.groupon.co.uk/deals/ga-golden-hinde-6 For people who like boats with flappy things.
  5. The ropes, chains, inflatable toys sound interesting.
  6. The Bridge Inn Acle is thankfully a 5.
  7. If people need to run engines between 08.00 and 20.00hrs I don't really see it being the end of the world, after all moor at somewhere like Ludham and the moving boat traffic sounds like a permanent engine running anyway, and you get the wash as well. After 20.00hrs and I do get a bit annoyed, but equally I get upset when woken at 01.00 in the morning by someone navigating at night, perfectly legal and done with common sense no problem, speed and high revs and I could kill them. We all have to live together and that requires give and take, or do we ban anything that upsets anyone, with thought and consideration we should all manage to enjoy our time on the broads.
  8. It's about conservation surely! Green renewable energy, the beauty of the windmills, selling any unused power to the grid. Did I mention brownie points.
  9. There's probably a obvious answer that I haven't thought of, but, as people expect to see windmills on the broads, why don't they have wind turbines fitted for charge points on remote moorings. They could look nice, be eco friendly, serve a useful function.
  10. One of the first things to drain batteries was the introduction of the domestic electric fridge on boats, they run beautifully at home, running off batteries is a large drain. The newer boats should have their battery bank and alternators geared for modern equipment, the older upgraded boats often struggle when the battery system is left unchanged.
  11. I agree with what you're saying Grace but expectation is part of the problem. As a child we had no car, no fridge , no washing machine, no central heating, no TV, all these things cost money to buy and run. How many people now cut their own logs or collect pine cones for the open fire, we used to but never thought ourselves poor. The modern poor are rich by comparison, it's just that expectation has moved on.
  12. And there is the secret, choice, cheap no frills boats for those who want them and 5* luxury for those who want/afford them
  13. Children are no longer sent up chimney's, women have the vote, the world moves forwards, if people want the luxuries that they have come to expect from life, boat yards have to comply or die. "Long live the revolution. "
  14. When signing in to NBN there is a check box "remember me" which is ticked by default, if you don't deselect this it will keep you logged on. There is also your internet settings page, if you look there you will find a setting to delete all saved information on close.
  15. 4 years ago when my son needed his 1st insurance after passing the driving test, the quotes given were horrendous, like others I started to look on the comparison sites. Hopefully my memory of the companies is correct, Confused had 3 best quotes as Admiral, Elephant and Bell, all 3 insurance companies and confused turned out to be the same company. Ended up with fitting a black box for the cheapest deal.
  16. Thanks Jonzo, I thought it was me going crazy for a minute.
  17. Hi, It's probably me being silly, but, should I be able to view the members area without logging in? I certainly can do it (view not post) and was always under the impression that it shouldn't be available without signing in.
  18. The forum are experts at going off topic, from Wroxham bridge to feminine hygiene product really does take some doing.
  19. Supermarkets would find it very hard to ban children and you can hardly expect them too, pubs, clubs, holidays are a different matter. I have 3 children (grown up) and 4 grandchildren (also Grown up) but during their early years we would look for children friendly pubs and holidays, now we look for adult only locations. No I don't hate children but just exercise my right to choose, and that is the important thing "choice."
  20. People used to laugh at poppy when he said he wanted to be a comedian. They're not laughing now.
  21. Jonzo, I'd like to make a complaint, A little blue thing has appeared at the bottom right corner of my screen, if selected it keeps throwing me back to where I've come from, I don't pass go and don't receive £200.
  22. Unbelievable! And to think he only started 2 years ago, I wonder if I might have some undiscovered talent, turning water into wine? (with the help of some wild fruits)
  23. Welcome hakunamatata, it looks like you may be a fan of Disney from looking at your name, hope you enjoy your boating experience as I'm sure you will.
  24. Grace, for you to say this it's clear you don't remember the broads pub's of old, they used to be a large part of the beauty that was/is the broads. Before they all became sanitised by the pubco chains, each one would have individual character and charm, they would be filled with locals and holiday makers alike making for really great nights listening to the stories that every old broadsman would know.
  25. The easy thing to do (if you can get to it) is measure the tank and calculate the volume, that said after the first treatment you add according to how much diesel you put in the tank (what's in there is already treated). As for whether you can over treat, I've never heard of it being a problem to the tank/fuel, only the wallet.
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