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Everything posted by marshman

  1. Vaughan - now you are being naughty!! Air con req'd in Norfolk?? All you are doing is promoting the holiday trade here now!!
  2. They usually come from Sutton Broad - lumps have been breaking off from Sutton for years. I doubt whether Sutton Broad has any "banks" - its all hover and is one of the few places left undisturbed, primarily as its a bit dodgy to walk over!!! All the Rangers do is tow it , if possible, and stake it back into the side. If you want to remove it you need an excavator!!
  3. Not a BA mooring - as far as I am aware?? And if you have just spent many thousands putting in moorings, why would anyone expect them to be free??????
  4. Nice hover that!! The Rangers will shift it over and "stake" it into the side i expect!!
  5. Quite!! What a shame really but having said this, someone has to earn enough to maintain them, and contrary to some peoples, views, fairies don't actually replace moorings!!!
  6. If you read the posts, you will see that the role, or otherwise, of the BA is as a planning authority - whilst they can of course refuse it, you have to have pretty good grounds to do so otherwise the EA would just appeal!! As the EA are carrying out a flood alleviation plan, what chance that the appeal would be successful - this leaves the costs being paid by the planning authority. As Vaughan says, correctly, the soft banks are so much better than the hard piles and require little or no maintenance once the vegetation regrows, usually about 12mths rather than 10 years!! I challenge anyone who disagrees with that approach to go to the Ant where this process was carried out all the way from How Hill to the mouth, and if people are determined enough , these new banks can be used for mooring as is happening again in some places such as Fleet Dyke.
  7. I am delighted to report that the Woodbastwick moorings seem to have reopened, and as a bonus the permissive path to Cockshoot moorings and the broad have also been restored as before from opposite the Ferry Commonsense seems to have prevailed - for the time being!!
  8. There is a rumour from "another place" that the Woodbastwick moorings have actually reopened - trouble is some confuse them with Cockshoot! I will check over the next few days, if no one beats me to it. Hope thats true - if so, commonsense prevails even if you might have to pay a charge.
  9. Of course the loss of "wild" moorings has not a lot to do with the BA but more of an unforeseen impact of the work done by BESL on behalf of the EA. But where the reprofiling has got established you are absolutely right - there is no reason why over a period new "wild" moorings cannot be recreated. In fact at the top of Fleet Dyke at least 2 are gradually being opened - all it needs is someone with shears/bruchcutter to go along and slash a bit!! Equally it is not up to the BA to post new "No Mooring" signs, as they do not own the land - thats up to the landowner but just lets hope not too many read this, or it might encourage more of those blessed signs!
  10. If you chuck it in the bin, it will go to landfill - perhaps they are being socially responsible!!
  11. I don't think that there is any question of access to the ferry/staithe and I do not think they would have any success in closing that - its not even marked as a track but as a road but the "slipway" I guess is a bit different. In fact I am not sure it really is a slipway and I think i have seen warnings of that before, in that it has a sharp dropoff further in - my guess is that it has been obstructed to stop people using it as a slipway and then protesting that they had got into difficulties. But cannot see any point of the notices now - perhaps one night they will disappear!!! Don't look at me.......!!
  12. Perhaps overnight some local unworthy could just pop down and "un nail" the notices from the posts! Incidentally good to see this afternoon he was adopting the "double mooring allowed" ruling, but will it last....?? If anyone sees stern on mooring for boats other than dayboats, a photo please to Broads Control..!!
  13. Good to see the genuine chrome mudweights!
  14. Curiously enough, my experience with Banks after fraud and attempted fraud has been exactly opposite, but all cases are different.. As Dave said, try the Ombudsman. There is also a Fraud Dept run by the police in London who were also most helpful, but it is too much to expect a local Branch to help - they just do not have the expertise. All banks have their own Fraud departments and you should contact them IMMEDIATELY. All sounds a bit odd to me.
  15. It is not now, or ever , up to the BA to get involved in financial regulation whatever any of you say and if any of their budget is spent in such a manner, I would strongly object . They control what happens on the Broads, not EU financial markets. If you ever buy an investment from an unauthorised body, it is YOUR risk and the government will not ,and should not stand behind you and hold your hand. If you go against the advice of the FO and go to a foreign country against their advice, thats your risk - if you buy a financial product from an unauthorised company against the advice of the FCA, thats down to you not the BA. You have been advised many times on here that is the case and this advice has been running in the Yachting Press for years too. Why does anyone still do it??? Oh perhaps I do know - are they cheaper?? You get what you pay for and thats not sympathy.
  16. Don't think Edward Williams is a scam!! They certainly exist as they have an office in Ferry now, but its just there are not quite the safeguards surrounding them. But its NOT the BA's function to regulate them - thats the province of the Spanish Govt!! Its like many people continue to invest in products not covered by the FSCS guarantee simply because that operates in the more sophisticated financial markets. How many people invested in Icelandic Banks without that guarantee and they were very very lucky to get their money back courtesy of the UK Govt.? Greed does funny things ,especially to investors who forget the other side of the coin - risk!! Horses for courses, you pays your money etc etc
  17. So I guess you will not get a toll then!! I suspect the registration refers to the number you have been given, not to the ships registration nor the SSR. Again I guess thats your interpretation - don't be too surprised if the Courts view is different! I am glad you have such stamina but from the outside looking in, it does seem a huge amount of effort, time and fuss all round over what is really not a lot, even if you are right which I somehow doubt!
  18. OOOps - BSS!! Whats Cantley got to do with it??
  19. Caveat Emptor - you buy any insurance at your risk. Where is the pressure to buy from them especially when most people are aware. Do the BA have wet nurse everyone? If I employ a dodgy mechanic, whose fault is it? Ok I have a motor boat, my motor boat has to have an engine, but it is not the responsibility of the BA to check he is competent. Similarly gas engineers who install gas or indeed the BSC engineers. Do we we really need the BA to check the certificates are issued by genuine engineers? NO!! Thats your responsibility!!
  20. What a gripping thread this is turning out to be!!! Lets all do an FOI request and we can all waste more tollpayers money!! Somewhere in the back of my mind is the wish that some boats had moved away to more expensive pastures.....!!!
  21. Just why is it that the world is full of some people who cannot do anything without causing hassle? Do you really think you are good enough to take on the BA on something like this? My guess is that it has been run past their own lawyers several times and Steve Birtles is nobody's fool. I have had several dealings with him and he is usually right! And whilst you are busy wasting their time, its costing me more money and providing justification of having more staff in the tolls office!! And in any case the reason for the insurance is for your benefit and indeed mine and I applaud it - not like some!
  22. Pete - for what its worth your t/o figure appears to be vastly understated as I think it nearer £7m!!!!
  23. Cannot disagree with some of your main comments - this general design stands the test of time with some of the original ones now around 30 years old. I am delighted that someone thinks the original design is still fresh and modern, with a few tweaks! Will help secondhand values a bit I hope! The trouble is a lot of the bright shiny new kit will not stan dthe same test of time. You might like the fancy stuff but when the original design came out, Brooms were one of the first to fit inverters at a cost I believe of shedloads! It was even before the internet! Think of what modifications that will be needed and the costs to keep on upgrading the stuff to include the kind of kit you cannot even imagine 'cos its not been invented. Thats not meant to be a criticism at all but high tec means high cost and it will not make the boats cheaper - however i do accept there are many Luddites like me who cannot be bothered to even put a telly on the boat!!!
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