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Everything posted by marshman

  1. Oh dear ,another serious case for iwitness24 to solve!! This subject unsurprisingly is well documented elsewhere but I remain unconvinced it was caused by anything other than very very unusual conditions. However, what it must never do,is provide further ammunition for the anti boating lobby north of Potter Bridge. Ecosystems will recover but once closed to navigation, boats would find it hard to restore navigational rights - you only have to look at other local tidal waters which have been "snaffled" by their owners who do not want to share with others, what probably these boaters probably have a legal right to use. Now that would be SERIOUSLY bad news!
  2. As you say correctly, the posts were originally put in to charge electric boats. Over a period of time given the fact that electric boats a) were conspicuous by their absence and could never get near them,the posts have encouraged people to use them for "living" a more comfortable life. Why should there be more points? The existing are adequate as most people do not need them - its a chicken and egg situation. However a lot of BA moorings are in remote spots, by electricity standards, and the cost of getting electricity to them, disproportionate to the added value. Cannot comment on the cost as I never use them but perhaps the posts should be self funding - new ones only funded by an excess in the "electricity" piggy bank? Must admit I don't really mind either way but should the BA, facing the kind of restraint that it does, fund the trend developing to encourage the spread of, particularly hire boats, to "need" to be attached? No doubt this thread will now develop into a "for" and "anti " discussion!!!!!!
  3. Its not the pick up time thats of issue but whether you will get under the bridge!!!! And that you will not be able to judge that until the day before by talking to the Bridge Pilots!!! Seriously. I would plan an alternative simply because it is never guaranteed - it depends entirely on the weather. With Sparkling Light you stand a better chance than most,but you cannot guarantee anything with the tides.That time of year you often get bigger tides and that may help - or it may not!!! Helpful?
  4. But they have one huge advantage - you can chain the kitchen operative to the area and they can still see where they are going. Endless tea, bacon sarnies and food without complaints they cannot see where they are going!!!!!!
  5. Lots of interesting info and knowledge flying around and to me it goes without saying that the auto inflates are the ones to have. Not are they so easy to wear but they do work! Cannot remember who, questioned whether a busy yard would have time to check them properly EVERY time they went out. The answer to that is of course is no but there are very easy and simple checks you can carry out as you hand a jacket over. It is easy to see if it has been fired but the key is to just check the bottle is screwed in as they can work loose. I don't think anyone would expect a full service every time that they are used BUT it would be important to be able to show a regular programme of checking. Neither IMHO is it absolutely necessary to put on crutch straps if they are put on right - if you adjust and put on reasonably tightly, in Broads conditions they are more than adequate. However the old buoyancy aid, especially an overlarge one, is impossible to keep on without straps and are just next to useless. However much it cost I just would not send out people with those old jackets on - I know its an expense but to see kids running around feeling safe in a jacket which clearly isn't just sets me into panic mode.I think some yards take this so lightly its beyond belief I know you cannot make sure people wear them but it should be an integral part of the handover - the issue of proper jackets rather than apologies for them, and instruction on how to fit and wear. I do not believe the issue of old type buoyancy aids meets that criteria, even if they are bright orange!!! Private owners should also have them on every time you move out onto deck. Do I? No of course not - I just suggest whats needed and do not necessarily follow my advice!!!! Sadly!!!!
  6. Disagree with the last two posts entirely - the Broads bridges are fixtures and I see no reason to change them. Why alter the character of the Broads just to satisfy the minority who chose to buy boats which will not navigate the system? However I do agree that to make a bridge LOWER is inappropriate but to be fair it will not affect many boatowners. It is not just a question of "I'm all right Jack" but why should bridge heights be increased just to allow larger and larger cruisers to navigate the system? There are lots of cruise liners that will not go through Tower Bridge or indeed up the Thames to nearer London but on that basis you could just call for more dredging just because it suited some cruise operators? In fact I really do hope there is someone thinking as DB suggests - there is after all a huge selection of boats that WILL go through most bridges, with perhaps the exception of PH, and long may it remain that way!!!!!
  7. Yep I was as Its an unusual article and I am trying to rack my brains where it was published? I don,t think it was in Wherries and Waterways or was it?
  8. Believe me Senator I do agree with you but I suspect that like all similar bodies, the thought of discussing it with the BA never crossed their tiny minds!!! They just think noone else is important!!!!
  9. As always I shall be accused of jumping to the defence of the BA but I believe the bridge and the navigation fall outside their jurisdiction - surely it is the Port of GY so how can you be surprised? When have they ever even acknowledged the existence of either their responsibility or even cared? In reality it will make little or no difference to the vast majority.
  10. If you take a quick look at the tide tables you will see that it is not a good time to go south either given the evenings drawing in. So avoid the issue and tell your crew member that the tides are "wrong" to go down!!!
  11. Ok Eddie - I seem to have been misinformed and like the fish tale it obviously got embellished in the telling!!!!! I was told you had to tow the shed back!!!! With apologies - shame really that would have been a good piccy!!!!!!
  12. Eddie - still hoping for perhaps a comment on your new "craft" I understand you towed back to the WRC after the high tides - or better still a picture!!!!! Or am I asking too much???
  13. Anyways Eddie, just to lighten this up a bit, I understand your boys WERE seen towing a new "craft" up the river the other day following the high tide!!! To all of your detractors,I am sure this would have offered commodious accommodation - perhaps you should offer this for hire. Perhaps someone had the presence of mind to take a photo for your brochure - if so can we see it and all have a larf? P.S. Lets use this to change the tone - pointless ranting over a changed business decision. If I made such a decision, a forum is the last place I would discuss it given the kind of indepth discussions one usually gets - as Jonny says the decision has been made so lets leave it!!!!!
  14. Eddie - I could not agree more with your latest comments but that of course is the problem with a Forum. You get many informed comments but then you get a ranting one to spoil it , often without justification and often without having any knowledge on the topic other than an ill informed bias. But thats life as it happens every day in the Press and on television. In reality I doubt it takes much to get a little deeper if you think about it rather than just pile in without thought. My guess is that early bookings were not what had been hoped and that perhaps they had enquiries for those boats on the Northern Rivers - what would anyone do in those circumstances? However there may be other reasons and if it is said that they will trial other boats in due course then so be it. At least it shows some thought went into the decision and you can never accuse the person concerned as not being a successful business person!!! On balance he probably knows as much about being successful as most in the leisure sector in this area!!! Ah well Eddie, we will wait developments with interest. One final point however does reflect perhaps the continuing trend for shorter breaks - in the South distances between points is greater and many might also perceive there is less to "do". There are certainly fewer facilities and casual moorings have all but disappeared. After all presumably that is why there are actually fewer yards and by and large this is a trend that has been continuing for some time as pointed out. It will be interesting to see hoe Le Boat get on - does anyone know how many boats they are going to operate from Somerleyton?
  15. Whilst I know some of you have a problem in accepting that the BA should do anything other than dredging, there is some sense in the fact that they control planning on all the rivers. Of course your answer will be that that the BA past record on planning is not a good one and you disagree with some of their policies but to be honest does it really make sense to have a large number of District Councils operating slightly differing planning views over different parts of the river?I think it all fairly logical, for what its worth. In similar situations countrywide that has also happened. On the issue of the hotel and NBYC my guess is it may be something to do with access - although i don't know for certain.
  16. All interesting stuff but it would all have been avoided with a bit of common sense and patience. How easy would it have been to have moored in Blackhorse Broad and had lunch and waited until they had all gone? I respect my boat and would not have gone anywhere near Horning Reach between 10 and 1 - still it takes all sorts!!!!
  17. The Diamond 35 engine is mounted amidships under the helmsmans seat. it does make it a bit more intrusive if you have to have the sliding roofs shut but its not really an issue IMHO. You are right - they are great boats and I love mine!!!! Strangely they were never particularly popular and only a fairly limited no. built.
  18. Yep - No 1 has gone to Ferry although I dont think completion will necessarily be this season - they have almost finished the 36 which looks great. Very pleased to see they have at last moved away from the black window surrounds to the anodised ones and that that looks so much better. She almost looks too good for the fleet. Its just great to see the continued commitment by a few to putting new boats into the hire fleets - just a pity that most yards cannot just find the cash and possibly the labour to fit out these shells with only the bigger yards generally able to fund them.
  19. Ferry have an Alpha 36 being fitted out - they recognise that not everyone likes the bridgedeck cruisers.
  20. Be grateful it was not all our money but I believe EU money so the whole of Europe contributed - on a pro rata basis anyway!!! Yes i am afraid it was always going to be a white elephant but I would not go as far as believing the conspiracy theory about shutting the road and pier - thats a bit far fetched as you can see whats going on from many other places in Yarmouth!!!! However it is a great pity that despite the good intentions of bringing work and investment to a very run down area it was to no real avail - Yarmouth really does desperately need new investment but just how do you get new companies to move to the area? I am sure it will pick up work from the wind farm industry but work that Yarmouth would not have otherwise got? I doubt it - sadly.
  21. That new Ferry sliding roof jobby is a nice looking boat in the flesh too - a sort of bridgedeck with a sliding roof. Everybody always knocks these types of boats and for extended cruises I tend to agree. But remember many punters now only come for short breaks and for these they are ideal. But to cater for those who want a lower roofline I am pleased to say good old Len has not forgotten you - what should have arrived in his shed for fitout but an Alpha 36 to be ready by July and is further proof,if you want any, that LF continues to invest real money. I have quite lost count of the no. of new boats he has built in 3 years but it is good to see he varies the designs and sizes too. Whilst I know some complain, but he does put his money where his mouth is!!!!! I think its great to see the commitment of him and his staff.
  22. Dave - just to put you in the picture on the BA moorings - I do not think that they actually own any of them.They are leased mostly. Whilst i know its frustrating do you really think it an acceptable use of funds to spend perhaps upwards of £500k just to buy a few overnight moorings? The cost of riverside frontage in Wroxham is prohibitive and that kind of money would buy very little. Seems to me the answer may to spend a few bob yourself and make your screen a little easier to remove/lower.Is that a difficult exercise? Not sure what your airdraft is but i am rarely prevented from going under in the summer with an airdraft of 6' 9".
  23. I know of a local boatbuilder who will no longer use brass screws because of the poor quality - now uses only stainless.
  24. Sound business sense to keep adapting but at the same time get as much out of the hull mould as you can!!! Say what you like about LF, he is nobody's fool.
  25. Always difficult to see from line drawings but I like the idea of some of the innovative ideas. You have to keep up with expectations and Benetau have always been in the forefront - just look at their sailing boats and how we all sneered. But as a result Westerly went bust more than once!!! I bet they will be booked solid and thats the judgment any operator will make. I do think here on the Broads we do not look too hard at new ideas and some things need changing - not necessarily design profiles though.
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