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Everything posted by marshman

  1. Andy is quite right - treatment is refused sometimes. perhaps, because people are overweight. For example, any overweight person with a BMI in excess of 30, will not be offered a hernia - or so they told me when I went for my preop. I have also heard of others who are told they have to lose weight before operations. We have all heard these "personal freedom" squit arguments before - as far as I am concerned I don't care about the health of the unvaccinated, until it affects myself or others, by for example, an unvaccinated person using a bed or facilities which could have been available for other very sick people. And there is no shortage of them around being denied their treatment.
  2. Reading in a publication the other day about unvaccinated people, it was compared to deliberately leaving the light on during the Blitz. Your actions may not affect you, but could be devastating, and/or deadly for those around you. As a result wardens patrolled to ensure it did not happen - now I am not advocating wardens, but it would be nice to see police helping to enforce it where necessary. I like Rum Punch's daughters comment!!!
  3. Guess what Ian - it is part of a chain. It is owned by Classic Inns!
  4. Does everyone getting in my car put on a seatbelt? Of course as I am trying to save lives - the only infringement to their personal freedom is if they get in the back and I have not taken the child locks off! When did anyone see a motorcyclist without a helmet? Do no hear a lot anymore about freedom being infringed over that issue! Indeed I would go further - if an unvaccinated person has to go into hospital and takes a bed another could have had, I would make them pay for that bed space and the treatment - perhaps then the staff could deal with the ever growing list of people waiting for help which was not due to their stupidity!
  5. Thanks Carole - cheered me up no end at the mere thought of it!!
  6. Wait for it, wait for it!!!! I don't think we are going to get a lot of rain, but it may be a tad breezy from the S/SE around teatime and beyond!! Might be a bit draughty where you are moored - I would motor up to Salhouse and tuck in on the last bit of quay heading at the far end! But I know the problem - a long way from a pub fire!!!!
  7. Don't forget that the one you really like will be always be above your budget - known as sods law so you might as well be ready for it!!!!!!
  8. Not at all - for what its worth my view is that the removal of the Bridge would NOT not be progress but a particularly retrograde step!!
  9. Why not bring back the red flag - sadly like it or not, you just cannot stand in the way of progress even if you disagree as to whether its progress or not!! There are still people who do not use online banking - my view is if you don't want to, don't use these "new fangled" tools but how many would do away with Amazon, if only because you can get what you want, when you want. I guess there are some that don't use Amazon and argue whether its progress but with technology being what it is, I doubt either Facebook or Twitter will be around 20 years - ask your grandchildren whether they use either - probably not!!! Society has to adapt to technology, like it or not - and I don't like a lot, but thats because I am getting too old but just accept I am a dinosaur - but thats not going to stop it!
  10. No problem with the booster jab in the Norwich area - drive into the City and use Castle Mall - just turn up no booking required. At lest its inside if you have to queue
  11. Don't quite understand that - surely if the "hump" is not there, then the surges cannot be held back by that so called hump, and will move further upstream - incidentally which is already happening gradually! Winter salt water surge tides now get up to the Horning Church area - depends on the level of salinity you are looking at.
  12. Water level increase estimated on average at in the region of 3.5mm per annum - so even by my rubbish maths since the BA took over thats around 5". Not sure what the average level at Potter was all those years ago but take 5" away and what do you get? Somewhere near todays level I would guess- with or without that "hump"! Just one more idea for Griff to knockback with his vast knowledge of the Broadland waterways - if water continues to drain more quickly from the Bure, as it indeed would, what would happen at Yarmouth if the Yare had remained high - as it can do! Don't forget the Bure would continue to drain as the Yare rises - would this cause flooding in that very vulnerable populated area in Southtown and indeed other vulnerable areas in that well known town. It already overtops at times so where would the excess water go? Perhaps it not just Potter Bridge we should be worrying about!
  13. Eloquent Griff, I admit, but thats merely your opinion. Could you show me any evidence that removal of the Bure Hump, as you call it, would make any difference - what it is certainly not is much to do the BA, as all dredging issues are controlled by the EA who grant the licences for dredging. Has there ever been a proper hyrdrographic survey done to show the impact of its so called advantages/disadvantages? What impact would it have on fishing probably allowing saltwater surges even further upstream than now and allowing more water further downstream - how would this impact the flooding issues at Gt Yarmouth, if at all? Despite your comments, I actually do believe it would spoil the area - but that again is of course, merely my opinion too! Fortunately the Bridge is a registered Ancient Monument so all talk of removal will remain just that - talk! Thankfully!
  14. Quietly dozing away up Meadow Dyke one summer afternoon, I was visited, mostly overhead, by Norfolks Big Six! Bittern, Otters, Norfolk Hawkers, Swallowtail, Cranes and Kingfishers!! And nary a Margoletta in earshot or sight to disturb the tranquility! (Which is why it is just so special!! )
  15. Warren - you will be pleased to know it will never happen!!! The area above is to remind everyone what the area used to look like - stunningly beautiful and remote and teeming with rare wildlife - lets leave it alone, so its not turned into a "theme park" , to remind us of a bygone era. If you chose to do so, its easily accessible - do so and you might realise what I mean! It really is Natures Wonderland!!!
  16. At least boats cannot get bigger if they want to use the whole system - 46' is the maximum for the smaller rivers! As for the hull, could be going to Clive's!!
  17. John - don't forget that many newer boats include the facility to take all grey water, including, and especially, from showers! Shower a lot and that has to be emptied as well! They also have domestic toilets and large shower heads, and these use a lot of water - the downside is as you describe!!
  18. The trouble with early "spring" is that it always come late to Norfolk!!! Surrounded as we are - almost- by sea that warmth benefits us this time of year but not as sea temperatures fall over winter months and even April can be pretty chilly! OK its a generalisation but we seem to be having warmer autumns and cooler springs - or is it me getting old???
  19. A good guidance as to water quality is the lilies!! The white ones require a higher water quality and you continue to see them spread across the system - years ago you rarely saw yellow ones let alone white ones!
  20. And of course from everyone insisting on having showers 3 times a day!!! Replaced one type of pollutant with another! A reason why many new boats on the hire fleets are fitted with grey water tanks which take all the washing up, shower water etc etc. Less visible than the floating variety but still a difficult pollutant to deal with.
  21. Similar to many jobs - quality and reliable workers are in demand!
  22. Fred - there are still the exceptions stated similar, to those applying to length - these are quite specific! He may well have applied for permission and be travelling under that basis!
  23. 8 (c) doesn't mention it has to be anything to do with boatyards etc just that it is limited to 4 trips a year - the boatyard bit is specifically referred to under 8 (d) as I read it - but I am no lawyer!!!!
  24. I think Rum Punch is correct - 4 visits a year and notice to be given to the BA more tha 7 days in advance - or thats my reading of the Bye Laws. Perhaps someone can check that? Do you think this Forum could get away from the tendency for "trial by Forum" attitude before they check the facts and make guesses about what's happened? If he has got permission, then it does us no credit - or perhaps it does?
  25. Tides don't look too good - you will be just after springs and the clocks will have changed but Wednesday looks doable especially if you moor Tuesday night at Stracey Arms - think you could leave Stracey around 7.30, pass Yarmouth about 9. The tide with all this fresh water is bound still to be ebbing on the Bure, and you will catch the flood across Breydon. Probably even do similar if you moored at Stokesby - the tide will be ramping out down to Yarmouth! But it is springs ish so there might be a reasonable flow to be mindful of!!
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