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Everything posted by marshman

  1. Indeed - I wonder why the Council were insisting on a 7 year lease? Not sure I would want to take on a maintenance lease with that period in mind. The BA have been caught out before on the maintenance issue only for the Lessor to bring a a lease to a premature end. As has been said two sides to every story...!!!!
  2. Better than having to do it once a day!!! Depends where you start from and where you are going but via Watton looks an alternative coming out at Thetford or Mildenhall methinks, just to keep moving.
  3. Ref the last post re the A11, I think you can forget that for the best part of a couple of years now. Sadly it means any trip south will have to be via the A140/A12 - I almost hate the A140 as much as the A17 but I had better get used to it!!! Actually could die before they finish that bit of road rebuilding - add that to Mildenhall and the Thickthorn if they get the go ahead, and I doubt if I shall ever use the A11 again before I peg it!!!!!
  4. Just came back via Peterborough only today - no issues and in fact one of my better runs. Almost exactly 5 hrs from up near Bishop Auckland to Blofield Heath
  5. On that theme - Boat Owner - Add a Thousand
  6. There was indeed but it must have been a long time ago. Not even sure it was operating when even I was first up and down there although the Buckenham side there is an old post sticking out of the reeds and in those days long ago, I have the vague recollection of a jetty, a bit like the Coldham Hall one, now long gone or buried in said reeds.
  7. Lots of yards still have towboats - Bridgecraft still have one I believe up their dyke. Having said that most yards will use a cruiser thats not being used if necessary!!
  8. P.S. Just seen someone else has said that - sorry!
  9. If you are worried about the Stokesby moorings being full, you could always nip a bit further down and stay at Stracey Arms - that means you can have a longer kip and whilst busy, they don't get full. However don' t forget if mooring at Stracey its much easier to moor against the tide, whichever way it is running.
  10. Dogs require lifejackets as well as people on a boat. - not because they cannot swim but so you can retrieve them much more easily. Dog owners take note !
  11. Smaller diesel engines MAY temporarily be going out of fashion in Western Europe but tell that to the rest of the world!!! It requires little imagination to see this as nothing short of fanciful - tell that to the farmers in India and almost all of Africa and the remainder of Third World economies. After, and probably indeed during, the forthcoming worldwide recession the benefits of modern diesel engines may well be reassessed - after all pollution from them is minuscule compared to that to be produced by the many coal fired power stations still being built and planned!!! Australia is still planning on expanding its coal exports and its all going to go up in smoke!!! Don't worry chaps, it won't happen in your lifetimes. There will always be a few who think PHEV's are the way forward for boats, but even that won't happen anytime soon. Miraculously all these so called deadlines will moved on. I remember from my school days that we had 3 Ice Ages that reached Norfolk before they retreated again - I wonder what caused the warmer temperatures to do that?
  12. Never heard it called Stiff Key except by non indigenous people!!
  13. Or is it that it looks like most foldup bikes?
  14. Go up the dyke towards Rowan Craft and you may find a couple of moorings just by the yard entrance - walk along the footpath ,under the bridge and follow towards the main road. The Wherry is up there on the left. Alternatively moor at the Locks and walk up the track towards Geldeston village. When you reach the road turn right and walk towards the village. About 1/2 to 3/4 of a mile at a guess. I have always found the food ok.
  15. Their website shows them as available and I am sure if you rang the Catfield depot they would put one aside for you which you could pick up - give them a ring just before you come up and nip over and get one. Those little bottles are in high demand!
  16. Bite the bullet and switch to Flogas - they show them as being available online and they have a distribution centre at Ludham/Catfield. However you will have to pay for a new bottle as they will not take the Calor bottle as a swop. Think you will find the regulator is the same
  17. Well the answer is for builders not to fit boat cookers - its a con to believe you need special boat cookers - at 3 times the price. Fit a standard gas cooker as all now have FFD but somehow this myth persists you must fit "special" boat cookers - it is not the case!
  18. I doubt it - haven't seen what the price of a cylinder of gas is yet, but I bet it's not going to be far of £50/55
  19. Roys always have trouble with diesel - apparently their diesel tank is not that big relatively
  20. Hi Paul - cannot see where though!!!
  21. The A17 does my nut in so I tend to go Kings Lynn, staying on the A47 and joining the A1 just beyond it and then go north. Yes its a bit longer but I would rather keep going rather than gazing up the backside of a trailer of turnips on the A17!!!!
  22. Actually I should not have picked on the NHS specifically - I should also directed it at the DVLC and other specified workers in particular I do realise how difficult it is but not all industry has automatic sick pay if you ring in pleading Covid - I bet few in the private sector don't and I suspect some even want positive proof! Several years ago, too many to count, I worked for one of the major employees in Canary Wharf and if you rang in sick that was fine, but next morning, or was it the one after that, a nurse would ring you to see if you were OK and would be only to happy to help or even pleased to pop out to you to see if there was anything she could do for you. But that of course is harassment!!!!
  23. Shame that doesn't apply to the NHS who currently have sickness levels in excess of 10% - before you shoot me down, not all NHS staff are patient facing!
  24. You will be pleased to know that the bloke was taking the lights away this afternoon - two days worth of lights for seemingly b***er all!!
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