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Everything posted by marshman

  1. Usually 2l milk bottles will fit under - at least it does on ours!! Make sure you have an empty oil can handy as it will probably fill that - someone will tell you how much oil will be in BMC 1800. If you are doing it yourself all yards will have an oil tank for disposing of old engine oil - please use that an don't just empty it away anywhere. If you are brave enough to even think of attempting an engine service at this stage, it is probably best to let an engineer do your first one, and note carefully what he does before attempting one yourself!
  2. When I was a mere lad, my first boat was an Enterprise and we all know they can be a bit tippy!! Especially compared to lugsail dinghies!!!! I launched at a yard in Brundall, where I was pretty well known, and on my first outing, solo as well, I had not gone 50 yds before I was dunked in the water before a grandstand audience!! Did the P & H Commissioners come to my rescue - no they would have been tucked up in their corner off Bargate!!! Did anyone from the yard do anything other than shout encouragement from the shore? To be fair I was wearing my brand new buoyancy aid - you know the yellow ones that laced up the front, and with a bit of encouragement and a few shouted, but contradictory instructions, managed to do the right thing and get it upright. I bailed like b*****y and paddled ashore to cheers from the boys . After that I was a bit more careful and rather than trying to impress onlookers, managed to make the right decisions and rarely capsized again, except once in a race off Hayling Island and then much later in a cat off Turkey from the trapeze, gracefully flying around the front of the boat attached to the trapeze wire when the skipper carelessly buried the leeward hull in a big wave!!! No one rescued me either time but I did learn a thing or two!!!! I always thought a premature dunking was part of the learning curve in a dinghy!!!
  3. No but many people drive around with a dog on their lap and/or untethered in the back of their car - in an accident it could easily be propelled through the windscreen. Humans are secured, why not dogs???? Lets face it, people do everything stupid you can possibly imagine
  4. Bit like drivers then - I wonder how most of us would fare in a current driving test!!!! I think we would mostly fail the theory, let alone the practical!!
  5. Not sure it ever was like that - other than in peoples imaginations!!!!!
  6. I have it on good authority that one well known yard made more money in 2020 than in 2019 - you should not always assume that you can guess these things!!
  7. marshman


    27mm of rain in Blofield Heath early evening yesterday - all in about 30min!
  8. The card was too small for the info contained in the pass!
  9. Some pubs / restaurants are indeed asking for the pass not most by any means but a few.
  10. Look inside - they probably have bulkheads holding the roof up!
  11. I suspect that it would be more prone to water ingress too.
  12. Used those tables for years and well aware of the GMT issue - but if HW say you can do that, so be it!!! You will just be using more fuel and going slower punching the tide!!!!
  13. My guess is the Yacht Station will stay open until half term - whenever that is. Your window down south is going to be limited merely by daylight hours alone and whilst neap tides do extend the window a bit, and one could reasonably expect current speeds to be reduced, Old Greggs timetable looks viable, on the face of it. However your margins for error and very limited and with daylight closing in, on a wet and dismal day, sunset times are pretty irrelevant. I would not make any plans at all now - it is just impossible to tell as, that time of year, any crossing is weather dependant. You are well into the autumnal equinox and whilst the weather can be lovely, it can equally be horrific!!! About the week before, ask again..........!!
  14. Its worth it if it helps stop Covid spreading! Jabs alone are not sufficient and they are no good at all if you don't, or refuse, to have them. Even if 10% don't have them its a lot of people! Personally, for what its worth, I think everyone should have the vaccine, unless there is medical reason why not. I am fed up with people prattling on about personal freedom etc etc but we wear seatbelts in cars without a question these days and if by not having the vaccine you spread it to someone who actually dies as a result, be it on your conscience!!
  15. Coldham Hall are open but are not doing food - he cannot find a chef!!!
  16. Having just been along the A47, please be aware there are still some night time closures at the Eastern end. I think they are mainly finishing off but westbound from 9pm it is shut tonight for example between Brundall McDonalds to the A146 at Trowse. Nearly there although minor holdups on the NDR as they spray on something or other during the day - the road is not closed whilst they do this but down to single lane working. Less relevant now the southern bypass seems fully open during normal hours.
  17. I agree and they are outdoors too - you don't catch it merely by looking at one another! Don't think I would have too many concerns over being on that beach but I suspect we are now so conditioned that many will see that view as being a "hot spot". Warm too I guess!
  18. They have been known to go whizzing past the lifeboat station, asking whether this was the way to Wroxham and quick as a flash the reply came "No - Holland"
  19. Andrew - it depends on where you are eating or where you are drinking as they can set their own rules. I think is a sensible precaution for venues to insist on it, but how easy will it be to forge? Its only a letter but we shall see!
  20. Not sure - you could try asking people what there average running costs are for differing sizes of boats.
  21. No I think you might be wrong. This is a letter which is sent to you - you do need your NHS number and only works if they can match it up!! Whether it does remains to be seen but worth a try. https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/covid-pass/get-your-covid-pass-letter/ Is this good enough for what you need?
  22. Same old story seen here too!!!! Do not people realise just how easy it is to turn a boat those bits of string boats have at the bow and stern??? All this to effort and hassle to do it with the engine - I reckon I could turn it on ropes, and probably in the dyke with most boats in around 2 mins flat and no sweat, hassle or noise at all!!! Boats float and are so easy to turn with ropes if the width is only marginally wider than the boat is long - why do not people realise this? Or do they think it is the macho thing to hammer backwards and forwards causing issues? I say it so many times but people will not listen!!!!!!!
  23. Desilting the area, only for it silt up again would in itself be a major job ( the spoil may have to be moved! ) and then you would have to put new quay heading in, so even the initial phase, after purchase would be a big money spend. Any building would probably require a major piling exercise too, so costs for maintenance sheds and a basin would probably frighten most people off. My guess it would take big money to get it off the ground, and any returns may take a long time to appear.
  24. Doubt you will have an issue!
  25. I agree with that but as you go down towards the Yacht Station check the gauges. Tides tend to run late but don't forget at Slack the incoming tide will already be coming in, underneath the water flowing out the other way - with the consequence that the water level will already be rising, albeit slowly but be mindful of the gauges. Alternatively use the evening tide and have breakfast and lunch at Acle - or wherever! I see that slack is just after 18.00 and the sun does not set until around 21.00 giving you 3 hrs, easily enough to say, get to Cantley or Somerleyton. I think I would actually come down say, half an hour before slack and although you might have to punch the tide a bit over the first part of Breydon, my guess is that it won't be too bad and will soon catch up with you. That way you can have a lie in , a leisurely lunch at the Bridge and leave around 15.00 and not bust a gut!!!!!! More relaxing that way - you are on holiday!!!!
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