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Everything posted by marshman

  1. Andy - believe me there is no way this is a precursor to them welding Reedham Bridge!!!! They have just spent millions upgrading the operational signalling systems on the Wherry Lines and also purpose built new rolling stock. Add to that fact that I know they are looking to upgrading the bridges over the shorter term - in this case I firmly believe that the pessimists are drawing the wrong conclusion! Carrow Bridge is the responsibility of Norfolk County Council, not Network Rail, and I must agree that even for a saving of only £150k, I agree that there are better things to spend money on a bridge that is just just not used and in any case leads nowhere. Nobody has bothered to check how many times it has been used over the last 5 years!!! PS Here is the link to upgrades being planned on the other bridges - I accept you either believe me or Vaughan - thats down to you!!!!! https://www.networkrail.co.uk/running-the-railway/our-routes/anglia/improving-the-railway-in-anglia/swing-bridge-renewals/
  2. Why do old black and white wherry pictures just look so good!!!!
  3. I will wait 'til he comments - don't want to steal his thunder!!! But what you cannot argue with is that over the years the salt water surges when we have them, now go further upstream than ever before - in the last 15 years or so since I have been aware of the impact of these, it is quite noticeable how on the Bure they now extend almost year by year. And like it or not it harms much freshwater fauna and flora - but who cares about that!!! Paul - what will really help is a 3 months drought and very high pressure before you attempt it but I have an AF35 rated at 6'9" but it is the width that causes the problem - as you say thats why they cut the corners off but remember too the arch is much different to Wroxham where its much more suited to that shape of roofline as its much wider. But even Wroxham is getting more difficult - I never had much issue at the latter but now if you are unlucky, that too is getting harder
  4. For those who read the Minutes avidly of the various BA meetings you will know it is hoped next year to spend quite a lot of money on all of the swing bridges. Now knowing Network Rail, perhaps it won't be next year, but they are spending a lot of time in discussions with the BA about what they intend doing - at least they are talking which is better than not talking!! It includes work on altering the operating system on all three, Reedham, Somerleyton and Oulton or so I believe!
  5. Paul - by all means ring them but I would give your chances as just marginally better than nil !! It does happen but you have to be around to grab it these days. Moor up and take a day boat for a few hours !!
  6. You will get all kind of answers but just ask yourself what happens to the Broads when sea levels rise because of global warming? That was of course 60 years ago. And despite those who deny its happening, check out sea level changes over 60 years! One big factor is the size of boats as Grendel has pointed out - boats are a bit like SUV's!! Now they have reached the maximum normal width (12'4"? ) they have boats which cannot go up the Ant or down the Chet because they are too wide, and many won't go under, or struggle, with Ludham. And yet they still let - don't forget the massive growth in short breaks and people don't seem to care if they miss the best bits!!!
  7. I did read the other day that somewhere round the back in one of those dykes they are going to be dumping spoil from further dredging of Oulton - all to help the Wildlife Trust and a flood bank? Is that right??? I know where those dykes are but have never ventured down them - which ones are which and which is Sluttons Dyke? About 2 years ago the BA appointed a new guy to be in charge of the navigations - for the life of me I cannot remember his name nor his title! Since then it seems to be that dredging management is a bit more "joined up" - he was instrumental in getting Waxham Cut dredged and also Catfield I believe and if he achieved that, he will have achieved something positive. I also think this winter they went up to Dungeon Corner from the Ferry - that corner had got very bad. Perhaps at long last there will be some cohesion in doing some of the out of the way bits. Or perhaps not!!!!
  8. Not like me to almost entirely agree with PW's post but see what being stuck indoors for too long does to you!!!!! Note I said "almost" !!! Thats it from me on this topic for the time being or I can see myself getting the chop!!!!!
  9. Local surgeries are a bit of a lottery - certainly at Blofield they are going to be building more rooms in quite a large extension and it is quite noticeable that the number of Dr's on the notepaper grows ever longer. I hope its a good sign - to be quite honest some seem to be much better run than others I am afraid!!!
  10. Thats a bit strange as I fully expect hiring of cruisers to single households beginning on 12th April? Camping and caravan sites too from that date as long as they meet the wider restrictions or so their websites say? No no - I don't want to open a wider discussion! Sorry!
  11. Well thats marginally clearer and nearer the official guidelines! Not going to say anymore as the door might get shut again!
  12. Sadly I believe that this pandemic is by no means over and we could well see many difficult times ahead for at least another 12 mths or more.
  13. Like many others I suspect, I actually had to look it up on the internet to see what Turnoar was on about!! Hardly going to be a major attraction if even locals don't know about it!!!! Thats no reflection on the people who run it but merely an indication how hard it is to get these ventures off the ground and to keep going.
  14. I should think "a bit of investment" is something of an understatement if you really want to appeal to todays holidaymakers!!
  15. The locals are never happy! They forget that many people rely on people flocking in, so to speak, and that these people are many others livelihood! No doubt he EDP will be full of such stories but they are only to be expected - bit like last summer using "stock" pictures of crowded beaches giving the wrong impression - no evidence at all that these people will either have coronavirus nor spread it. We cannot live on handouts forever!!
  16. The BA will not change their view ,or at least I don't expect them to!! They are still of the opinion that they are entitled to interpret rules rather differently! They don't and as such, on the information available elsewhere, I shall be down opening up on 29th March.
  17. Thats what the BA guidance says!!!!
  18. marshman


    I am delighted to say that the remaining tagged cuckoos have begun their journeys. I don't want to wish time away but there is always an intense pleasure at hearing your first cuckoo of the year. They have only just started moving so don't reply that you have already heard one - I guess young Mr Waller will be a good guess to hear one of the early ones, living as he does next to Carlton Marshes!
  19. I think what Andrew is referring to is the increase in the numbers of dayboats - I saw the figures from last years tolls but cannot remember what the increase was! Not any surprise there especially, given the day rates, there are probably more profitable than some of the bigger boats.
  20. Had my wrists slapped by the Bosses!
  21. Tread with great care using that abbreviation!!!! I told off for that not so long ago!!!!
  22. I had Womack Classic one year with my son, his wife and my grandson - lovely memories although I doubt he will remember it as he was probably a bit young. Nonetheless as long as you geared the sailing day around him, it worked a treat and we had a great time!
  23. Given the option I would prefer one of Colin Buttifants boats - altogether a different experience with small kids and just a few more home comforts!!
  24. But how can you get from one river to another without using the canals??? You would have to stay on just one section perhaps? I know a few are joined up but not all by any means!!
  25. Its sometimes difficult to spot "a tongue in the cheek" from some regular posters, particularly with reference to the BA!!!!
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