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Everything posted by marshman

  1. Had my wrists slapped by the Bosses!
  2. Tread with great care using that abbreviation!!!! I told off for that not so long ago!!!!
  3. I had Womack Classic one year with my son, his wife and my grandson - lovely memories although I doubt he will remember it as he was probably a bit young. Nonetheless as long as you geared the sailing day around him, it worked a treat and we had a great time!
  4. Given the option I would prefer one of Colin Buttifants boats - altogether a different experience with small kids and just a few more home comforts!!
  5. But how can you get from one river to another without using the canals??? You would have to stay on just one section perhaps? I know a few are joined up but not all by any means!!
  6. Its sometimes difficult to spot "a tongue in the cheek" from some regular posters, particularly with reference to the BA!!!!
  7. I think that someone has just confirmed what I said!!!!
  8. The RYA is in control of the licensing of boating instructors, not the BA!! There are several people, for example in sailing clubs who are qualified instructors for PB2 - I think your comment that the BA is may not qualified to do the training is inappropriate unless you know that for certain that they permit such practices? Do you really believe the BA would allow non qualified "instructors" to carry out such training? With respect I think thats being very naive - their instructors should be fully qualified as such and I am certainly not in a position to expect otherwise. And unless you know better, neither should you! They are also qualified staff who are instructors to show you how to operate other powered tools like brush cutters etc up to Lantra levels and would insist on renewals being done where required.
  9. Don't expect too many mind paying for someone to help coordinate some prosecutions - not before time! However my guess is it would be inappropriate to send videos in of exceeding the speed limit in your opinion- lets deal with the ones where its obvious its a flagrant breach of the byelaws and obvious from a video!!! Pete - I accept your comment but its better than no prosecutions going ahead at all!!!
  10. PW - not sure what Dayboat Level 3 is - do you mean PB level 2? I don't think the latter is a necessity as if you haven't got it, they will put you through as they have, I guess, in house instructors. Same applies to First Aid certification - all part of the training if necessary. PB level 3 is just not necessary on Inland Waters and is a much more advanced level of training used for offshore work There are some sailing Level 3 but not sure how valuable they would be!
  11. I would suggest whichever it is, if it were indeed either, there remains a fair bit of artistic licence, making a very pleasant Broadland scene! Get it reframed sometime - the answer will probably be on the back of the picture!!!!
  12. I believe you will find that Albion, surprisingly, has a Jenny just like that depicted on a certain individuals avatar!
  13. Like many he tried to earn a living selling art (bit like busking today I suppose! ) and he and others, would have painted one, and then on a wet day, and through the winter, copied it to earn money!
  14. It could, I suppose just about be St Benet's Level Drainage Mill i.e. the one opposite Thurne Mill for those who didn't know, with Ranworth Church in the background. Turf Fen is not an impossibility either, but it would have to be Horning Church you can see but all down there around that church, is shrouded with many trees - the lack of trees could suggest possibly an earlier date. But equally, I have to say it strikes me as possibly a generic Broadland view, with a wind pump, osiers, a distant church and lots of pretty sailing boats within the distant view, combined with a liberal dash of artistic licence!!!
  15. He obviously did more than one then!!! Yours is about 100X better. The illustrations in the Davies book seem to differ from edition to edition - the drawings in my original book are not signed, nor does it say who did them, but in my other copy, incidentally in much better condition, all the illustrations are signed by Rackham - and they differ from the illustrations in my "rubbish" one!
  16. Well one thing I can tell you is that there have been no flu deaths this year!! They have all been lumped into the Covid number I am afraid.
  17. Interestingly this very question has been aired on Look East tonight - the view of both the "experts " on the programme have said that if you live local, and as before, local is not defined, but they see no reason why in those circumstances you should be able to use your boat as from the 29th March. But I bet the BA were not watching and will disagree and leave it until the 16th April!!!
  18. I was interested to see the picture of Reedham Mill by W L Rackham which Peter put up a few posts ago - I have the original hanging on my wall!!! I have only just realised that!!! However sad to relate my picture has been hanging in full sunlight at some stage ( not in my ownership I hasten to add! ) and not only has it faded from Peter's photo, but gone brown as many of Rackhams paintings did, simply because he would, or could not, afford decent watercolour paints. I have also recently acquired a better copy of G Christopher Davies book, Rivers and Broads of Norfolk and Suffolk - there were several editions of this not uncommon book but my newer one has around 20 plates of Rackhams drawings! To me that was a lucky purchase but I expect a few old codgers posting here have copies of that edition too.
  19. I am assuming privateers as from the 29th Mar but no overnighting until 12th April - as long as the beans add up!
  20. Ian - far from a booster being a possibility, I think Boris suggested it was a probability from the autumn onwards.
  21. That argument did not get you very far last year!!!
  22. Not being able to go up the Ant would make it a complete no-no!!! I just don't understand the logic of going to the trouble of bringing a boat to the Broads and only being able to access half the system. OK it may be cheap but there is a reason for that - you can only use half the system AND the bits you cannot access, are the best bits!!
  23. I wonder what excuse the BA will now find to keep us away from our boats - last time they "let out" the private boaters well before the hire boats, as long as no overnighting!. Not convinced that they will this time, now they seem to have decided rivers are quieter with no boats at all. I suppose they won't want the nesting birds disturbed! What has changed however is that there are now even less people I could infect as like many others, I have had my jab a month ago! But no doubt they will find yet another excuse - incidentally the Lake District still seem to allow private motor boaters? Do we all agree that the BA should allow us back now or wait longer? Do I still have to creep down my boat under cover of darkness just to check it? I await with interest their comments but I have a suspicion we are going to be kept away - go on JP, surprise me!!!
  24. Boathouse Hill Beccles perhaps??
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