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Everything posted by marshman

  1. Not me! And not many other locals too. That figure is much too high I think.
  2. The trouble is, Andrew, everything you ask for costs more money ,not less!! It doesn't grow on trees!!! Another perennial complaint is that we do not see enough Rangers around - thats being addressed but who is going to pay the salaries?
  3. Really? I don't think the channel has altered markedly for a long time, although I think they did put some new posts up around Breydon Bridge some years ago. I think there is plenty of natural scour on Breydon and in any case is there a need to keep a 10' depth for the sake of it? That tug shoving the Thai may have taken a few lumps off - they tend to draw more than is apparent. Channel looks pretty wide to me - why on earth would anyone want it wider? Or was that just a "tongue in cheek " comment I missed. Cannot have it all ways though - Andrew seems to think more dredging is appropriate, others think the tolls are too high!!!
  4. Not convinced!!!! Colour looks a too light - but then I am not an expert!! And then there is teak, and teak!!
  5. Liz - I think you might be right. I was a bit suspicious of Reedham because of the position of the bridge but looking at the photo before it was flipped and your map shows the river bending sharply, as indicated. That house may not be the station as just before the station there are some cottages - perhaps its them. Those dykes also help in that the farthest dyke looks quite large - the map shows it going to the brick works. Vaughans idea of a tall signal also makes sense as they would have not had signal repeaters then and with that being a sharpish bend in the track beyond the picture, that then would have been easy to see a much taller signal. The tall pole by the bridge could have been some indication perhaps to river users. Come on Canarytops - you must be following this!!!!!!!
  6. Oh yes - it looks as though it is. The only issue I still have is that between the New Cut and the bridge, the river is fairly straightish and the picture shows perhaps a bigger bend. Is the original view the correct one but its taken upstream of the bridge rather than the New Cut end. I like these puzzles as Canarytops knows only too well !!!
  7. Hi Trev - looks like its right to "flip" the picture and I think it could easily be the top of the New Cut where it meets the Yare. Currently there is of course a boatyard/marina there - I agree the trees make it unlikely to be Somerleyton. The trees are perhaps the giveaway as behind where the yard is now is an old embankment - those believing the Great Estuary will know that used to be the old shoreline or "cliffs" - look at the O/S map and you will see the contours rise from 0m to 5m just about there - why wouldn't it have trees on it? I will let Vaughan suss out the signals as they are just sticks to me but remember that just north of the bridge is that old spur branching off towards Yarmouth - is that now gone because somewhere I read of that being reinstated? The only puzzle to me remains that long low shed in the left hand distance - Halls the wherry builders? Any pictures of that shed closer up????
  8. I think peoples expectation of redundancy can be illusory unless you work in the public sector. Out in the real world, its generally statutory redundancy these days - fancy payment's long gone!
  9. Its good job then, that he is not going to have to rely on you lot hiring it then! However like almost all new boats, they will almost always let well which is probably a better indicator than your personal opinion!!! Opinions don't make money but hirings do!!!
  10. Jean - don't give up!!! Got my phone call this morning for Wednesday. I get the impression they only make appointments when they actually have the vaccine.
  11. I think it was all about "discussions" Every business looks at all kinds of options and ideas, thats part of the process of management. Just because it was mentioned doesn't mean it was anything other than an idea being tossed around and probably helped by that weeks Countryfile bit about the Cheddar Gorge. As has been said its not going to happen, certainly not here as its logistically impossible. Cheddar Gorge is slightly different as are little bits elsewhere, but across the board, never!
  12. Jean - I think you have hit the nail on the head! There is no real control!! From their own figures I calculated there were 6.1 m people with precedence over my group and that figure has now been surpassed (6.4m inc today ) and yet my surgery has not been in contact other than to tell me I will get a letter - I await the plop on the doormat but it seems something is slipping a bit!!! Perhaps tomorrow - because by current vaccination rates they will have finished my group by Wednesday!!!! Still I am sure there are more deserving cases who can slip ahead of me.....!!!!
  13. Mark - do you mean BEFORE the priority groups?????
  14. Whilst I am delighted that some people in some professions are now getting their injections, I now see that teachers unions are pressing for all teachers to be vaccinated before mid Feb, we seem to have lost sight of the objectives!! The objective way back in December was to vaccinate first all those who have a greatly increased risk of dying if they catch covid - if for example you are over 75 the risk of you needing hospitalisation and actually dying increases exponentially over that age. Of course those working in nursing homes and hospitals where they come into daily contact with those who actually have it should get it, NOT those who might have the possibility of catching it (i.e. everyone !) but with even binmen pleading a special case, I am now more concerned that more and more people outside the original "list" are now being pushed forward, and in many cases, receiving the injection - whilst those in "no mans land" are being overlooked. And no, I don't wish to phone the surgery to waste their time - should there be a need to do that or is the organisation quite literally unable to cope properly?
  15. Lucky you can get a jab here in Norfolk. Heard nothing since I got a letter nearly 3 weeks ago, saying that I would be getting a letter!!!!!!!
  16. Sorry Pete - did you write that last para or has someone hacked your account????
  17. Whilst I may have similar views on electric cars, possibly because I am just too old to see it, never underestimate the human mind - Google for example is just over 20 yrs old! Even the internet is not that much older, and I remember the first electronic calculators and how expensive they were ( thanks Mr Sinclair! ) A vaccine which took less than a year to develop, test and put in production - don't be ridiculous! There I was locked down with nothing to do and scrolling through some silly news story the other day, I spotted that some bright spark (!) had discovered that heating Li ion batteries to 60c, plus some other tricks, allowed you to recharge them to around 80% capacity in around 5mins - and that was from a domestic electricity source, not some special charging structure. True? I have no idea! Feasible? Similarly!! But never underestimate the ingenuity of what humans have the ability to do - avoiding pandemics? Who knows one pill p.a. might sort that, but please, can I die first,. not sure my body wants to live forever and if it does, I certainly do not want to look in the mirror!!!!
  18. Easy peasy - put it on a lorry!!!
  19. Still not done all the Care Home staff around here!!!!
  20. Reading between the lines in the news in places today, there seems to be a subtle shift in direction. They now appear to be considering concentrating on differing groups who may transmit the the disease, like key workers, (not the NHS etc who should mostly have been vaccinated,) but nursery school teachers, police officers, bus drivers and even those who regularly have to travel on public transport, and many people who would under the "old" rules not be due it for some time. No official policy change but it now seems to be subtlety shifting away from preventing those being infected who may be in danger of hospitalisation and an earlier death, towards groups who "may" transmit it and who have been pleading "special cases"! Oh well - perhaps another U turn in policy and with Monday showing a sharp reduction in numbers being jabbed too - perhaps I am right in being a little sceptical of the Omni calculator!!
  21. I think the Omni "queue" calculator is very misleading - according to that I am due a vaccine around next week sometime. I know though, that they have not even vaccinated all care workers around here yet. I have had a letter saying I am going to get a letter but I am not optimistic - I reckon on getting mine around mid February sometime at the earliest - although I may yet be surprised! They seem now to talk about getting all the 70+done - I think they are going to combine the 75+ with the 70+ so they can give a good impression but as ever, they seem to be treating Norfolk, and Suffolk I expect, as a bit of a backwater! After all its mostly full of old people!!
  22. Whilst downstream there are flood banks to stop the river overtopping, further upstream most of large areas of marsh are "designed" to flood so they can take up a lot of the surplus water coming downstream - all around Ranworth and Horning the marshes are currently flooded, but that stops it going elsewhere. Its a bit complicated and the Northern Rivers are very different to the S Rivers where more of the water drains away more quickly. In certain places gaps have deliberately been left in flood walls so that land behind can flood above a certain level - as PW says landowners, and the Internal Drainage Boards play their roles as well but all in all, Broadland rarely floods disastrously partly as a result of the river banks having all been raised/renewed over the last 15 years or so - by the EA.
  23. No need for duplication - it would be a waste of resources!!!!
  24. Aha, Nutty Slack!!! My parents used to keep a boat at Nobby's and I pedalled up and down the river on "Nutty" a few times - I was a bit little in those days and I remember the pedals were a bit of a stretch to say the least!
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