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Everything posted by marshman

  1. Thats been around for sometime now - not sure its that successful once they start asking for money!
  2. They continue to dredge, they continue to maintain moorings, they continue to put in electric posts where possible and they continue to cut trees down! The trouble is cutting trees down is never as easy as all that and even when you do get permission from the EA , the landowner etc etc. the damned things keep on growing elsewhere! What else had you in mind? They only have a relatively small number of operatives doing that work and the budget is not going to get bigger!
  3. marshman

    Not Good

    There were said by the EDP that there 60 people there - I have seen 4 times or more in my local Sainsburys, many couples when they ask you to shop on your own, and whole families when it would be easy for one parent to stay at home with the kids. You just have to put these things in perspective before the usual people start ranting and raving - ooops perhaps thats not the right word!!!
  4. Dear oh dear Carol- that brought back a few memories!!! Liked the bit about coypus - me and some mates used to catch and then skin 'em and use the fur to put inside the parkas the Mods had. Cor blimey, his Dads garage didn't half hum a bit!!!!!
  5. marshman


    I think Meantime has summed it up nicely in his post about what you can or cannot do - that about sums it up IMHO. The BA do themselves no favours making their own interpretations, particularly as they themselves have no powers to enforce what they say. Despite many people decrying those who dare go outside their front door, there are people around who are sensible enough to make their own, and proper decisions without any risk of them infecting another person. You have to remember there are many who live on their own, who have no support bubble, and who will not have seen anyone over Christmas, and others who have no family, who may not even have spoken to anyone, let alone seen another person for perhaps over a week? Do you wish them to lock themselves away as well? Think perhaps on their mental health? We live in a lonely world with split families, less children and many less fortunate than even Ian for example, who has a partner to talk to whilst he locks himself away. (Sorry Ian just using you as an example!!! )
  6. Had another 16mm last night!! Doesn't sound much on its own but another 1/2" won't help matters. Good picture in EDP of it right up to the top at New Mills - usually miles away!! Having said that, it does look as though its gone now to be followed by much chillier weather for a few days!
  7. We had approx 48mm of rain here in Blofield Heath - my garden was pretty damp around midnightish!! I think that that is the third time this year we have had that much, or close to and this morning outside NBD the water was virtually across the whole road and the day boats were almost in the car park. Didn't check but couldn't have been a lot under the bridge!! Suffin' must be agoin on!!!!
  8. We didn't want it either but who can say definitely "ours" started here but once its around, no closing of the borders can possibly be effective! Everyone accuses Boris of doing that too late at the outset but everyone else has also closed their borders too late as well, - once its in the system, nothing can really stop it! If you halt it for a few days you may be lucky but it will spread, like it or not, preventative measures or not!!
  9. Ian - I believe France will accept the quick lateral flow test whilst the Dutch are insisting on the lab test! As Grendel says this happens everytime the French go on strike - and thats pretty frequently!! No boats moving yet but Eurotunnel freight seems to be on the move.(or according to them it is!!! )
  10. Knowing insurance companies, if they can find wriggle room they will I am afraid!
  11. Blimey - there must be hundreds of Broads boats with very bad osmosis then. I was never aware it was supposed to act as a waterproof barrier!! However I should know better than argue with AB!
  12. Whilst its an interesting video I have NEVER used a primer between different antifoulings and never spotted the difference! Anyhow thats by the by, this is freshwater and we do not suffer anything like growth seen in the sea - except for zebra mussels and they are usually overcome by a bit more throttle if it bothers you! Don't forget though its poison you are putting back into the rivers!!!!
  13. Tar varnish or to honest nothing. All you get is thick slime although if you have a shallowish mooring, then zebra mussels can be a pain. But they don't like shovels - so a quick lift every couple of years and a shovel soon sort them out. What I never understand, is that every autumn they sell posh antifreeze to not harm the fish, yet people still slap on antifouling - thats just as poisonous and is it really necessary? OK in saltwater - rubbish takes just a few weeks to grow but on the Broads? Not really!!
  14. This help? https://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/boating/facilities/slipways-and-launching-points
  15. Remember MM , half the hire boats have "wood" laminate finishes everywhere from shelves to whole bulkheads. You are in danger of overthinking the issues involved - perhaps you need a fiddle rail around the outside too in case some lunatic comes past, too close and too fast!!!!
  16. Just spotted it was not your picture of the sunset - that is as stated but your sunrise looks possibly S Rivers? Lets try and narrow it down to the Waveney - just don't recognise the buildings though?
  17. You said that one was sunset, not sunrise! Make your mind up!!!!!!!
  18. The last one of the sunset is instantly recognisable as Ranworth Dam.
  19. Its getting more difficult to get in as there are more notices and they have also been stringing the buoys together - unless you know exactly where you are going my tip these days would not to go too far in! That area is where I ran one of the Hunter Rebels hard aground! I was with my son and it was nice and breezy and we had gone into Turkey Broad, zooming past all the notices saying Shallow Water with me proclaiming they didn't apply to us. Carried on for quite a way and suddenly brought up all standing pretty sharpish - only one way off. Someone had to go over the side and it wasn't going to be me!! Decent shove and off we went but with the addition of his underpants tied to the gaff to dry! Had to do that at Hickling too before they dredged the channel to the Pleasure Boat a few years back - a few old dears in a dayboat got pretty excited with lots of cheering!!!
  20. Oh good - then I need not worry about them having to run engines then. Though clearly I need to rethink the size of my own battery bank and alternators to replicate that amount of power!!
  21. My kettle at home is 3kw and my toaster 2.5KW - look at the kit that Sephora has and not only does she boast an electric kettle but a toaster as well. And an electric immersion! None of those run on gas! She either has to be hooked up or will have to run her engine with that amount of electrical equipment. No wonder I enjoy the peace and solitude of mudweighting!!!
  22. But why oh why give it things like an electric kettle!!!!!!! Does my tea taste different with the water boiled by gas?? Think of your neighbours......!!!
  23. Those that want an all electric boat so they can keep running the engine to boil a bloomin' kettle!!!! Whats the matter with gas?
  24. Will boat bits ever get cheaper? Hell will freeze over first!!!!
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