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Everything posted by marshman

  1. Indeed - all caused by a lot of hot air!!!!!
  2. Sorry to disappoint you ST but even I think there is an issue - whether or not it is a crisis only time will tell!! I also have to inform you that I believe the Earth is round, the Americans did land on the Moon, and Potter Bridge is not sinking!!!
  3. Griff - rightly or wrongly its the EA, I believe, who have the final say on dredging. Perhaps you could ask them if it has any purpose? Its above my pay scale I am afraid, but one view I have heard is that without it, if indeed it exists, Gt Yarmouth could well be even more prone to flooding. As you know there are several low lying areas in that vicinity which have flooded badly in the past, and they are currently raising the walls yet again in certain areas. Not my original thought I hasten to add, before anyone shoots me down again.........!!
  4. No PW it does not matter that possibly only the Scottish NP's have direct elections, but I was merely pointing out that you had to live in the Park to vote, thereby possibly disqualifying boat owners, should elections ever be called for here if the same rules applied - which they may not!!
  5. I did think the yards hiring this time of year, were not at all happy with boats going south, or north, this time of year?
  6. No doubt someone will check it out, but I thought only the Scottish NP's had direct elections - well I think so!!! You should probably also be aware that to vote, you have to live in them, or so I believe - now that would put the cat amongst the pigeons and disqualify quite a few here!!!!! But no doubt I have probably got even that wrong, and someone will point out the error of my ways!! Incidentally go back a few years, and I think this very topic and argument about Sandford, was discussed here and very little proof was ever produced that it would result in closing navigation but thats what the opponents of the whole NP argument believe - personally I doubt it. I suspect too, that the Glover report will be largely ignored as they are too busy with other things, but if it were to be adopted, you can almost guarantee it would give the same protections to AONB's as well. P.S. Probably got the apostrophes wrong and a few split infinitives included as well!!!!
  7. One yard in Womack is just about to extend its basin and that will involve digging out peat I suspect, and that application was not refused, so perhaps that was NOT the specific point in issue as far as the proposed Richardson's development was concerned!
  8. Makes a change from having too much!!!!!!!
  9. Thats about it , in a nutshell! BUT there is no evidence, of course, they would seek to apply the Sandford Principle! Now I will go back to trying to understand a much more current threat, that of split infinitives!!!!!!!!
  10. Hang on - I don't really care one way or the other and in any case, its off topic!!
  11. Just shows how you can get two differing interpretations of the same thing - the founder on the site says the Society has closed, but that the website will continue for "..reference and examples.." - you just don't know who to believe these days!
  12. I hasten to say the "some" bit was me - having been corrected by ST, I will return to my revision of the use of quotes and perhaps apostrophes within the English language, although as far as the latter are concerned, I was interested to see that the bloke who ran "The Apostrophe Protection Society" has had to give up the unequal struggle and had to accept that people will never learn to use them properly!!!!
  13. "Some " people are reacting as they see fit PW - not sure if it is the majority!
  14. Probably not too much done about the electricity at Acle yet - don't want to be putting electricity in whilst moorings under water every other day as it has a tendency to make your hair stand on end!!!!
  15. I think it may even be a bit more convoluted than that - I think the major players such as the car manufacturers and more especially the oil producers see the electric car and the charging of the vehicles as a major opportunity to pass a lot of the cost onto the government and /or someone else, e.g. the power network companies who will have to provide the infrastructure and the individual as well. If we look at the fuel cell, it will be perhaps be the oil companies or rather garages who have to put in the kit - you can bet the government will not stick there hand into their pocket!! And if the simple issue of smart meters cannot be dealt with, how on earth are they going to be able to install the kit for cars? And if we cannot do it properly how are those major polluters such as India and other developing countries going to manage? Surely brainy people like David Attenborough can spot this? No chance of doing this in the proposed time scale - of course IMHO!!!!!!
  16. The only time I really drifted was across Black Horse in a summer storm when the wind shifted 180 degrees quite late in the night and probably got up to top end F6 or even 7!! Just as quickly as it got up it disappeared as if nothing had happened - apart from me repositioning the boat , naked ,in the pouring rain!! Quite - don't even think about it!!!!
  17. Contrary to the views of CC, I would always recommend you LIFT the stern weight at night. If the wind does shift when on a single mudweight, you will always still present your bow to the wind - this is bound to offer less windage than the full length perhaps, moored fore and aft. Side on the wind , your windage will probably triple, increasing substantially your chances of drifting. I think the risks of drifting are pretty limited and if you did in exceptional wind, the landing is usually soft - I think in all my years of mudweighting, I have only drifted twice - on Malthouse and Hoveton Little. On Malthouse I was shoved along by another boat drifting around and on the other it was a tad breezy in a storm around 3.30 a.m and no harm done!! I would have said 18kg was plenty and 14 would do, but far be it for me to comment on anyone's tackle....!!
  18. Two sides to every story - thats why the balance" is so very important!!!! And Vaughan - good to see you around! Off topic I know but do you remember a guy called Paul Reynolds - he was around with Tim Whelpton and Crossbow? He is still about fiddling around with wooden boats, albeit slower!!!!
  19. Again, I must say, with a few minor exceptions, you seem to be the only one bothered by all of this. On balance I am sure most people would prefer to see council employees more gainfully employed!! Each to his own though, I accept!!
  20. Perhaps they are busy doing something important!
  21. Agreed PW - but it is what it is. The bloke thinks he is smart but not sure he is! Not sure how old he is but he must be knocking on...!
  22. Hi Vaughan - nothing to do with the thread,( whats new? ) only talking about you some 15 mins ago!!!!!
  23. I am saure if you "search" you will find a thread where this has already been discussed at some length???
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