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Everything posted by marshman

  1. My neighbour has put up some Christmas lights today!!!!!!!
  2. Albion is probably painted and rarin' to go but like all responsible operators, and confirmed elsewhere, the Trust has put the season on hold and it will reconsider the position in early June. Equally at least I am doing something productive by suggesting to going to wok on my boat - I cannot do that from home. ( Just to say for the record, I could actually disagree with the BA (or Boris) on this issue as it relates to some individuals. We have established that as an individual who can easily do without being in contact with anyone else I am not much of a risk to others, so why does my travelling on the river alone constitute a risk? Surely the "unnecessary travel" bit is all to do with reducing risk to others but where is the risk if I come into contact with no one other than myself? I can go by car up my allotment alone and dig it, but not go on a river? Still note my first comment and make the most of it!! )
  3. Thank you Mr Waller for your kind words - its good that someone keeps you on your toes. You cannot have it all your own way and just as you like to propound your views as correct in every way, I take the view that there are many who do not always agree with you and I shall continue to point people in the other direction if I should consider it appropriate! As has been said quite correctly, its all in the interpretation!!!!
  4. Thanks guys - I'm off!!!!!! Well actually not today as I just about finished the inside yesterday, apart from the berth cushions. I then have to start on the outside and I keep looking for reasons not to do that - it will require sometime due to the green growth overwinter!
  5. Please do not get me wrong and I certainly do not want to incur the wrath of posters but I am at a loss to understand why I cannot, realistically, go down to the boat! I live on my own and I have a car - all I have to do is to go out of my front door, drive about 5 miles, get out of my car and get on my boat. I don't stop, I don't see or talk to anyone else, and I work away quite happily on my own. When I finish, I lock up , get in my car and drive home alone, go in and shut the front door. No one else has access, without me handing them the keys, to my home , my car or my boat. Even if I were to do a risk assessment I cannot see how by indulging in that activity, I am endangering my life, or that of others. (Other than by drivinig! ) I am far more of a menace on the computer and locking myself away, is endangering my mental health!!
  6. I DO NOT SUPPORT THE BROADS BECOMING A NATIONAL PARK!! ST - you do KNOW that but you persist in saying I do!!! The evidence please??? But then you know I don't support it anyway so that will be hard to find! Careful RM - you are in danger of treading in with your feet without knowing the detail - may I suggest you read the 10000 or so pages on this topic? It is one that has been discussed ad nauseum but the more so as PW has a diary note every week to bring it up again just to make sure no one has forgotten about it! And as far as Brundall Broad is concerned, why should they reopen the Broad, and can you imagine the cost - who is going to fund that? Out of the Nav Comm account? Not on my watch - there are far more urgent things to spend money on imho. And do you not think that the poncey houses overlooking the Broad might have something to say? I can also almost guarantee it would never get planning permission either. The Sandford Principle was not enshrined in law until 1995 so way way after the Broads mentioned were "privatised"!!!!
  7. Well, for what its worth, and whatever I think will not stop those actually wishing to , blathering on, I actually see nothing in the Broad Sheet to especially concern me given that I cannot see their stance has been changed and neither do I see S. 62 being used to enforce the fears of those who clearly cannot sleep at night, worrying about whats coming in their back door! But whilst I actually believe the Glover Report will now gather dust in someones bottom drawer, there is some real logic in gathering all the NP's, AONB's and triple SI's together - having said that, I really doubt there is a will to do this in the medium term and we will continue to have a mish mash of bitty legislation as we have now. Its not satisfactory but at least it exists. I would prefer not to turn this into a slanging match but as always there is no evidence whatsoever of any "back door " entry as suggested. It remains as it was and nothing has changed, but then PW knows that but I suspect just wants to keep the topic alive through yet another angle! Incidentally, I cannot ever remember Brundall Broad being open (Pete - have you any such pictures showing that in your vast hoard? ) and even in the early 60's you could not access Martham South because of a barrier and Martham North was so weedy even then, it was virtually impossible to get a power boat on it. And whilst you could get a boat to Wheatfen, I think a well known naturalist "helped" things by accidentally sinking the Liberty in the entrance - conveniently. In the time of the GY P & HC methinks!! Horsey - never happened and never could have because of the rights of access granted to cross it but I am sure that the real pressure there came from the Buxton Estate and indeed still does regarding anything happening at in that neck of the woods, even today.
  8. Forget the Press - most people would regard the Daily Mail as mainstream and sadly, it is far from it! Repeat just the advice given out by the NHS and official Govt sites please
  9. I cannot be certain but I saw some days ago this had been totally discredited - there just appeared to be so many statements at odds with the facts put out by more reliable sources. Indeed some discredited here https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-51735367
  10. Is that published and approved by the medical officers? There do seem some pretty dodgy statements in there and some of it seems very odd advice. Could the Mods consider removing it before it is fact checked?
  11. And possibly, washing their hands!!!!
  12. Me too! It does just occur to me whether yards will still do pumpouts but i guess the bigger yards at least will keep staff on, especially as they will be claiming the salaries etc
  13. Looks as though the rivers will be eerily quiet for those with their own boat and who live pretty local.
  14. Is anything logical about Norfolk?? You expect too much!!!
  15. Chris - that decision by Wherry Yacht has been taken by Wherry owners across the board, I believe. In the circumstances the right one but it does not pay the bills! Business rate relief will help a bit as will the policy to pay 80% of wages, but voluntary organisations will suffer especially as lots of volunteers automatically fall into at risk categories - although to be fair consumption of biscuits might fall substantially!!!!!
  16. I would never buy a second hand auto jacket, unless it has been fully serviced and/or thoroughly checked, unless you can do that yourself.
  17. Depends on the type John - the "vest" type are much more comfortable!
  18. I agree you should not use inflatable ones, which is why I wrote what i did, but there are auto jackets for sale which they say are suitable for children 3yrs and up if you search online!
  19. Don't necessarily use life jackets per se - don't forget that we only ever sail on the Broads in Cat A waters and life vests ( buoyancy aids) are adequate. There are plenty of modestly priced ones suitable for kids. In the US, the USCG authorities state auto inflates are not necessarily acceptable for young children.( Or they used to!) Equally you should not IMHO EVER borrow life jackets - can you fully check one and carry out the necessary safety checks? Indeed I do not think I would ever lend one for that reason - what if the auto inflate failed to fire?? Read up on line what is best and opinions do vary, but for peace of mind go and buy a properly fitted life saver of whatever you decide but remember you are relying on an auto inflate to actually work and there are many "floating" around I would not buy - you get what you pay for and if its a life you are going to save, money should not be an object
  20. Good to see water levels finally retreating a bit - had to readjust the mooring lines today which is the first time since I lengthened them at the back end of last year. Firstly this easterly wind is drying out the land and without fresh rain, either recently, or at least not much, there seems less in forecast over the next week or so - thats good news as I don't want to lengthen them again!! Seems that with or without the Bure Hump, the surplus water is now getting away - and not before time!!!!
  21. Oh!! I am a bit disappointed! Reading the title I thought this thread might be about the views people had on the BA - all in need to continue to provide balance of course!
  22. Don't flatter yourself - even were it the truth which I very much doubt, I am STILL much more concerned with reality than fantasy power games! Now its down to you and your protagonists to get excited over - my concerns are elsewhere.
  23. I saw from somewhere today a report that the converse is now applying - in some countries further down the "line" the supermarkets are now having trouble storing the stuff that people are not buying - simply because they are using their reserves. In Belgium, I understand buying more than you need is called"hamstering" !! Delightful!!
  24. Argue the toss all you like, but I am personally much more concerned about those dying all over the world, those health professionals in Italy who are in tears because they can do nothing to help, and those people in the community who do not know how they are going to get by, and indeed those in the community who are alive today but will not see the year out. Please don't expect me to contribute to a "debate" over something so inconsequential, you should all be ashamed. ALL companies locally and organisations throughout the UK will have appointed smaller groups to make decisions, and I myself am part of a very, in overall terms, inconsequential one ,but to me thats GOOD management and not bad. I shall leave you, on this topic, to your eternal prattling!
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