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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. It looks to me as if the boat owner has every avenue covered. Large boat to live on, small boat for trips to the shops and hopefully dispose of his porta potti, gazebo for sitting out on the land (whose land?) wood piled up on the land. How come he is allowed to stay there?
  2. I am wondering if this little plot had planning permission?
  3. Yes time to shift your car PDQ I would think up at Blakeney. They do warn you at The Blakeney Hotel not to park your car too far down near the estuary because of High Tides.
  4. The idea that this site will provide facilities for boaters ie pump out, water etc is most appealing. WRC's pump out facility is grim at the best of times. Not sure if Topliner still is a pump out. Sandersons isnt not always available and it is a right trudge to Goodchilds. Even more of a trudge to Hippersons.
  5. Back home again now. Must say that The Captain lived up to expectations and more besides. One thing to mention that could catch someone out is that , well on Captain 8 and I assume the others are similar the 12 volt charger is a USB type and not a cigar type connection. Luckily we had both with us. The boat handled very well and with ease. It started without the performance of counting to wait for the 'whatever they are called to heat up' you just turned the key and pressed the starter and it started. There was even enough storage for me who takes the kitchen sink as well. The TV worked in every location. Just loved the canopy area at the rear which remained toasty despite some times a cold wind blowing. A real luxury boat.
  6. Hylander

    Bye Bye

    Flaming Norah I would be in A & E if I wore those. Look just the job for a Broads boat
  7. We passed you near to Hardley Mill this morning.
  8. Hylander

    Bye Bye

    That is a debatable point. (pun).
  9. Hylander

    Bye Bye

    I agree Grace. You hit the nail on the head, school children. Not PC but they need a clip around the ears If the comic who posted " good riddance" had made it clear that it was intended as a joke then fine. If it is a question of oh dear should not have said that and then make out it is a joke - the saying. " don't pee on my leg and tell me its raining" comes to mind. JohnK stay please. .
  10. Hylander

    Bye Bye

    Thank you Ricardo. I will not support folk being nasty on here, for those who initiated this is not Facebook or Twitter on the Forum we have standards. For those who struggle with this, try a bit harder
  11. Hylander

    Bye Bye

    I do find this all rather childish that some forum folk think this is funny. If it was meant as a joke, I think quick short course at 'The Charm School ' is needed. Had anyone ever told you, sarcasm is the lowest form of whit.
  12. Hylander

    Bye Bye

    What way to speak to people. Not how we expect folk here to be. Admin........
  13. Had a word with Brooms this morning. They were totally unaware of the situation with the emergency number. All their mobile providers fault They were supposed to have directed the old number to a new number which for some reason never happened. Brooms are as upset about this as we were, all boats that are out will be phoned with the temporary emergency number. Brooms could not have been more apologetic. I feel a lot better. I can tell you last night I was going home. . If not for this forum it could have been a different situation over something that could have been sorted out over the phone easily. Any road up. All's well that ends well.
  14. While I have a signal - it was such a shock. Sitting here quitely and this god forsaken noise started up, we thought as being near to a railway line it was a freight train, then as it went on we got so hot and realised, nothing of the kind but the darn heating had come on with no prompting from us. Thought it would be easy but as no instructions at all in this boat manual decided to ring the emergency out of hours number. Totally unobtainable , rang about 10 times including the office. So I thought may be although our signal very hit and miss i would ask the forum and oh boy did Robin save the day and a marriage. It got so hot you could not stand by the blowers. Yes good in fact excellent heating system but when you want it. All you need is an on and off switch and not a degree in physics lol. I cannot thank you enough. Monica
  15. Bless you Robin bloody thing is shutting up. Really got us in a state. Cannot thank you enough. Thank you , everyone the forum has saved the day. Anymore problems I will be back on. Sorry about my key board skills tonight. Monica
  16. No fuse no thermostat it is driving us mad it is so hot. Can't get over not being able to contact them on emergency number.
  17. We are on Captain. The heating has cone on automatically and we cannot shut off. Anyone know how to shut it off please. Emergency number given unobtainable. Not happy that Brooms cannot be contacted. Monica
  18. Did anyone actually bring any string?
  19. Who is to know what the circumstances were:-- (purely hypothetical) Getting dark and next door (you are stern moored) starts its heating up, it is bellowing in your direction , fumes and all. Wife starts giving hubby gbh of the ear. Hubby thinks sod this and decides to move up stream and move away from the melee. They are not out to tear around the Broads at night, just should never have moored where you know it is going to be noisy. I must say that I was a bit shocked at Robins blog or whatever it is called when they speaking about if you had a collision. "Just take the number and phone the yard and we will deal with it". Dont worry about it. I would hardly think that would be the attitude of a privatee and his/her pride and joy. It gives the impression that you can go around bashing into people and its ok - dont worry about it. Well that is the way it came across to me.
  20. What a lovely looking baby. He is going to break a lot of hearts.
  21. Many a true word and all that........
  22. Thank you for your post. Chelsea14Ian. Often thought of going there. Your apartment (or whatever) looks very smart. Peter , is that £50 each for Africa Alive. One of my most favourite places to visit , the loos are spotless and they have a rating of 5 for their eating places.
  23. I will say it one more time - I dont do Facebook. I copied and pasted it from the Forum of Mr Weston. Bound2Please, I think we understand each other no need for reporting. If I had still had David's phone number , yes it would have been an easy option but you and I both know that at best he is a nightmare at answering the phone , or shall I say was. The OP was made with the best of intentions.
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