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Everything posted by Poppy

  1. This thread is rapidly deteriorating - on political lines. It's becoming clear where people sit on the spectrum
  2. Poppy

    Bad Timing..

  3. I think you'd be a little less than friendly if your neck of the woods was regularly invaded by readers of the French equivalent (if there was one - there isn't) of the Sun. My experience of France over many years is similar to Griff's- except that in the North , once they get to know that you are not a tattooed , shaven headed yob but are decent and well behaved they are entirely friendly , helpful and welcoming where ever you go. Just like the British really..
  4. Poppy

    Bad Timing..

    There's only on 'o' in 'Moron'
  5. Love it there too - our mooring is in the dyke. We can turn out yacht quite easily probably close to 34' with boom overhang and bowsprit though we've had a lot of practice over 14 years or so.
  6. Andit's even closer to the White Horse !
  7. I know there are some of us here who enjoy Folk music. Well, this after noon at 2.00 pm there is a treat on You Tube - a 'live' festival !
  8. Did you read the link ? What was 'outrageous' was the treat from the Chief Constable of Northamptonshire saying his force was "only a few days away" from "marshalling supermarkets and checking the items in baskets and trolleys to see whether it's a legitimate, necessary item". If you don't regard that as outrageous, you don't aspire to the same sort of society as me.
  9. Not just me... "remarks condemned as "outrageous" by a leading civil liberties campaigner" https://news.sky.com/story/coronavirus-police-backtrack-after-chief-threatened-to-search-shoppers-trolleys-1197126
  10. https://news.sky.com/story/coronavirus-lockdown-rushed-laws-create-deeply-unhelpful-grey-areas-for-police-and-public-11966379 Interesting read.
  11. It's started ! https://news.sky.com/story/coronavirus-cambridge-police-checks-no-one-is-in-non-essential-aisles-at-supermarket-11971517?fbclid=IwAR3RAgoOljFIZS9MYht9qjCXylDAMDf18Pt0nHU3tTK9V6PkItqO2RXEqNo "Cambridge police do not have the authority to judge what is an essential purchase. Nor are non-essential purchases illegal. This is an outrageous power grab by the police, and we must stand against it."
  12. I am certainly not refering to 'snapping a chain' or 'pulling a muscle' . Cyclists are regular victims of road accidents and eed the help of A&E , the Ambulance service and other such help far more frequently than canoeists, kyakers or for that matter any type of people engaging in water born relaxation.
  13. I'm really rather tired of this argument , whilst nothing is said about cyclists who are riding in some cases tens of miles for 'daily exercise'. Do they not have accidents requiring the attention of emergency services, the NHS etc ? We are told not to make 'unnecessary ' car journeys for the same reason. The distinction is odd.
  14. Good post JM ( on the changing face of authority). The Rangers as a whole are 'good eggs' . There are undeniably a few badones . However I must confess to a growing concerh of the tactics being exercised and the threats issued by some Senior Officers in the public media. One yesterday on BBC East was very beligerently suggesting that we shoud all do as HE says (what he is saying being nothing more than HIS interpretation of the Government's regulation). For example that we should only shop for essentials, lest his force should have to check the contents of our bags as we leave the shop. Where is the government's list of 'essentials' that 'his' officers will be working to? These individuals should remember that they work with the PERMISSION and COOPERATION of the public. They shoud take care not to damage the trust ( already weakened) , since they will continue to need it once this is over and normality returns.
  15. I can only assume you don't often use motorways - or the A47 Southern bypass
  16. Interesting isn't it, that we as individuals are all counselled to 'keep something aside for a rainy day'. Currently it is suggested that it should be around three to six months' worth of your regular expenses. Yes I know many are unable to meet that target. Why is it not the same for business ?
  17. It's not complicated. https://www.pinsentmasons.com/out-law/analysis/coronavirus-job-retention-scheme-employers
  18. They have the option to furlough their staff ,as is the option for most employers.
  19. Garden centres and plant nurserys closed - yet off licenses allowed to carry on . Bloody madness !
  20. Get your 'fix' on the telly. The 'Broads edition of Great Canal Journeys is being repeated tonight on Channel 4 at 8.00pm tonight, Saturday 4th April for those interested.
  21. I agree. However I heard that Broadsbeat officers were visiting yards at the week end and telling people doing just that to go home !
  22. They aren't 'taking over the town' , they're simply looking for the fathers of their kids
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