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Everything posted by Poppy

  1. That's capitalsim ! A lot of people like that - apparently
  2. Yes. Thurne Mouth Regatta is ALWAYS on the Bank Holiday week end. The TRR ALWAYS is on the week end following. As for the Forum meet I've no idea.
  3. Unless the Forum meet coincides with the Late May bank holiday.... No
  4. https://www.edp24.co.uk/features/wherry-albion-the-norfolk-wherry-trust-and-roy-clark-1-6450823?fbclid=IwAR3P0pOPcKopmX5Sqxmykdgia0CBac4CpGhxy7wO8BAXL0-yXHVqq5sxyzY If you don't already have a copy of this definitive book in your collection, buy it now. It's been out of print for many years and is a thoroughly good and interesting read.
  5. Another classic example of why the BSS should not be simply advisory but mandatory with respect to 'mains' installations !
  6. There is certainly money to be made out of firewood. It would also help with restoring the cultural heritage and true Broadland landscape.
  7. 45 MINUTES ???? On more than one occasion I'v been asked at the Upton basin " where's the pub then ?" When told its about a 5 minute walk my reply is grreted with a horrified " WE'VE GOT TO WALK ?". They then turn around (eventually ) and head off to somewhere where walkin isn't part of the itinery .
  8. I knew I had this somewhere in the recesses of my hard drive. This is an extract from The Blessed Authoritie's 'communications strategy'. " NAME AND STATUS 4.1 The Authority’s name and status has been the subject of much debate and some confusion. However in his letter dated 2 September 2006 the Minister for Biodiversity, Landscape and Rural Affairs, Barry Gardiner MP, confirmed that the Broads has an equivalent status to that of a national park and that the Authority is a full member of the national park family – as well as having ‘an important extra responsibility as the third largest inland navigation authority in the UK so that the Broads is in some respects a ‘national park plus’’. 4.2 The Minister was unwilling to support changing the name of the area to the Broads National Park, because the Authority is not able to accept the Sandford Principle which has been incorporated into national park legislation. This states that where there is any conflict between conservation and recreation interests greater weight should be afforded to the former. It would be inappropriate for the Authority to adopt this principle because it has three purposes rather than two, and the Broads Act requires that these be managed in a balanced and even-handed way. 4.3 Therefore staff should therefore bear in mind the following:  the Broads has status equal to a national park;  the Authority is a member of the national park family; and  it is not possible to formally change the name of the area or the Authority to that of a national park at the present time, because the Authority is not able to accept the Sandford Principle. 4.4 However as a member of the national park family it has been accepted that we can informally refer to the area as a national park, verbally or in writing, and staff and members are positively encouraged to do so. For example references to 'the Broads and other national parks’ or ‘the national park area’ are appropriate. There may be occasions, for example when talking face-to-face to visitors in information centres, where verbally using ‘the Broads National Park’ may add clarity to the discussion and is therefore acceptable, although use of ‘the Broads National Park’ is not to be used in radio and TV interviews (or in any written form). However if other people choose to refer to the area as a national park, we should not discourage them to do so. 4.5 When using the name of the area and the organisation in formal written documents such as letter headings and bank account details always refer to ‘the Broads’ and ‘the Broads Authority’. The only occasion on which Norfolk and Suffolk Broads are referred to jointly is in the title of the 1988 Act. 4.6 The main point is that while we are keen to stress that the area's status is equivalent to that of a national park, where legal precision is required we need to make it clear that the Broads is not a national park. In case of doubt simply refer to the area as 'the Broads'.
  9. That's how most of the antiques trade operates, surely ? Buy it as cheap as you can and sell it on as high as the market will let you... I don't see any of the schools and religious establishments as particularly short of cash !
  10. He therefore wants to rewrite The Environment Act 1995.... As most of us know, full National Park status must come with Sandford ! https://nationalparks.uk/students/whatisanationalpark/aimsandpurposesofnationalparks/sandfordprinciple
  11. Speaking for myself and not JM, I believe the Doctor is fully with the status of the Broads with respect to its NP status. It appears to me to be clear that he is pushing the boundaries little by little until he reaches his ambition of full membership. That will of course involve ultimately inclusion of the Sandford Principle !
  12. Whilst enjoying Salvage Hunters, This is even more interesting IMHO. https://www.dplay.co.uk/show/salvage-hunters-the-restorers I enjoy the Repair Shop, but find it overall a little sugary for my taste.
  13. Given that GY and Lowestoft fall clearly outside the BA executive area, if they do, that would be naughty at best . They surely wouldn'd wish to mislead in that way, would they ?
  14. And while we are on that subject... Does anyone know of a vegan alternative to breast feeding ? (Asking for a friend )
  15. Twice cooked for me. 2nd at a higher temperature ensures a nice fluffy inside and a crispy outer. Not sure what the third adds !
  16. Poppy, do not comment on the size of his member - repeat
  17. Absolutely. Another example of the ignorance of the screenwriter responsible for this rubbish !
  18. I only watched it once - NEVER AGAIN ! This version was total rubbish, tailored to a wider 'World' market - apparently. Anyone who had any familiarity with Arthur Ransome and his works could only feel the same... And who the **** is 'Tatty'? Political correctness gone mad . Why wasn't Roger renamed as well ?
  19. Not even fond of the location. The ices are good from the Granary - if you can ever get a mooring. For a good sized sailing craft the Broad isn't much good either, due to all the motor cruisers (understandably ) moored off. Rarely go there unless by car.
  20. Rather like the much hallowed on here 'Maltsters' IMHO. Never could see the attraction of the place - certainly over the last 25 years or so.
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