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Everything posted by Poppy

  1. Poppy

    Kill Cord

    'Wireless' kill switches are now available too, for retro fitting. Unfortunately I'm not aware of any for diesel engines
  2. Poppy

    Kill Cord

    ALWAYS use one ! (where applicable)
  3. Bloody Hell Grendel, You're that old ?
  4. Poppy

    The Locks

    Perhaps they should simply say 'chips with toppings'. That way everyone would understand, notv just the trendy, hipster Range Rover driving mob they seem to be setting out thir stall for.
  5. Ah, but that design isn't 'sexy' or appealing to today's market. If you hire/buy a boat on the Broads , do your research and choose something that meets your requirements. That may mean some compromises.
  6. Poppy

    The Locks

    Well MY money won't be crossing their bar !
  7. Poppy

    The Locks

    The revies on TA seem to echo Paul's . https://www.tripadvisor.co.uk/Restaurant_Review-g8090864-d2351072-Reviews-or10-The_Locks_Inn-Geldeston_Beccles_Suffolk_East_Anglia_England.html
  8. Poppy

    The Locks

    Worthy of a review in 'Trip Advisor.'
  9. Poppy


    Round turn and two half hitches on the bight - the one I always use.
  10. Poppy


    So long as it doesn't jam, which can be a problem especially when mooring at the top of a falling tide ! Check out 'round turn and two half hitches' . Very easy to both tie and untie.
  11. Poppy


    And wrapping the rope around and around the mooring post untill you run out doesn't count as 'tieing a knot. Seen that lots too
  12. Poppy


    I bet most of you b****rs don't have a clue what this is about
  13. Boats that attempt to be all things to all men invariably turn out to be failures - The Macgregor is just one such example. Horrible thing ! Mind you, this stuff isn't half bad
  14. Agreed ! I'm sure that NCC would be interested too.
  15. Poppy

    The Locks

    I' don't think they keep 'Wifebeater'
  16. It would be far less expensive to design cabin tops which narrowed towards the top -like they used to in the old days.......
  17. Oh , but what about the wildlife ? Breydon holds a greater diversity of birds than pretty much all the rest of the Broads together ! Build the 'boys' a Marina at Cobholm ( it has been suggested) and let 'em play offshore !
  18. Poppy


    Since it was around 2.15 pm, it's more probable that he was rushing to his next beer stop !
  19. Poppy


    The speed limit at that point is 5 MPH.
  20. Poppy


    And the rest ! His engine sound from behind the pontoon aleted me to his approach. I barely had time to get the phone out !
  21. Poppy


    It wasn't so much about his course, nothing wrong - his speed however....... I doubt that there was anything left on the morse
  22. Poppy


    Just gone past on Barton
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