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Everything posted by Poppy

  1. Look at all those 'health related' incidents. Perhaps boaters should have to produce a certificate of fitness from their doctor
  2. Poppy


    Sure about that ?
  3. It would appear that all is not as the newpaper story tells us. The existing barriers are now well 'past their best' and are to be replaced in the present locations , well as far as Barton Broad is concerned. This should have no impact at all on the navigation, thankfully.
  4. Poppy


    I heard from a reliabl source today that SOB is 'to be disposed of ', since she has not been found to be suitable for the Breydon job. It would appear that she may have had two engine replacementys so far as well. Boats selected by a committee are rarely a success - my attention was also drawn to the first electric partol launch, also 'committee designed'. That was a dissappointment too - allegedly.
  5. Apparently my wife knows how Liverpool feel.......
  6. A few have been calling for such a move for a while. Back before closing time ? not this year perhaps
  7. "Areas of both freshwater lakes equivalent to the size of 24 football pitches". My alarm bells started to tinkle as well. The entire area of Baron Broad is a statutory navigation, NOT just the marked 'channel' and it is widely used, not only by 'saileys'.
  8. Would 'accident' equate to smashed crockery etc? Some people seem not to give a flying f*** !
  9. Another solution to the 'problem' ( if indeed it really exists outside of Yare House) would be to re introduce toll stickers. Nobody seemed to object to those.......
  10. Not on a part of the boat that could be described as 'the hull' either.
  11. I have a 'toll receipt' for the current period. It's printed on an A4 size sheet of paper. Where should I display it ?
  12. Vaughan has some excellent points here, well made. How many 'local' people ( by that I mean folk with a genuine knowledge and experience of the Broads and Broads boating) have in the last few years been appointed as 'Rangers' ? I know a few personally who have applied and haven't even got shortlisted, even though they were skilled in boat handling, and new a considerable ammount about the Broads environment.
  13. My ole mate Edgar from Ringstut way , he's chuffed ta bits . He has been asked ter draw up a booklet called 'Do's and Dont's For All Rural Tractor and Ex Drivers , or DADfartED for short ! So far he has got :- 1/ Don't clear up the mud and mess on the road after leaving a wet field or track . 2/ Don't pull over to let cars pass no matter how long the queue is. 3/ Do try to get on the road at peak times 7-10 am and 4-6 pm 4/ Don't clear up after hedge trimming, and 5/ don't accept any blame for any punctures that they say you caused . He is looking for more ideas
  14. And when the 'funny ball' mob ( particularly the posh ones ) misbehave the media have a tendency to ignore it . On the other hand....
  15. East Coast IPA Well, it's come directly from the River Cruiser class association email to members received in early March ! It will be interesting if any such owner receives a 'Notice of contravention' !
  16. Following 'discussions' with the class association, the requitements have been updated. I trust the BA have told their rangers.
  17. ...... no matter what your religion tells you
  18. This latest Trend of Idiots, running onto Football Pitches, has to stop, and stop sharpish. It’s only a matter of time before somebody does it at Portman Road... And gets "The Man of the Match", award..
  19. Unless you were behaving like a chav, I don't think theres one copper in a hundred who would book you for it !
  20. Perhaps N.N D.C. will restore theirs now
  21. I think (hope) the 'bad' old days of Robert Chase are long gone. !
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