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Everything posted by Poppy

  1. I was just about to post the news myself. Sad indeed. https://www.edp24.co.uk/news/norfolk-angler-and-fishing-legend-john-wilson-has-died-in-thailand-1-5777317?fbclid=IwAR2r2kqDqgLx1TZjnHIZ-9itxicDSlFwjX_5whzomCor5XIaReJ8zVSKgOc
  2. Amasingly good eyesight Marshy - for a 'giffer'
  3. The harsh reality perhaps.. rather than the oft presented sweetened version.
  4. Poppy

    Stern Only

    When the BA have successfully completed theit campaign to harrass all boaters who don't have registration numbers on their ster, they are expected to move on to ensuring no more stern on mooring, as the Inspectors (sorry - Rangers) are unable to read the numbers in that situation
  5. Easticks yard was burned to the ground in the 1990s with the loss of a number of craft.
  6. Struggled along Train Reach on a nuber of occasions, desperate for a 'bell'.
  7. My My dad wanted nothing to do with the 'Legion'...
  8. Do you not recall how he treated his dad ? https://www.autosport.com/f1/news/81801/hamilton-to-make-management-change Leaving the question of £4 million promised.... https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/formulaone/article-2518967/Lewis-Hamilton-4m-promise-didnt-dad-F1-split.html
  9. I read that he wishes to emulate Michael Schumaker. With that in mind I have started crowd funding for some skis.....
  10. Not a parasol but..... I once saw an EW boat lifted at Upton with an angler's umberella wrapped securely around it's prop. Took some getting off, too.
  11. You are Marshman and I claim my £5 ! Never seen the two of you together
  12. "Never go ashore with the hawse pipe full " Any 'mariner ' should know that one - especially from the Grey Funnel line
  13. What a gross over-reaction (Once again ). "“The Broads Authority remained on the scene throughout the incident with their boat River Dog assisting.” Volunteer Helmsman and 3rd Coxswain, Rod Wells said “due to the remote location with a cadet feeling unwell it was deemed necessary to take them to the station where they could be met by the Ambulance Service.” Did they have no 'Commander' of some kind present ? If so, why did he not take command ? More impotantly, one would assume that the Sea Cadets would have adults with some boat handling skills aboard .....
  14. Enter 'fender board' into your favoured search engine.
  15. Was it the 'Ex Copper '? He does appear to be a rather a sensitive soul .
  16. "... zinc anodes possess one flaw: When used in brackish or fresh water they are prone to developing a calcareous coating, a whitish material that essentially puts a zinc anode to sleep. " https://www.cruisingworld.com/how/zinc-and-aluminum-sacrificial-anodes#page-2 I've been using Magnezium for a year or two now, but I'm finding they are dissolving rapidly. More salt tides maybe ? I'm considering Aluminium when she comes out soon.
  17. Further compouded by the BSS failing to incorporate mains installations as 'obligatory', only 'advisory'
  18. Happened to a friend of mine - same cause. He's moored not far from Bondons. His boat had to come out for an unconnected reason a month after it was launched. He was staggered to find there were NO annodes left!
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