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Everything posted by Poppy

  1. Not necessarily. "The master of a vessel operating as a ferry shall when crossing a waterway keep out of the way of any vessel navigating along the waterway" Broads Navigation bylaws 1995 Para. 26 Does anyone remember when Martin Broom's yacht was hooked by the keel when taking part in the Yare Navigation Race ? There was a man who knew what he was doing. He was something to do with the BA at the time....
  2. The banner has a mobile number.
  3. Yes! I ****in' hate that too
  4. Oh yes! That's another American affectation !
  5. I would say 'If the cap fits, wear it'. Otherwise, walk on by.
  6. Hmmmm... After that I'm not sure it is Essex that is at fault. Besides the very worst of Essex are East London rejects.
  7. "Fed up of" instead of "fed up with", "bored of" instead of "bored with". It's passing into common usage and they are destroying the English language. It's not natural evolution, it's nonsense perpetrated by Essex Man. Mind you, it’s better than when they replace have with of, as in, “you should of smacked him round the head”
  8. If you happen to sail past Oby Dyke (Just downstream of Bureside) you will see a large banner advertising seasonal moorings with a telephone number. I'm afraid I don't have it, but there may be someone here who does?
  9. Come on - tell us something we don't know Grace
  10. They aren't, and haven't been for very many years now, although it's the same family still I believe. The sailmakers are first class - all the sail repais for Nancy Olfield are done by them .
  11. The Goverment has set up a task force to see if they can introduce a subscription service offering products with recyclable/reusable packaging, delivered by electric vehicles. We had Milk deliverd 25 years ago, in glass bottles by an electric float. I wonder if that would help them?
  12. In the interests of balance, the recent incumbent, Jacqui Burgess kindly sent the other candidate's vision - Haydn Thirtle, a ward councillor serving Great Yarmouth and a Norfolk County Councillor elected last year to represent the people of West Flegg: " Hello All, As the current vice-chairman of the Authority and one of the two candidates for election as Chair on Friday, I thought this might be a good time to remind colleagues of what the role of the Chairman actually is - to chair the meeting of the Authority effectively, ensuring that the full range of Member's views are heard before decisions are taken. It is the Members themselves who are the decision makers, approaching the issues with an open mind, taking account of all the views expressed and asking themselves always : is this in the best interests of The Broads? Those decisions are arrived at by consensus and , once made, Members are bound by collective responsibility - a point stressed by the Peer Review Team. The Broads plan 2017 is the key instrument that drives our agenda. It is also important to remind ourselves that the Broads Authority is a non-political organisation and, as such, can only function effectively if politics are left at the door- another of the key points made by the Peer Review Team. I believe that great opportunities are on the horizon-the Glover review of all National Parks is a prime example. As guardians of an internationally recognised spectacular and beautiful wetland landscape, we must work to build strong collaborative relationships with toll payers, local authorities, local enterprise board, parishes and the entire spectrum of stakeholders. We, as members, are the ambassadors, promoting The Norfolk and Suffolk Broads with professionalism, bold aspiration, and a keen understanding for the benefit of current and future generations. Kind to all, Haydn Thirtle. " It seems clear where Ms Burges's vote will be cast. What a shame we don't have a vote, eh?
  13. There will be a total lunar eclipse visible in Norwich and the Broads on Friday 27th July. It may be visible from elsewhere if you can't be here. https://www.timeanddate.com/eclipse/in/uk/norwich
  14. A 'manifesto' from Haydn would not come amiss. Lana has provided a ver6y comprehensive statement. Surely he should do the same ?
  15. It can only get worse at the moment. 31c forecasted for tomorrow
  16. Poppy

    Zoe Sets Out.

    It's nearly right, but "Aim" is a little too positive a statement for Poppy ! 3. Gently suggest a heading to the boat, and then come up with a mutually acceptible compromise on the resultant direction of travel.
  17. BA notice Urgent Boating News - The Environment Agency have confirmed with us that toxicity levels from Blue-Green algae have been sampled at the following locations: Neatishead Staithe, Irstead Staithe, Gaye's Staithe and South Walsham Staithe‬. Please take particular care to avoid direct skin contact with the water the above locations.
  18. From the Broads Authority 20th July 2018 Urgent boating news issued by the Broads Authority on 19 July 2018 Breydon Bridge A shallow area has built up in the channel at the entrance of the southern span of Breydon Bridge (which would normally be used when leaving Breydon). This effects deep drafted vessels around the time of low water only. These vessels are advised to use the centre span of Breydon Bridge around low water until further notice. Please note the centre span is 0.5m lower than the side spans which the gauge boards are set to. Please plan your journey accordingly. The centre and northern spans are not affected. Bridge lifts can be requested as normal. For further information please contact Broads Control on 01603 756056. Exactly how deep drafted isn't defined. Nothing a little bit of dredging wouldn't fix, surely......
  19. Undoubtedly stolen to order. https://inews.co.uk/news/uk/land-train-thomas-tank-engine-lowestoft-suffolk-police-appeal-witnesses/
  20. A splendid production, a story true to the Broadland history, and particularly the latter days of the wherry. It has a bit of everything. Song, comedy, drama and pathos. I reccomend it highly. Incidentally, I had a lovely pint of 'Redwood' from the 'Grain' brewery. Also highly reccomended !
  21. "Crude Apache present ‘At the Turning of the Tide’, a high energy show full of music, tears and laughter. The show tells the story of the Norfolk Wherries, the great trading vessels of the Broads, which reached their heyday in the mid nineteenth century before suffering a terminal decline with the arrival of the steam railways. Set in the second half of the nineteenth century and told through the lives of one family, the tale follows the heartaches, triumphs, losses and disasters of the river folk of Norwich and Norfolk. Accompanied by music from The Punch House band, the sixty minute show is suitable for all the family – bring a blanket or something to sit on, a picnic and a drink and enjoy a trip back in time to witness some of our most poignant and fascinating heritage." I plan to see it at The Locks this evening.
  22. 'Angel wing' has long been associated with too high concentrations of protein and/or too low levels of Vit D, Vit E, calcium and manganese in growing waterfowl's diets. Exactly the conditions found in too much bread in the diet of young growing birds. I guess we've all seen it, and it's incurable. "Angel Wing or Slipped Wing is a disease that primarily affects waterfowl. This condition is more commonly observed in swans and geese, and is to a lesser extent reported in ducks." More here. https://www.beautyofbirds.com/angelwing.html
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