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Everything posted by Poppy

  1. Which brings me to this.. http://www.thedailymash.co.uk/news/science-technology/electric-car-owner-excited-to-spend-quality-time-in-tow-truck-20170823134566
  2. Waits for Mynah' s response.....
  3. There are electricall powered craft out there which work well. Indeed, the Nancy Olfield Trust's cruiser 'Whie Admiral' is one, and their two 'Bass boats' have electric auxilliary power. Of Course, the Trust have their own charging facilities at the base, but should any private need to charge their propulsion batteries from one of the BA points, they would almost certainly need to join the queue behind those using hair dryers etc.....
  4. And what 'hire deposit' would that be exactly. The absence of such is very much part of the problem ! Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  5. Lot of squit. It refers to 'Turnpike', where they spend a lot of their time. Won't be able to calla them travellers next.[emoji6] Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  6. Along with personal headphones please !
  7. Poppy


    Doubt there will be a 'next time'
  8. Don't you understand? There are some very expensive properies along that stretch. Can't have hoi poloi , all and sundry spoiling the view and their values!
  9. Poppy


    Their branch in Norwich .... an assistant there had never heard of Arthur Ransome !!!! Best use a 'proper' bookshop then !
  10. Its normal to find MoBos moored at designated demasting points. I simply tie up alongside if I need to - like it or not!
  11. All part of the master plan....
  12. Just seen this on FB. HILARIOUS !! http://www.pbo.co.uk/dave-selby/coming-terms-dave-selbys-mad-boat-54034#tu9XrXm2CFuL0lQ6.01
  13. One only has to look ay the 'Archant' titles to see confirmation of that - and not simply in the boating world. Journalism seems a profession near dead now.
  14. I bet they had Stella - and John Smiths too or something like it
  15. From the photos on the link her registration number appears not to carry the additional registered capacity (-4). Would that be so thatat she looks even more like a private boat ?
  16. It's the sound of rigging on a sail boat creaking that does that to me - but I know that has other effects on our Gracie
  17. Anybody who believes that the battle for National Park status is all about marketing is, I fear labouring under a misapprehension. It's a vanity project pure and simple, with all the 'wants' of the environmental lobby driving it forward !
  18. Of course, Marshy has connections to one - but not the other. BOTH are worthy of support, given their different construction tchniques.
  19. So there I am, instructing a novice group tacking upstream on the Bure. A day boat has been following sensibly and managed to pass us astern and continue on his way. A BA ranger coming towards us at that point decided to offer some advice to said day boat on how to pass yachts, completely ignoring the fact​ that we were going to cross the bows of his launch, and that he was in danger of causing a collision. I loudly instructed my clients to 'short tack' (avoiding a collision :-) )which caused said Patrolman to look ahead and notice us. His apologies were almost as profuse as his clear and obvious embarrassment, judging by the colour of his face :-) :-) :-) :-) Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  20. Two were moored there last Sunday afernoon. You'd have been hard pushed to find space for another The Broadland Flood Defences have NOT necessitated the removal of many 24-hour moorings . There were other reasons !
  21. Well I couldn't give a monkey's - I'll be out on Barton Broad as usual on a Wednesday
  22. She rarely ventures away from the muddy duck pond now , so I'm told
  23. Yes , more like a Suffolk resident.....
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