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Everything posted by Poppy

  1. It's a boat Vaughan. The educated experts in the BA dislike boats..........
  2. Get over it - It's not going to happen !
  3. They won't do it. The Environment Agency requires an 'Environmental Impact Survey' bofore work is approved or commenced. The BA were told years ago that dredging would lower water levels and this effect would be considered an 'adverse environmental impact', especially on the Upper Thurne......
  4. More evidence (if it were needed) that there's nothing wrong with the bridge - modern design is what's stopping 'em getting through
  5. More evidence (if it were needed) that there's nothing wrong with the bridge - modern design is what's stopping 'em getting through
  6. You're not wrong there. I was intending no attack on th disabled of any kind - I get more than a little 'upset' when 'Mr Nasty' is portrayed as a 'lovely man' when all the facts indicate differently.
  7. You'll find that there was a cost.... TO EVERYBODY http://uk.legal.moderated.narkive.com/URhJZB4x/ryanair-wheelchair-levy
  8. Bure, Ant and Thurne https://flood-warning-information.service.gov.uk/target-area/054WATBT1 Waveney https://flood-warning-information.service.gov.uk/target-area/054WATBT3 Yare https://flood-warning-information.service.gov.uk/target-area/054WATBT2
  9. But SHE WAS doing the shopping.....
  10. "When you go to the supermarket , perhaps you'd get some corriander to go with the curry I'm cooking tonight love ?" Later..... "Did you get that corriander I asked for?" "Yes" she replied. "Where is it please?" " It's in your hand!" "But that's basil dear"............. doh!!
  11. When you call '999' you will be asked a number of questions - and if appropriate will be told the location of the nearest defibrilator, together with the code to unlock the box containing it. The idea of a list, whilst attractive on the face of it is not really neccessary IMHO.
  12. Never flown with 'em. NEVER will !!
  13. I would be very uncomfortable dealing with a business who responded in such a way I'm afraid !
  14. A thought occurs to me. With the 'Blessed Authority' having to shell out less in providing moorings as is indeed the case, will this be reflected in a reduction in tolls charged ? Bet not......
  15. The ENTIRE BA planning team are a disgraceful waste of public money. There is no case that can reasonably be made for their existence,since the work could perfectly well be done by the District Councils covering the area - or does that smack a little too much of a democratic process for Yare House ?
  16. He must have been a member here - and guessed who that blond was
  17. http://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/news-and-publications/news/new-canoe-launch-for-city " The £12,000 canoe port is part of a suite of new facilities being planned by the Broads Authority with the Wensum River Parkway Partnership to help small boats access the river in Norwich, the only city to be set within a member of the national park family. " Clearly well used then ........
  18. Sad thing was they left 't poor whippet behind
  19. Poppy


    Laking the rags on board, they were in every respect a 'Stinky' - so NO
  20. But they're not on anybody's back lawn, are they ?
  21. So let's suppose someone moors and then sails off into the sunset without paying. How will Len get the name of whoever 'parked' it there? The BA have no legal right to hand over the details. Could end up costing Clive a bob or two
  22. I'm not sure that a a WOBYC 'downriver would carry the same 'kudos' as a National Championship......
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