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Everything posted by Poppy

  1. It's not just The Broads JM, far from it !
  2. Anyone else use this? Warning http://news.sky.com/story/ccleaner-security-software-infects-2-million-computers-11042928
  3. Yes, me too. It would appear that they knew rather more about the Norfolk Brads than was wanted
  4. James needs simply to put some wheels under the decking - no arguments then
  5. I'm sure theyve got an excuse - leastways there will be someone along soon to explain the difference....
  6. It's interesting how criticism of 'certain' establishments on the Broads seems to attract ire and wrath from others like nowhere else. (Not noticed it greatly on here). Are these supporters getting free beer or something ?
  7. JUST STAY IN THE CHANNEL ( Yes, I know this isn't Breydon, but a very good example all the same )
  8. I think I got away with the blue fenders, with them being alongside the bank
  9. Very well put Timbo! Exactly, divide and seperate is the plan !
  10. What has happened to this thread ??? Is somebody trying to make it flipping near unreadable ???? !!!! Maybe It's just my screen ..........
  11. Fully agree JM ! I can't begin to understand what was in the mind of the mod who chose this course.
  12. It now appears that 'two days' refers to the time over which the story was to be published. Here is 'chapter two'. http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/environment/broads-authority-row-over-tent-at-waveney-river-centre-1-5193537
  13. One only has to look at his allegiance and realise that his lips must have been moving when he spoke to the EDP..... Edit - My MP, (Richard Bacon) hasn't been quoted. Wonder why......
  14. On the other hand..... "A fallen tree at Brundall had blocked all lines between Norwich and Great Yarmouth and Norwich and Lowestoft." http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/weather/winds-of-up-to-60mph-fell-trees-and-bring-travel-disruption-to-norfolk-as-storm-aileen-batters-region-1-5192255
  15. I dare say the usual suspects will be along soon in their support. However the fact is that the BA exists on PUBLIC money, and acts in an undeniably undemocratic fashion !
  16. I for one won't be sorry to see it go. Never was a thing of beauty and has become quite scruffy more recently IMHO.
  17. It's another example of the 'Americanisation' of OUR language ! http://www.grumpyoldsod.com/railway station.asp "When one raises the use of the phrase “train station”, thoughtless people will frequently reply that as one goes to a bus station to get on a bus, plainly one ought to go to a train station to catch a train. This is simplistic and doesn't stand up to logic. Do you go to a petrol station to catch some petrol? No, you don't. You put some petrol in your car and it's the car that carries you away. You might as well talk about “car stations.....”
  18. PLEASE keep ANYTHING containing Benzalkonium Chloride away from pets - especially cats!!!!
  19. When I lived in Harlow ( you'll know that place MM ) the buses used to start and finish in Terminus Street - where the Bus Station was.....
  20. Interesting. I don't find that with my Broads yacht - and they don't come much 'lower wash' than those !
  21. When threads appear to be deteriorating - as does this one, perhaps peeps could consider not just what they are saying but how they are saying it too. Most get it right, but just one or two IMHO........
  22. The original post was the entire text from the Coastguard - the Maritime & Coastguard Agency in fact - who were involved on the night and in all of the subsequent enquiry and investigation. I'm unable to identify anything from a 'reporter' on this thread.....
  23. This comment from another Internet forum (not one dedicated to The Broads) where this is being discused , "Driving a RIB on the Broads confirms his lowlife status."
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