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Everything posted by Poppy

  1. Different company. The Sailmakers don't do covers....and they are in Station Road. Jekells and Son are the cover and Upholstery makers ... and they are in Riverside Road.
  2. Don't waste your time ! It was appalling ! 'Titty' renamed as 'Tatty' to protect American sensitivities.. And spies? Where did they come in to the story ? Utter RUBBISH!
  3. Some years ago it would definitely be assistance. In recent years however, doubtless sabotage if the competitors were daft enough to actually eat it.
  4. Both my son and daughter in law have Seats - or 'Value Audis ' as they call them
  5. Marsh, The BA have the kit and the people. They should sort it before more boats are damaged, then bill those responsible !
  6. Preferably the Navigation bylaws, which specifically disapply the colregs on the Broads . "The Collision Regulations as hereinafter defined shall not apply in any waters to which these Byelaws apply" http://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0008/399230/Navigation_Byelaws_1995-1.pdf
  7. https://www.huntersyard.co.uk/welcome-to-hunters-yard/2-hour-sails-2/ Perhaps a group could get together and share the very reasonable cost.
  8. May I reccomend a two hour skippered sail at Hunters Yard to all MoBo helms who care. You would learn a huge amount about flappy things and how they work that would help to make your trips so much mor enjoyable and less stressful for everyone. You will also hopefully find yourself in a position to be able to correctly predict what the yacht is most likely to do.
  9. Agree. There are a lot of them about.
  10. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/uk-england-suffolk-44975147
  11. Perhaps this instead ?
  12. About a week or ten days. I can't remember I was born in what became the Market House restaurant when it was the Naresborough Nursing Home.
  13. No, Potter. This is how it's done in the Netherlands.
  14. Well, for what it's worth I was born in sawbridgeworth and lived for over fourty years in..... 'arlow new tarn, before escaping to Norfolk thirty years ago.
  15. Nothing new. I was catching roach like that 60 years ago.
  16. I understand that we're not permitted to post links to 'elsewhere' on the NBN. I did see one or two interesting posts, however .
  17. My usual repost to that is 'who told you that ?'
  18. Poppy

    Lunar Eclipse

    Here's a icture of the 'Red Moon' I took last night
  19. JM, we rarely disagree, hovever may I refer you to Vaughan's reply to mine "You are quite right about the byelaws and they are the same as international rules for pilotage waters. The ferry does not have right of way."
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