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Everything posted by Poppy

  1. Breydon, I was about to give you a 'like' for that post, then I realised it wasn't about the Broads Authority
  2. You wish, Marshy. You really do wish, don't you ?
  3. Lime Kiln dyke from the Nancy Oldfield base to Gay's Staithe amd beyond has approx. 3/4 " of ice, no activities today . I believe Barton is similarly affected.
  4. Perhaps the size of the vote should be decided by the financial contibution made directly to the Authority. Stuff that in your pipe, twitchers, anglers, ramblers etc
  5. Because the OWN those waters perhaps ? Not just clubs either. One or two yards on the Broads come to mind.
  6. So could my sauiling club (or any other) insist that our member's moorings be dredged by them ? Since the club already ensures that boats are insured and certified, what other services are on offer from the Blessed Authority for owners/ users of such waters ?
  7. So on a 'contiguous water'... So what exactly are the responsibilities of the Authority ?
  8. Only third party is required.
  9. Poppy


    Nothing wrong with Triadvisor IMHO. eThe problem is with people who consultit and are influenced by one report which is entirely out of kilter with the majority of others. I use it regularly for reports about hotels, restaurants etc which I plan to visit. I will ( and have) report on my experiences - both good and bad. As I said, look for trends in what is being reported.
  10. Just wine - preferably by the case....
  11. It's a Canoe Jim, but not as we know it I'm not sure the well known Broadland canoeist Would have a clue either
  12. Canoes don't draw much....
  13. I have, whilst waiting for the low tide. Poppy draws about 3'6". That would have been about 12 or so years ago. Not a chance now !
  14. These don't suit then ? https://magazinelib.com/mens-magazines/
  15. No, not that sort JM A range of boating magazines are available to download as pdfs from here. https://magazinelib.com/yachting-amp-boats/ Something for everyone I would suggest.
  16. Strong N. westerlies. Always happens. No surprise.
  17. Interesting document. Thanks for posting. An exercise in establishing why not to do something you didn't want to do in the first place. I wonder how you convert Tons into cubic metres - or vise versa ?
  18. https://www.gov.uk/guidance/waste-exemptions-disposing-of-waste The BA and the EA have consistently said 'you can't do that', citing in many cases, EU 'Law', whilst conveniently ignoring this exemption.
  19. But still nothing fron anyone indpendent of the NWT/RSPB. Bit like the religious using the Bible to prove the truth ..... of the Bible.
  20. As riparian owners they certainly do have a say, along with the 'ear' of many in the BA, who in turn are close to and funded by ( in part ) by the EA !
  21. No. The NWT certainly and the RSPB ( I think ) have owned the bankside of Hickling Broad for many years. The issue of the depositing of spoil is not a new one!
  22. Ask them both, as a member why they have always been opposed and have blocked the deposition of dredging spoil on the banks of Hickling Broad, a practice which was always traditionaly carried out. Ask anyone who has regularly sailed on Hickling broad for some time how conditions have changed regarding depth, especially off the main chanel. Ask the HBYC how their membership has changed, and why . Then you mabe, just maybe will have some idea ....
  23. Agreed too. ! Sadly, many are only concerned about getting to the next pub and to be sure of a mooring there .
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