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Everything posted by Poppy

  1. For those interested https://www.gjenvick.com/OceanTravel/ShipTonnage/1932-06-28-ShipTonnageExplained.html
  2. The windage will make handling interesting.....
  3. However, the feeble minded fall for it.
  4. Our electricity meter failed a while back and was replaced with a 'smart meter' but it was installed in the non smart mode. This is possible with all of them apparently. I have to read it nonthly and submit a reading on line. I suppose that ticks another box somewhere in the bowels of Government.
  5. I don't know about 'Fair Marquess' - it should be named 'Camilla'
  6. I've just booked two weeks all inclusive in a Sri Lankan 5* hotel, for less than £3K for the two of us, flights included. March next year, peak season out there.
  7. I, and I guess others, am working from personal experience, observation and conversations with hirers and others on the rhond. I don't think things are the same as trhey were in the halcion days when you were involved Vaughan.
  8. Poppy

    Norfolk Men

    As long as the price is right
  9. The 'car bit' is relevant. Very relevant. There will be many, not all but many, inexperienced hirers who will have been told 'it's just like a car' or words to that effect. Well, I've not yet driven a car in well over 50 years that steers at the back wheels. Also cars have effective brakes ! These essential differences should be pointed out. There are more than a few boatyard staff involved in handovers who are very well experienced in handling the boats in their fleet and appear to 'show off' with high speed manoevers . Is it any wonder that the first time boater senses (wrongly) thats the way it should be done ?
  10. I'm sure they don't. However pressure to ensure that holidaymakers are properly prepared and instructed before embarking on their trip would not come amiss. It's even more important now with the 40 -45 footers that are coming out of the yards with folks in control who demonstrably would have trouble handling a picnic boat.
  11. There is a dish usually on every menu that I use as a 'price barometer. Sausage and mash for around £13 is taking the p*ss IMHO ! That's what two Northern Rivers establishments are charging
  12. I'm giving the Maritime Festival a miss this year. No 'tall ships', and I'm unsure what Samba bands and couthry music have to do with our maritime heritage !
  13. I suppose it has to be skinned too With the skin on , you know what you are getting !
  14. Another chance to see this series if you missed it last time around - it's on tonight. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b07k18jf
  15. Once again Pally gets to the very 'nub' of the issue. Thanks for posting.
  16. I invariably use review sites like Trip Advisor etc before committing to a booking or purchase, but I will NEVER base my decision on one report, and I will always note the date of both good and bad reviews. That's the sensible way IMHO. May I humbly suggest others take the same action in relation to reviews on here.
  17. You are Kenneth Williams and I claim my £5
  18. Provisionals were introduced to stop boats 'coming out of the woodwork' and getting a result. Fact. As for 'cliques'. One boat name - Inseinity. It looks like an RC, It measures to the rules but it's ruled out of class....
  19. And you could still watch "super cruisers" race if they were in a different class. There are many who believe that there is much wrong withi not least the RCC handicap system. Golfing handicaps, anyone ? Then there's the abominable 'provisional' stataus....
  20. Tell that to the River Cruiser Class..... More of a 'clique' than any other group on the Broads I'm afraid .
  21. Surveys can always give you exactly the answer you're looking for - provided you write the questions in the 'correct' manner
  22. But could you cruise it - or any one of a number like it ? They are a different class and should be raced as such !
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