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Everything posted by Poppy

  1. More likely to be 'Normal for Romania'
  2. My reply to the 'Wot No Christmas' thread has been 'hidden'. I have a serious objection to racism in any shape and form, both blatant and thinly veiled, my post was intended to make it abundantly clear that the OP was just as I described it. I wish to spend no time with people of those views who share them in a group of those I consider as friends I have (mostly) never met. I expect those sort of views on Facebook etc , but not on the 'Friendly Forum'. I shall continue to 'pop in' , but I'm afraid it will be some time before I cool down enough to post again. A Happy Christmas to all !
  3. Another lie https://www.snopes.com/cadbury-banned-easter/
  4. I have a doctor's appointment this afternoon. If my blood pressure is found to be elevated I shall place the entire blame on another post on this forum!!
  5. There shouldn't be ANY restrictions on people with disabilities getting out on the water. Of course, certain adaptions and allowances may have to be made - that goes without saying. As a volunteer instructor at Nancy Oldfield I have had very many rewarding times sailing with some of the most profoundly affected people. There, it's a proud boast that nobody who wishes to get into a boat has ever been unable to do so ( subject to weather conditions of course - but that's nothing to do with disability). Where there's a will, there's a way. Find us on line and on FB.
  6. I'm gonna be turning my lights off this Halloween and pretending I'm not in. Sod the ships. My lighthouse, my rules.
  7. I will 'dip' at the first sighting of a pedestrian - but any like that get the benefit of full beam from my xenons !
  8. Anyone with more sense than money.....
  9. Went to the Ferry House Surlingham yesterday with friends for lunch. We had the pheasant casserole , all agreed it was bloody marvelous! Get it while you can !!
  10. I've no doubt they've 'taken advice' - but not from MM They've been 'visited'.....
  11. Waitrose for the rest of the year then ?
  12. Griff, I thought you'd be in possession of a 'chruler' ! (Google it )
  13. Is that thicker or thanner than a **** **** ?
  14. And the landowners, were they getting rent from the BA ?? Just askin....
  15. Take some time with a cuppa to sit down and read the handbook at your first opportunity - certainly no later than the first day/evening.
  16. The 'bow thruster ' is NOT for steering as you go round bends.....
  17. I agree. Gay's Staithe is pretty good too, and both have much less risk from possible falling trees.
  18. Without geting too political, they've ha SEVEN tears - and things have only got worse. Don't misunderstand the purpose of 'Austerity'.
  19. Most bikes have a bell already - well, a 'Bell End' anyhow
  20. Nothing screams 'I couldn't afford a Porsche' more than a 'Boxter '
  21. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/uk-england-cambridgeshire-41639836/buying-a-house-made-impossible-by-rental-costs It depends on the location of course, but a cursory look online tells me £50k gives you 3k a month take home, average apartment to rent in cambridge around £1200, take off as much again for bills (household, car etc) and that leaves you with around £6 -800 a month which is being eroded by zero interest rate policy and property inflation. Then another look online tells us at a privately owned 2 bed apartment in the same area to buy is between £250 - 300k so your savings of £8 - 10k a year wont even scratch the surface for a good few years and thats assuming property prices stop going up, so , its not much of a stretch to see why most feel more than a little pissed off seeing as no matter how hard we work and save it'll never be enough
  22. It's official - 29th October. http://www.radiotimes.com/tv-programme/e/fynygx/great-canal-journeys--series-8-episode-1/ And NO reference to 'National Park' ! We'll have to see what the programme brings.
  23. It's high time that the Plannig Department was closed and its activities dispersed back where they belond, with the relevant District Authorities. The costs incurred must vastly exceed the income raised by the 250 or so applications with which they deal each year! I wonder what their problem could be with The Waveney River Centre ? Couldn't be its Managing Director by any chance ?
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