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Everything posted by Poppy

  1. I'm sure there HAS been dredging of the Lower Bure. The question is - has there been enough to have a measurable effect at Potter ? My guess is no!. 'Environmental impact' studies are requred by the EA before any works can be carried out, and I understand that the BA were told years ago that such work would nort receive approval since they would be consirered to have an adversr impact on water levels upstream.
  2. Brilliant ! Keep it up lads !
  3. Well that depend ... as they say in Norfolk. There will be on every tin details of maximum and minimum overcoating times, which will largely be dependent on temperature. Sand between each coat if going over that time.
  4. I should have added - stay clear of two pack varnish and one pack polyurethane ! It's almost impossible to make a good repair to damage, additionaly although very durable, it's susceptible to cracking and UV damage, much more so than conventional yacht varnish. Also when buying your varnish , beware of some of the 'big named ' brands which, believe it or not are labeled as not suitable for external use
  5. I agree with Marshy on this - Poppy goes into a big dry barn in November, and there she stays until the following March or April. The winter frosts can play havoc with varnish unless really dry. If that isn't an option, are you sure that the covers are truly breathable ? PVC or similar is not, and in fact will make things worse! The secret is 'preventative maintenance'. As soon as you notice damage to the varnish, patch it. I keep a small jar of varnish on board for thaat purpose. Plan your maintenance too ! This winter I,m stripping back the toe rails and rubbing strakes to bare wood, and they will be then coated with at least three coats of 50/5 varnish and turps. At least another three coats of neat varnish will follow - more if time and temperature permits. Elsewhere a light rub down followed with one varnish coat will keep things looking good. Inside there is less to bother about, lust keep an eye on things and theat accordingly. Before finding inside winter storage for Poppy we chose to keep her afloat, planning for some time afloat. In all reality it wasn't worth it ( and we live locally ! ) The extra work which ensued, balanced with the number of opportunities to take her out mad the decision a 'no brainer'. We have even noticed that the fibreglass hull has benefited from drying out too.
  6. Strange as it may seem, I enjoy the winter maintenance - all except the anti fouling that is
  7. It's looked like that for some years....
  8. Agreed - and they need the protection of a very good breathable cover when not in use ( unless moored in a wet shed) . IMHO a 'timber top' combines the best of both worlds , fibregalss where it's immersed in water and wodd where it's not. 'Poppy' is one. the attention to the varnish starts after Christmas.
  9. That's been there for a considerable time, having been up the Ant near Wayford, then lower down the same river before ending up at Sutton. Numerous BA 'Contravention notices' have been seen taped on it, no action ever appeared to be taken !
  10. Drove one of those once. Right hairy.....
  11. Could the Hire Boat Federation be 'having a word '?
  12. Now that really is another 'choice'. Choose a boat that will go under the bridge.... And I think you'll find the dredging 'up there' is more about the wildlife, the RSPB and the Norfolk Wildlife Trust.
  13. I can see that. But why is it so difficult for some to see that if they wish for that provision to be made, they should pay for it ?
  14. Poor analogy Marshy. I see the demand for mains points akin to those who move here from 'taarn' and clamour for street lights. Don't even start on cycle lanes - they would be vaguely OK if cyclists were to use them.....
  15. If people want ( no, they don't need ) such fripperies as hair straighteners etc, is it so wrong that they are required to pay extra for the privilege - for that's what it is ? And since the vast majority of those demanding these extras to what , as another has said elsewhere is "is effectively camping afloat" are hirers, should not the Hire boat toll reflect these costs ? I would include of course any private craft fitted with mains power in this - and they could easily be identified by a declairation at first , followed by a note at the next BSS inspection.
  16. “There has been a great deal of press coverage in recent months regarding the ‘Ban the Bread’ campaign which is confusing many members of the public who like to feed swans. Supporters of the campaign claim that bread should not be fed to swans on the grounds that it is bad for them. This is not correct. " More here. http://www.theswansanctuary.org.uk/cause/official-statement-bread-queens-swan-marker/?fbclid=IwAR3QcHEqVptx4SSzaVryRX4nLJzwJostrUnTZffNQ0OYrYWyPSdFBGu3nPw I assume that this is true for other water birds ?
  17. I don't require de-masting facilities. I have a mud weight
  18. https://www.edp24.co.uk/news/politics/broads-authority-2-6pc-toll-charge-increase-agreed-by-committee-1-5792913 I trust that the entire income from the increase will NOT be funding more electric charging points ! Used by the minority, there must be a fairer way of doing this to ensure that those who want them , pay ?
  19. And again in the 2000's https://www.greatyarmouthmercury.co.uk/news/yarmouth-flood-barrier-planned-1-501595 https://www.greatyarmouthmercury.co.uk/news/tidal-power-could-happen-on-river-yare-in-four-years-1-792412 I also remember attending a presentation on a plan in the 1990s. The late Dr Martin George was the main speaker, he was strongly in favour. The strongest lobby however was from the RSPB who wanted Halvergate Island to be flooded, withe the mash farmers there chucked off. Fortunately that plan came to nothing. Sadly we wre left with the mess that we now have on the Northern rivers which has destroyed views across iconic Broadland scenery from most boats.
  20. How many who are (quite properly) complaining, voted for 'austerity' ?
  21. And I've seen more than a few like that.... on their last day on the river
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