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Everything posted by Poppy

  1. Let's not forget as well that there are now 20,000+ fewer of them than there were ten years ago.......
  2. Agreed. Everyone seems entitled to do exactly what they want, and to hell with the needs of others ! And yes, it't not just the young.
  3. This'll fix em https://www.screwfix.com/p/no-nonsense-fire-rated-expanding-foam-gun-grade-750ml/90589?kpid=90589&ds_kid=92700031524367771&utm_source=bing&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=PX | Shopping | Sealants %26 Adhesives&utm_term=4583932696765379&utm_content=G - Foams&ds_rl=1245250&gclid=CPeEsuSqguICFUUdGwodZt8EXg&gclsrc=ds
  4. Funny, the BA thought at one time the Yurts at WRC did - until it was pointed out that the white shed at Thorpe didn't have planning consent .
  5. Visited the newly opened 'The Dunes' cafe at Acle Bridge today. Very pleasant - and they serve a full english ! I shall return....
  6. Just as has been allowed to happen on the Ant above Barton Broad.
  7. If you can't get in a Thurne, you definitely wont find space in Ranworth. Can't understand why the place is so poular myself.
  8. Thurne every time. The beer's amongst the best on the Broads, as is the food !
  9. Poppy


    My suggestion was directed towards reforming the Navigation Committee. Direct election votes for all property owners within the BA Exec. area for the main authority perhaps? As for anglers and twitchers, they pay nothing directly to the Broads. I've long held that they should!
  10. Poppy


    Simple. One vote for each Broads registered boar owner. New to the broads adds the right to vote, whilst leaving the Broads or giving up Broads boating immediately disenfranchises the individual.
  11. Poppy


    Without wishing to delve into politics, that is untrue of the current Government !
  12. Poppy


    I paid my toll by phone this morning. I would have preferred to have paid on line by BACS, but is appeared thet The Blessed Authority insist that people 'register an account' before doing so. I can think of no other organisation where I have to do this. When will their IT department move into the 21st century?
  13. Poppy

    River Bure

    Posh holidaymakers up from London call it La Thaams.
  14. https://www.edp24.co.uk/news/politics/council-under-fire-over-sand-martin-nets-1-5983138?utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=Social_Icon&utm_campaign=in_article_social_icons&fbclid=IwAR1tL6jLW88HpqV8E95BUA__5SuqgJwSSmxY_uKXeTw5Yixj_mMVWXgL2SI "North Norfolk District Council put the temporary netting up on cliffs at Bacton to deter the birds from nesting during work on the Sandscaping project, which will see 1.8m cubic metres of sand put on the beaches to protect them from erosion. The council said Natural England approved the nets and the RSPB had given advice." Natural England, on Radio Norfolk have said that they have no system for approvals. The RSPB are saying that the Council has not followed the advice they gave ! The Relevance of this to the Broads ? Well, the sand martins from this colony are regularly seen feeding over Barton Broad and elsewhere. Video on BBC Look East last night of the birds hanging on to the netting, seeking a way through to their nest burrows was, to quote my wife 'heartbreaking'. I had to agree.
  15. I couldn't possibly comment
  16. Some sailies get most put out by some stinky helms who appear to behave as if they know everything some of the time. As I have said earlier , I invariably attempt to advise MoBos where I would like them to pass - for both their and my greatest convenience. It is most irritating when this is ignored. It's a pain when the stinky appears to be acting out of inexperience or is having a 'pass t' bicycle clips muther' moment, but it's downright bloody annoying when the other helm is well experienced and is apparently being downright bloody minded !
  17. Classic? - or not?? Her hull and decks are fibreglass, the rest is wood.
  18. The wind can be considerably influenced by what's on the bank - even reasonably tall reed beds will have an effect. In such situations we prefer to get away from the windward bank - about a third of the way across is the advisory distance. Then there are currents/tides to consider. The tide will always be stronger on the outside of a bend, so if we are 'punching ' a foul tide under sail we will attempt to hold the inside where its effects are less noticable. With respect to 'indication of intent' I will always try to give this. If a yacht helm points to you, and then points to either the left or right then THAT is the side he wishes YOU to pass . That may mean you crossing to the 'wrong' side of the river. Remember, there isn't an Armco barrier down the middle. It's really surprising how many sadly appear confused by this issue.
  19. Very good advice, worth noting. The way a sail boats sails are set can give the unwary a deap of information. For example, if they are pulled tightly in and the yacht is going across the river, it is likely to tack (turn) and come back the other way. Alwas pass behind - even if that means slowing for a moment or two. If they are well out from the centre line it is unlikely (but not certain) that the yacht is going ti immediately change course. Always try to be 'wind aware' as a motor boat helmsman. It will help you in many ways.
  20. That was done at home in the garage last week end.
  21. Agree entirely Steve, which is why I have ended ur with a 'composite' . Poppy's hull and deck mouldings are fibreglass, whilst coamings, cabin sides , spars etc are wood. Best of both worlds, but even the varnishing can be a pain. Another coat was going on today..
  22. Whatever is chosen, I hope it's nothing like 'the big pile' - or monstrosity - next door.
  23. Am I alone in finding 'drone' films more than a little overdone now? It doesn't matter where you look, TV, Youtube etc there seems to always be drone shots, as itf it's somehow obligatory. Once it was a nvelty, but not any more IMHO.
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