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Everything posted by Poppy

  1. Yes, I agree - and the best thing about today was that I had my son ( their dad) on board. Undoubtedly the best crew I ever had!
  2. Today I had two new crew members on board. Dylan took a stint on the helm, whilst Megan had other crewing duties in addition.
  3. Poppy

    Thurne Lion

    Went in this afternoon for a quick one and a nose. What a wonderful job Rick and crew have done - and still are, since there's a lot remaining to complete. The Lion was a pub I used to visit fairly often by boat - until about thirteen or so years ago. With the changes and that welcome, it's very much back on my agenda. I'm looking forward to there being kitchens again....
  4. Did you happen to spot the muntjac deer in the garden on the left ? They are often there.
  5. Did you have your life jacket over or under the 'biggish coat' ? If under, that is a definite ' no no', for a couple of reasons. Firstly ,most self inflating LJs rely on water activating the inflation mechanism, and any clothing over the top can obviously impede this. Second, if any waterproof coat or similar is fastened up, the force of the inflation is considerable and can easily exert enough force to fracture ribs or worse ! A foam bouancy aid is of course an entirely different issue.
  6. Poppy

    Thurne Lion

    Is it today ????
  7. Charlie, there is a distinct difference between a short warm up and a long running engine at moorings - this is the real issue ! I agree entirely regarding running (in neutral) until fore and aft lines are ashore and secured temporarily. THEN switch off and attend to lines and springs.
  8. Mr Obnoxious Twit seems not to be there much these days. The last half a dozen times i've gone past with groups the house has been empty - as are most along there. Pretty much all second homes, those pensions must be FAR better than mine!
  9. Just a steady blast of hot air.
  10. Make the most of it - while you can !
  11. Poppy

    Moving House

    I wonder where he's going with that. The 'tug' spent the winter just downstream of the Wayford boat yard, and has recently been above Wayford bridge, about half way to Dilham. Rather a mess IMHO.
  12. I saw this elsewhere, and thought that it may be of interest ot some here. "This might be useful to anyone with a holding tank. I have np connection to, nor affiliation with, the company. We are currently looking for 3 to 4 boat owners with a holding tank on board to install our new Blackwater/ Holding tank sensor. What makes this sensor different from your regular holding tank sensors is that it works with capacitive technology to provide real-time accurate and reliable readings. It also uses solid state technology and does not have any moving parts – so there are no holes to block or parts to stick. (For more information on the product: https://www.gillsc.com/products/leve...-level-sensor/) If you aren’t familiar with Gill, we are a market leader within the formula 1 and the Motorsport industry for sensor technology. The Blackwater sensor is currently used in commercial and charter boats and we are now looking for non-commercial boat owners that would be happy for us to use their story for media and publication purposes. If you are interested in installing this sensor in your boat, we would be happy for you to keep the sensor in exchange for reviews and feedback of the product. If you’re interest in getting involved or have a question, please email michelle.errington@gillsc.com for more details. "
  13. " He said the business provided work for the local community " The locals appere to be unaware of this......
  14. Poppy

    Whats Missing

    Don't start me on 240v electics, and as for fuel - petrol / diesel
  15. Sad news. Although I never met her I strangely felt close, as I do to so many on the NBN.
  16. Poppy

    Whats Missing

    When my boat had its first BSS inspection it was failed on the fuel hoses (Original Volvo Penta parts) because they lacked the appropriate BS number. I took them off and went to a well known local stockist for replacements. " Are these for the BSS?" I was asked. " Yes, i'v just had a 'fail'.". " Well", I was told, "best not take VP originals then, they haven't got numbers on them even now.". They made up pattern parts using the original banjo couplings..... Just one piece of BSS stupidity. Another is the requirement to replace perfectly serviceable 'Pyrex' glass fuel bowls with alumunium parts, which will melt if exposed to fire far sooner than borosilicate (pyrex) glass will.
  17. http://www.eveningwithbob.co.uk/
  18. Well, if you kept him supplied with beer he wouldn't have to go off looking for it himself
  19. I know why women don't like barbecues - it's the rules they can't stand BBQ RULES ~ Standard Operating Procedures (1) The woman buys the food. (2) The woman makes the salad, prepares the vegetables, and makes dessert (3) The woman prepares the meat for cooking, places it on a tray along with the necessary cooking utensils and sauces, and takes it to the man who is lounging beside the grill – beer in hand. (4) The woman remains outside the compulsory three-meter exclusion zone where the exuberance of testosterone and other manly bonding activities can take place without the interference of the woman. Here comes the important part: (5) THE MAN PLACES THE MEAT ON THE GRILL. More routine… (6) The woman goes inside to organise the plates and cutlery. (7) The woman comes out to tell the man that the meat is looking great. He thanks her and asks if she will bring another beer while he flips the meat. Important again: (8) THE MAN TAKES THE MEAT OFF THE GRILL AND HANDS IT TO THE WOMAN. More routine… (9) The woman prepares the plates, salad, bread, utensils, napkins, sauces, and brings them to the table. (10) After eating, the woman clears the table and does the dishes. And most important of all: (11) Everyone PRAISES the MAN and THANKS HIM for his cooking efforts. (12) The man asks the woman how she enjoyed ‘her night off ‘, and, upon seeing her annoyed reaction, concludes that there’s just no pleasing some women.
  20. I'm not sure that this, a Norfolk Broads forum would be the best place to find out where to get an EA lock key
  21. I can't think who you mean....
  22. For a start they were not from Xxxxx......
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