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Everything posted by Poppy

  1. Not likely ! I've just had my sails cleaned and valeted !
  2. That was a Barley Wine, not brewed with nettles as far as I know .
  3. Vinyl sweats like a pig in a sauna - whatever the colour !
  4. Over the years I've come to the opinion that it's rarely what he says - rather more how he says it, unfortunately.
  5. No problem - at the moment, it's the closed season
  6. I NEVER pay my toll until the boat is back in the water - until it is it's not due! As for payment, I have no idea why BA feel it necessary to make it so damned complicated. I have just paid my mooring fee on line by bank transfer. The invoice states that 'online payment confirms that you accepted the terms' etc. It's far more secure this way as well. I really can't remember the last tine I used a cheque !
  7. On Saturday 15th there will be a number of big sailing cruisers being launched at Thurne Dyke, from whence they will spread out to their various home moorings
  8. Reminds me of an occasion many years ago I saw at an autocross meeting. One competitor drove a very fast Ford Anglia with hand controls - he had a 'tin leg' following a motorcycle accident some years before. Anyhow, he 'rolled' his Anglia on a corner, and it ended up on its roof. As he crawled out of the car and limped to his feet, two Red Cross blokes dashed to his aid totally heedless of his protests and dragged him on to their stretcher. He kept trying to get off, and they persisted in holding him down, until finally he was able to explain the reason for his lameness. Exit stage right two very embarrassed first aiders.
  9. Public or Parish - why should either be chargeable ?
  10. I heard recently that a pint of 'Wifebeater' (that Eurofizz muck) is now fetching £4.70 in some Norwich emporia. More fool them for paying it, I say !
  11. I bet you never wore out the brake blocks on your bike though
  12. It's alleged that the rangers used to have an annual 'sweep stake ' , the winner being the one who could issue the most tolls in a season. I've no Idea if it's still going on......
  13. How can the Tories and the majority of Labour MPs stand there and talk about wanting peace and ending hate when they voted to drop bombs on Syria? Went to war with Iraq, and have sent weapons to countries to kill others. Thousands of men, women, and children have died under both the Tories and New Labour, yet peole seem unable to mahe the connection between that and terrorist attacks.....
  14. For those unaware.... Mr Richard Bacon (South Norfolk) (Con): There is a key distinction between the broads and other national parks. National parks take account of the Sandford principle, which balances the interests of conservation and natural beauty against enjoyment by the public, but if the two clash, conservation takes precedence. Since its inception, legislation governing the broads has been explicit about the fact that the interests of navigation must also be taken into account, so the broads can never be a national park in the same way as others are. Does my right hon. Friend agree that for the sake of tourism and the economy of Norfolk, that should remain the case? http://www.keithsimpson.com/content/norfolk-and-suffolk-broads-debate This explains it perfectly. Over the years, there has been pressure for the Broads to become a full blown National Park from the conservation lobby. They are not unaware that Sandford must come with that.....
  15. There may be one good case for Crocks... http://www.irishtimes.com/life-and-style/people/hilary-fannin-crocs-are-the-best-contraception-it-was-all-serpents-in-my-day-1.2138764
  16. They are definitely 'avin a larf' !
  17. https://www.premierhouseboats.co.uk/katrina
  18. NEVER, NEVER, unlike a friend of mine be seen DEAD in Crocks 'n socks, especially black socks. He says he doesn't have to change black ones so often......
  19. Elfin Safety at a guess.
  20. 'er indoors used to work in an office where the rule was that no phone should go unanswered for more than one minute. The habit has stuck.....
  21. I've just installed Malwarebytes. A scan found ELEVEN malicious files, all of which are now deleted!
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