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Everything posted by Poppy

  1. You may wish to re plan your journey http://www.buryfreepress.co.uk/news/petrol-station-fire-closes-a11-at-barton-mills-1-7906635
  2. The link I posted was to a genuine Daily Fail site. My software didn't flag it up as anything dodgy when I opened it - even though it's the Daily Seig Heil
  3. A FORD MODEO?? IN ALDEBURGH? How on earth did they get it through the border checks??
  4. What do we want? A cure for obesity. When do we want it? After lunch.
  5. And they all come to Great Yarmouth for their holidays - apparently
  6. No - that issue is STILL outstanding What concerns us as much as anything else is that the fraudster(s) attempted to make a purchase from a high end designer fashion firm on line. She got a call from Barclays querying this purchase and she told them it wasn't her and not to approve the transaction. Three days later the goods were delivered - TO HER . Somehow the purchase was sent to her address but another persons name and mobile number was on the paperwork. By various means we were able to establish a name and an address linked to this purchase..... neither the Metropolitan Police ( it's the bank's problem) or Barclays were interested - 'until the debit appears on your account'. It hasn't ! As for Barclays being reasonably good - look at this ! http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3272061/Barclays-four-times-likely-deny-fraud-victims-refund-banks.html
  7. Poppy


    There were house martins flying over Barton Broad yesterday, The Terns should be back soon - especially with southerlies forecasted over the week end.
  8. They're not called 'Wooden tops' for nothing, are they Wild Fuzz ?
  9. Assuming that a BSS certification is in place , but expired tomorrow would the BA be within their rights to deny a toll on those grounds ? Hypothetical case, BTW.
  10. I wonder if anybody has written to their MP on this issue ?
  11. Thus it has ever been !
  12. This she did - IMMEDIATELY . However the precautions agreed, change of security questions etc were simply not implemented. As you say, all a bit odd - or grossly negligent ! As for the Police... she asked to be put through to the Met fraud team ' they wouldn't be able to help', she was told !
  13. I have been a customer of Barclays Bank for over 50 years. Both my son and daughter joined them when reaching the age when they in turn needed banking services. My daughter has now had a very worrying experience with this outfit. To cut a long story short, about a month ago she had her account hacked, and something over £1500 was cleared out of her current account, together with a further £500 from a savings account. She reported that fraud immediately, and met with a stone wall on beaurocrats from the bank. They did, however agree to change all the security questions etc associated with the account while investigation proceeded. Forms were sent, which she completed and returned by post. IT HAS NOW HAPPENED AGAIN !, once more just after she has been paid. After over FOUR HOURS on the phone which got her nowhere she went to a local branch of Barclays, to discover that they have NO RECORD OF THE FORMS BEING RECEIVED, and if that wasn't enough, NO CHANGE OF SECURITY DETAILS HAD BEEN MADE! This is quite possibly the reason that the fraudsters have been able to strike again. Oh , and the Police ? A total waste of space, she was given a 'crime' number and they went back to their doughnuts !! Perhaps someone from Barclays is reading this sorry tale. If so, they may like to reassure me that this is an isolated case and that the way it has been handled is unusual, but my brief search on Google shows that it is far from the case, and that they appear to be the worst of all the banks. In short why should I remain a Barclays customer, and instead close all my accounts and take my money elsewhere ?
  14. It could hardly be clearer! Beware of making a 'false ' declaration !
  15. So long as they're not sun glasses - in the dark !
  16. Indeed it was JM, apart from the situation regarding compulsory third party insurance. That's clear enough for any legal department to sort out . They know that one insurer (at least) does not comply but appear to be unwilling to grasp that particular nettle!
  17. As I said in my previous response " So ask your prospective (or current) insurer, or google their name. " Clearly with no computer one must resort to the latter .
  18. SWMBO uses reading glasses. She is not a fashion victim, and finds those sold by BM or Poundland to be perfectly serviceable. So inexpensive as well that she can keep a pair in every room in the house as well as in her handbag
  19. "A policy required under section 14(2)or section 27(6)(a) shall be issued by an insurer authorised under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (c.8) to carry on in Great Britain or in Northern Ireland insurance business of a relevant class or who has corresponding permission under the law of another member state of the European Community." http://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0006/468015/BA-Act-Compulsory-Third-Party-Insurance-nc030909.pdf So ask your prospective (or current) insurer, or google their name.
  20. As I see it, there appears to be one (at least) company selling insurance to Broads boat owners which does not meet the requirements under the 2009 act, and the BA are not prepared to tackle this, although it has been raised with them as an issue.
  21. So shave 'em - or wear these
  22. As I am sure, some of you on here are fashion victims and will pay through the nose for designer crap, I thought this was the place to ask. Now i am fully aware that dickheads who wear shorts, coats and woolly hats when its freezing cold, do it for one reason only, yes you have guessed, its to show the tattoos on their calfs that their benefits payments have just paid for, What I cannot understand is why women, because it is mainly women, put sunglasses on their heads as part of their dress code to go out at night into a restaurant for a meal, does the husband not say, its effin' dark! Take them off you silly bitch!
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