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Everything posted by Poppy

  1. Not 'lush', A lush You've probably gathered by now we're all MAD !
  2. Ah - but were those subsidies 'earned' ?
  3. Mr Cator has to replace his EU farm subsidies somehow
  4. The only valuable 'claim to fame' which Brentwood can reasonably make is that Paul Simon lived there once - and penned 'Homeward Bound' whilst waiting for a train back there at a station in Widnes. Not sure which was the better choice..... http://thejoyofessex.blogspot.co.uk/2010/08/oh-i-wish-i-was-brentwood-bound.html
  5. So good it produced the likes of Noel Edmonds!
  6. Assuming that a dinghy is reasonably light enough and the user is able bodied, if it is pulled out on to the bank, it's no longer 'moored' is it, even if chained to an immovable object ? Just sayin.....
  7. As a 'once Essex boy' I can happily say in its defence that it's the home to some very pretty traditional sailing craft. As for the rest of it.....
  8. Don't tell me, tell the bloke who was towing it
  9. It got there after a short while. As for the sticker, what I need is one for the end of the bowsprit reading ' Yacht coming through, move over please !'
  10. I was forced to follow somebody towing a bloody great yacht down a country lane today
  11. I saw this in the back of a car today! Am I being harsh in my view that if you feel the need to put this in the back window, it's time to hand in your license ???
  12. Poppy

    My Day

    Today is a GREAT day. Poppy is afloat again. Ready for lift and launch here.
  13. Don't want it melting your chocolate now, do we
  14. You won't need sunglasses where you're going darlin - mind you, it will be ruddy HOT
  15. Breaking chocolate instead.....
  16. And drinking wine . Nothing new there then
  17. Seem to be a lot more of us than I thought. I escaped thirty years ago . Would never dream of going back. Even friends from the old ****hole no longer inviting us down ! Where ? 'arlow .
  18. I'll not be past my 'sell by date' until the lid's screwed down.
  19. Neither did I - in fact I didn't ask them to install the b****y things in the first place, especially using my toll money !
  20. The rules surely allow for a charge including installation and maintenance of the 'hardware'? These posts ( and their updates) don't come out of thin air you know....
  21. Perhaps all should attempt to use 40% less.........
  22. Me neither ! As for young women wearing that brand... not much of an advert, is it? As for 'Hollister' - do they really know what a 'Hollister bag' is ?
  23. Fatties. A chocolate finger makes a GREAT soldier for a cream egg !
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