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Everything posted by Poppy

  1. Panic over - although I'm not sure if it's only WAFIs or if MAFIs count
  2. I was in the queue at the Post Office yesterday when suddenly all kind of panic broke out around me - two blokes had just come in wearing masks. Things soon settled down however when people realised it was just a hold up !
  3. My wife has an iPad. Likewise I find it anything but intuitive as is the claim for the Aplle system.
  4. There are also free downloadable file openers (Filehorse is one that I use) that allow for quick opening of over 350 file types including pretty much all of the MS Office suite.
  5. I wish that there was a little more perspective being employed. Consider the following.
  6. Perhaps there weren't so many 'bad news' stories that the Government of the day wished to obscure...
  7. 3000 people die from Coronavirus and the whole world want to wear surgical masks. Meanwhile 30 million have aids but still nobody wants to wear a condom
  8. Fitted where it touched ! Perhaps they are better at measuring now...
  9. Perhaps a use has been found for SOB at last
  10. Indeed all do. Where they differ from the Broads Authority is that they all have a number of directly elected members, whose position can not be challenged, overidden or in any other way influenced by their CEOs.
  11. Locally boating is important to many . Nationally it's small beer. Just like walking and climbing in the Lakes.
  12. I fully agree ! If I may draw a parallel - imagine if you will measures were afoot to stop another minority activity - say Morris dancing. Harmless, only of passing interest to most. Do you think the wider public would want to get involved? Yet just like boating, it's part of our heritage !
  13. Surely the BA's Planning team would know all about signage, planning rules etc ?
  14. Road signs being cleaned in Norfolk would be a novelty
  15. The thing that saddens me more than anything is the way the Palestinians are being treated right now . Google (other search engines are available) 'Nakba'. Will we hear anything at all about May 15th ?
  16. My next door neighbours are holding a joint party for Chinese New Year and Burns Night, calling it Chinese-Burns Night. He wasn't so keen but she twisted his arm.
  17. As it is to note those wo appear to wish that this whole area wasn't being discussed...
  18. Wash is the disturbance left behind a vessel. Have another look at that picture
  19. A huge ammount of work is required if we ar all going to drive electric, the least of which involve range and cost. The grid simply couldn't deal with it ! "The UK is unprepared for the expected surge in demand for power from the electric car revolution and could face blackouts and power cuts unless action is taken now, an official report warns." https://inews.co.uk/news/politics/electric-car-surge-exclusive-power-cuts-national-grid-overload-1366304
  20. So is that 'Members only' - or not ?
  21. Were we not previously told that this thread had been moved to 'members only', while the mods considered it ? Has it now been returned to the main forum ? If so, I've missed any notification to that effect . It's getting more and more confusing !
  22. It would appear ( as far as I can tell) that Tom is not a 'Full member. Therefore he will be unable to see posts on this thread, now it is in full members only. Unless of course he has been granted exemption from '50 posts'.
  23. I have just revisited every post on this thread and also am unable to detect the slightest hint of a breach of TOS or abuse . I can only conclude that the majority of the views expressed run contrary in some way to those of the Moderation team or that pressure has been applied rfom somewhere else. In either case it's regrettable at best.
  24. That's capitalsim ! A lot of people like that - apparently
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