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Everything posted by Poppy

  1. I did, last week. An older lady was wearing hers over her mouth but under her mouth. I pointed out that her nose should be covered, she looked a little embarrassed and pulled it up. A little later I saw her again with it back under her nose, so it was clearly deliberate on her part !
  2. I should perhaps add that I am an "older gentleman " ( some may argue with the 'gentleman' ) and my observations match those of vanessan.
  3. I noticed this in the Sailing Instructions at a junior event held near my son's home. Rule 1.1 All sailors are required to participate in the spirit of fun at all times. Violators of Rule 1 may be made to dance the Macarena. I think this rule should be made compulsory for all yacht racing. Iwould addanother: Any racing boat who claims priority over a cruising stand on vessel because "I'm racing" has to buy the post-race drinks !
  4. Whilst in the supermarket today, it was encouraging to see, in general widw use of masks. What I found annoying was the number of pensioners (exclusively oldies ! ) who were wearing theirs underneath their noses !
  5. "Soft" sandscaping worked well then
  6. If security of personal data is an issue for you, you can always use a 'VPN'. Mozilla offer one fee with Firefox. What's a VPN ? (for those who don't know ) https://www.ibvpn.com/2010/02/8-advantages-of-using-vpn/
  7. Thanks Paul. I have looked at the 'off the shelf' options, but none are long enough. It's for the roof of my 28' broads yacht. I had the contact details for a guy who was making to measure, but I've los it.....
  8. I'm looking for a pair of handrails run approximately the length cabin roof, probably in teak. Does anyone know where I could find such a thing ?
  9. With the weather turning cooler today's MAIB Safety Warning makes essential reading for all, especially vessels fitted with combustion heaters: https://www.gov.uk/maib-reports/safety-warning-about-carbon-monoxide-poisoning-after-the-loss-of-2-lives-on-the-motor-cruiser-diversion?utm_source=a9645c3b-0627-45de-9441-436a56660d90&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=govuk-notifications&utm_content=daily CO alarms are now a BSS requirement, but not all will have one yet.
  10. I did post something at the week end to that effect, I also included a link to a nes paper story (Sunday Times) claiming that personal data obtained from the QR scans was being sold. It appeared to be moderated , once again with no notice or explaination !
  11. Straw and stubble burning has been illeagal for some years AFAIK, but I regulary see burning (of reed straw ?) beside Barton and lower down the Ant towards How Hkll.
  12. JM, your post came in as I was typing in a similar vein to the Academy in which I referenced the various legislations pertaining to the Broads and information on The Sandford Principle ( a report from the Broads Society. )
  13. What's with the obsession with SUPs ???
  14. Well, it never was a 'National Park' when set up. It still isn't ! And why is that yacht sailing backwards ?
  15. I understand that Upton has a waiting list for moorings.
  16. Poppy

    Ludham Bridge

    Always pack the wellies when you come to the Broads
  17. We have just returned from a break in Dorset. There were ducks in abundance, and otters were there too. Plenty, according to locals.
  18. Frequently seen them used this way. How to use them is probably in that book that so many don't bother to read.
  19. "Rivers rated “poor” include parts of the Blackwater, Tiffey, Chet and Bure, while “poor” broads include Barton Broad, Hoveton Great Broad, Ranworth Broad, Ormesby Broad and Filby Broad So much for 'Clearwater 2000' then.
  20. Agreed. However, offering training ( which could, but need not lead to a bit of paper) rather more extensive than the 'tick box' exercise which suffices for many - NOT ALL - hires would be of benefit to all. This has been suggested on this very thread but dismissed by some as unworkable ! I know it isn't , since yacht hire yards offer it. As far as I know, none of the motor boat yards do .
  21. Unrestrained ? Maybe. Unnoticed? What do others think ?
  22. It has seemed over time that anything perceived to be in the slightest bit critical of hirers or the hire boat industry attracts criticism , often aggresive in nature . Sadly so, but those private owners and many hirers here have a huge and deep love for the Broads.
  23. Well put. It does seem that mods do 'take sides' That shouldn't be the case. Good moderation should be almost unnoticable to anyone but the individual who needs advice.
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