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Happy Jax 3

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Everything posted by Happy Jax 3

  1. We would be up for anything, curry or Red Herring, although I would imagine the Red Herring would be well booked up by now.
  2. I am so curious how they are going to lockout 9 boats. that will require a minimum of 5 bridge lifts. we are really going to upset the locals travel movements. Easter weekend as well. I wonder if we will get a mention on the local radio travel news. Mark reminded me today I still owe them £10 from last years return trip through the lock, they forgot to take it at the time, when Mark mentioned our boat in conversation they mention that I still owe the monies. Have to raid the piggy bank again.
  3. Coming through Yarmouth at 7.30am we will probably be at Oulton mid morning.
  4. Thanks for a great weekend Mark, but you are a bad influence on me mate, leading me astray on the ale yet again. Good effort though, 3am and passing out listening to Pink Floyd's The Wall. Cheshire cat hey!, lets look at the piccies and rethink that one. Serenity certainly performed well, it's great when a plan comes together. I wont say anything about the posts on Breydon if you don't. Can't wait until next weekend now. Now the piccies.
  5. Looking good Mark. Did you remember to recheck the oil levels in the drives.
  6. Are we all going to agree on a VHF channel to use ship to ship for the Easter Break. Of course not for general chit chat.
  7. Thanks guy's I agree Luke, the one David has come up with certainly looks powerful. I will order one tonight.
  8. We are joining the salty bottoms Easter meet at Oulton Broad on Good Friday. Unfortunately, we will not be arriving at the boat at Wayford until approx 8pm on the Thursday evening. As we will need to catch the tides at Yarmouth at around 7.30-8.00am Friday morning we will have to take a night cruise down towards Yarmouth. I am looking to buy a good quality handheld spot light, preferably 12v with a cigar socket type plug. Can anyone suggest a lamp that will be fit for the purpose.
  9. Whats this Dave. You kept that quiet.
  10. I'm sure it wont be the only thing rattling David, remember Mark has just installed the heating system. I'll get my coat!! All joke aside, looks good Mark, so we will see you again up on the northern rivers.
  11. They are three separate modules Jonny. Each will just lift off to give access to the lockers. Much the same as the existing cushions lift off now.
  12. mbird wrote:It won't apply in a boat, but don't use Gunk on a tarmac driveway. When I was a teenager, I gunked my motorbike engine, and the stuff I washed off the engine dissolved the drive 'Snap' Mark I done the same thing when living at home with my parents, not only dissolved the drive, walked it through the house onto their new carpets as well. I wasn't the most popular son at that time for sure. Hey-ho! we live and learn. Luke, I always tend to use Jizer, I don't know why, I think it must be the colour.
  13. Hi Jonny Thanks for your kind comments, The table has gone now as it has been replaced with our new sealine table. I have put the door on the old table alcove to give us a little more storage space. I have also been making new seating modules ready for Brian Taylor to re-upholster the seats, we are going for the swept round corner seat.
  14. Hi Jimbo I actually used lengths of hard wood edging trim from Jewsons. The difficult part was steaming it to go around the bends. Only had a kettle for the job. Mind you it's good having a sauna whilst you work.
  15. Damn! I Didn't think of painting it brown, I could have saved myself hours.
  16. Since we made the decision the keep hold of Happy Jax II, over the past several weeks I have been making some improvements to the interior. Can you Spot the Difference?
  17. I have even got a drum so lou and the boys can stay in rhythm. The fuel running costs were a major factor in our decision to keep hold of HJII.
  18. Hi Carol My first thought was the Sutton Staithe Hotel.
  19. I would be very surprised if you needed to top up the tank on a two week holiday, last summer we were on the go for two weeks covered over 200 miles and it cost us £55 to fill up. Of course we didn't need the heating and that can make a big difference.
  20. I have to say, the most effective waterline grime & limescale remover I have found is the purple Cillit Bang, I have tried everything. Starbright hull cleaner was ok but at £15 a bottle it is not so cost effective. 2 bottles of Cillit Bang in most £1 shops is the way to go.
  21. Would have to be at least May before I jump in again Roy
  22. Hi Jonny As Rod has said see if you can turn the prop shaft by hand when you are in neutral. If not, it does sound like you may have something around the prop causing resistance.
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