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Happy Jax 3

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Everything posted by Happy Jax 3

  1. Hi Stefan Just picked up on your post. The information both Trevor and Jonzo have provided explains the double crop factor very well. I have and still use the E-510 the predecessor to your E-520 and I must say I have always been very pleased with the results. I have the Olympus Zuiko Digital ED 70-300mm F4-5.6 zoom lens. With the double crop factor it is equivalent a 600mm lens in the 35mm format, this lens I find very useful for close up wildlife shots and you can now pick them up at a very reasonable price, especially on E-Bay.
  2. When I put mine on last week end, after an hour I had water coming out.
  3. That's great news Barry, on board at last.
  4. Hi Luke As we tend to use our boat all year round, small frost heaters and a dehumidifier allows us to do this without stripping the boat out every time we leave it. As has already been said, I don't think you can get a dehumidifier with a built in pump to pump water up. we leave our unit on the side next to the sink and drain direct into the sink. There are many units on the market and many of them switch off if the temperature drops below 10 degrees C. It is worth spending a little extra to ensure they operate down to 5 degrees C.
  5. It'll be very comfortable if you capsize Steve. Glad it came together in the end.
  6. Over the past couple of weeks I have been in a dilemma, similar to Simon's (Plesbit) a couple of months ago. I have decided that I want to take my photography to the next level. As many of you know I have gone with the Olympus E series four thirds system and currently using the E 510 body. My dilemma has been, over the past year I have spent a considerable some of money upgrading my lenses. Now do I jump ship and go for something along the lines of a Canon 50D or a Nikon D90 which would necessitate my spending a small fortune on reasonable lenses. Or go for a upgrade to my existing system with something along the lines of the Olympus E30. Well yesterday, I went out to have a look at the options available to me and also wanted to touch and feel the E30 body. Firstly I went to Camera world in Chelmsford and spoke to a very helpful assistant, unfortunately, they did not have the E30 in stock but they did have the E3, lovely piece of kit but I just couldn't justify £1,200.00 on a body only. After talking to the assistant about my dilemma, he put my mind at rest regarding the Olympus system and recommended that the double crop factor of the four thirds system would far better suit my photography style, especially with wild life photography and the lenses I already own. He also highly recommended E30. That was it, I will be staying with Olympus system. Off I went in search of a E30. I went into Curry's, they didn't have the E 30 but to my surprise they had the E3 pro body £400 cheaper than I could purchase it off of the internet, in fact it was about the same price as I could purchase the E30 body on the net. Had to think long and hard for about 20 seconds. Then off home to discuss it with Lou. Well, this morning off I went to purchase the E3 Body. So now I am the proud owner of the E3.
  7. Great shots Jill The brick work on the post office at Horning is something else.
  8. Oh dear ......... Exactly Mark All because you brought a Portland plotter & dividers. The Princess 33 are a very nice boat, there are some good examples of both Mark 1 & II's, Even without flybridge they still will not go under Ludham. So you may as well go for the pose value and have a flybridge. They still have a very high sides on them but stops the sea entering. Currently with most sea going boats the price they are up for is meaningless, always make a ridiculous offer and you will be surprised what you can get. Remember that Birchwood 370 me and Lou looked at. up for £89,000 sold for £65,000 , unfortunately we didn't even take it seriously as we felt the price was out of our league.
  9. Well Clive What a fantastic achievement so far, It's amazing what a coat of varnish can do.
  10. Well that would be me then. Another qualification under my belt, another licence to put in my wallet. I think most of you know our intentions regarding going to sea in a couple of years. Just need to find the right boat for the job. As with Mark, we have been trawling the brokers again to see what is about. A boat to go under Ludham Bridge would be nice, but not essential, after travelling the length of the Ant almost every weekend during boating season for the past 5 years a break could be on the cards. Last weekend was certainly had fun, stirring up Wroxham Broad in a 680hp Bayliner doing our Man Overboard drills, have you dried out yet Mark and our high speed manoeuvres at 5mph. (honest Andy). We even passed our inland waterways CEVNI assessment so we can now safely navigate the Norfolk Broads with a licence in our pockets.
  11. Very nice Simon Especially the shots of the Gulls. Now I never though I could say that about gulls.
  12. Mark, love the shot of the lobster pots. great composition. I will post one of mine up later. not in the same league.
  13. So I guess what you are saying is, my picture of the bow sprit is crap.
  14. Have to agree with everything you just said Simon, well, sort of, pimp his camera . Well when you are around the likes of Bruce and Mark, you have to add something to give some kind of presence. Oh well! here goes with some of my photo's, please click on pictures to view.
  15. Great day had by all. Many thanks to Bruce for organising the day. Thanks to Roy for being our navigator, I'm sure myself and Conner would have got lost several times without you. Another day of picking up tips and advice. Will post up some pictures during the week, providing I took some worthy of the cause. Nice to meet Pat (Seaboater), welcome to the camera club mate.
  16. Looks great Andy, Brian Taylor is the man.
  17. Very nice Paul So what have you brought yourself now?
  18. Just picked up on this thread. Took a fare bit of working out from the google maps, but got their in the end. Very interesting information Carol & Simon on our historic broads.
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