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Everything posted by ranworthbreeze

  1. Hi Jill, I am on Plusnet at home, it is partially owned by BT, we have been on this about 3 years, a cheaper service than BT and from what I can see as good if not better, it is fibre up the BT cabinet on the end of our road. Regards Alan
  2. According to the B.A. table our toll will increase by £51.68. Regards Alan
  3. Dear toll payer, Please find attached a special edition of Broad Sheet which details the tolls changes you might have heard about and highlights the call for a new Navigation Committee member. The regular edition of Broad Sheet will still go out with tolls notices in the new year. Broads Authority, Yare House, 62-64 Thorpe Road. Norwich NR1 1RY 01603 610734 www.broads-authority.gov.uk Broad-Sheet-Dec-2016.pdf
  4. Hello Mark & Tia, I wish you every luck in your new venture. Regards Alan
  5. Hi Grace, Nothing wrong with getting your words fuddled but it is a bit early for all that wine. Regards Alan
  6. With regards to syndicate shares, school shares usually take longer to sell than standard shares, I have found from selling shares in our syndicate over the last 5 years. Regards Alan
  7. Thank you for your well wishes regarding Tan back, it is appreciated. Wednesday 30th November 2016. We got up around 7.30am and had breakfast, Tan managed her porridge (she weighs the porridge and adds cinnamon or nutmeg and bags up in portions and just adds stem ginger and skimmed milk to suit, we have found the large cups onboard are about the correct size without measuring) and some toast, yesterday pulling her back made her loose her appetite. It just goes to show at time how drugs can help. Needless to say Tan took it easy today, I had to do some cleaning up we are meeting some potential new owners tomorrow, even though officially we have not advertised any for sale, one of our owners with two shares wishes to sell one of their shares. I took my boat kit bags (two large Morrison’s bags) and my toolkit and put these back into the car, Tan also packed a couple of bags of cloths, these I also packed into the car. Now with enough space to swing a cat I started on hovering & polishing the now clear forward seating/berth area. Forward bathroom cleaned (we would no longer use this one since the pump out and only use the aft bathroom). We went up to the Yare for some lunch and were glad it was still serving food, it was almost 2.00 pm, but they said it was ok some drinks and meals purchased we sat down by the fire. Tan had the mushroom pizza and I had the cod all very good. We called in the showers on the way back to the boat, once aboard we thought we had done enough clearing up for the day and I could complete the rest in the morning after breakfast. I put the aerial up today so we could watch supervet (the guy is an inspiration) and the last episode of the Missing, Tan then trounced me at Rummikub about six games to two. Coffee, crosswords and in bed by a little after 11.00 pm. Thursday 1st December 2016. We awoke by 7.30 am Tan got up first and put the heating on and we had breakfast, just a couple of crosswords this morning because we needed to get on, I tried to get on the computer this morning but there was an issue with the internet so I could not even get any email, needless to say it would have to wait. All baggage off the boat and now correctly placed into the car, I started cleaning the remaining inside of the boat and Tan cleaned the aft bathroom, I then started cleaning the outside of the boat whilst waiting for a phone call from our visitors. Shortly after 10.00 am, Ken & Diane called me from the entrance into our marina, I went up to Reception and opened the barrier for them, they followed me down to our car parking locations and welcomed then aboard Ranworth Breeze. Shoes off, we chatted in the lounge over a coffee and talked about the boat. We showed our visitors around the boat and then prepared the boat for a trip on the river; we headed towards Norwich through Brundall. After we left the marina I handed the helm over to Ken so he could get the feel of the boat, he liked the rudder indicator, he had not seen one on any boat he had ever hired and found it useful. We did the turning circle and stopping within the boats length to show Ranworth Breezes handling. We proceeded past the Ferry house, Bramerton Green and the Waters Edge pointing out the mooring places and eateries on the way, we passed the Broads Authority tent and waved to Andy as we went pass Freedom. Turning round just before Commissioners Cut, we stated this was a good place to moor if you wanted to take a trip on the bus into Norwich. We slowly went back down the river towards Brundall and called into Brooms fuel Station, so we could fuel up and pump out the rear toilet tank again. £88 of fuel used for 12 days including the heating on at times. We asked Malcolm if we could have a look around Lightening for Ken & Diane (when thinking of buying into a syndicate you must look at all of the options). Another member of the Broom’s staff came down with the keys and showed the couple and Tan around lightening. We headed back into the marina and moored up, said our goodbyes to Ken & Diane. Water tank filled up and last minute cleaning of the deck under the canopy cleaned, I put the windscreen canvas on and we left the boat a little after 3.30 pm and started our journey home. A stop for something to eat on the way home we arrived home at little before 8.00pm, car unloaded I put it down the drive and put all the bags into the room for sorting out the next day. Not too late into our own bed, bliss! Regards Alan & Tan
  8. Tuesday 29th November 2016. A cold wintery start this morning “winter at Woods End” Noses out of the bedclothes Tan braved the cold to switch on the heating this morning and commented on the frost outside and ice on some of our metal trim on the boat, that the oil filled radiator had not kept at bay. I eventually got up and hastily dressed, it took me back to childhood where we used to warm up your clothes in bed before getting dressed, ice and frost on the inside of the windows back in those days, paraffin heater in the bathroom to keep the pipes from freezing and first up lit the coal fire. Tan was mopping up the windows and her back went, she must have stretched to reach some of the windows, it must have been bad because it put her off her breakfast. I opened up the canopy sides and removed the frost covered front screen, power cable removed, I started the engine and was removing the warp from the bows, my fellow boater on the moorings came over and held the boat whilst I coiled the aft warp, he wanted me to set off first so he could just set off after us. It was a crisp but wonderful morning; we had already seen some of the Broads Authority boats taking their dredging loads up the river very low in the water. We called into the Brooms Fuel Station on the way back to the marina to have the two toilets pumped out (they were almost full, so could not wait until Thursday). We managed to get in before their lunch closing, needless to say we chattered away all the time he was doing the pump out, I asked how many hire boats they have now being as I could see a number of them lined up behind the fuel station, 14 was the reply with a few more being built, goodbyes and saying we would see him on Thursday for refuelling and another pump out, we headed back down river for the marina. Moored up at our berth and power hook-up connected, we went up to the chemist to get some more tablets for Tan and night nurse for my cough, Tan feeling every bump in the car, so many defects in the road and traffic calming did not help, the railway crossing was open both ways today, a minor miracle. Back onboard some lunch so Tan could take the tablets, I went outside and did some more proofing of the canopy until the sun started to go down. Back into the warmth we played a few games, filled in crosswords had a light meal and watched a couple of Poirot DVD’s that we had not seen for a while, we had to stay up until 11.00 pm so Tan could take her last dose of tablets before going to bed. Regards Alan
  9. Sunday 27th November 2016 Sunday might be a day of rest; we had a rest and played games after breakfast and then went up to the Co-op for a few items for lunch. TV set up for the Grand Prix which was eventful to say the least and enjoyable. After a few pitfalls we managed a Sunday dinner with one of those small bacon joints, roast potatoes, vegetables and a large Yorkshire pudding in one of the small roasting tins, Tan had carrots & green beans, me being awkward I had some carrots & processed peas (Co-op processed peas are not that good, but it was the only ones they had). We settled down and watched the strictly and X factor results, about time they were both gone on both programs, we watched another Batman film. Coffee and bed a little after 11.00pm Monday 28th November 2016. Cold start to the day but we let it warm up before we went to the shower block, the walkways from the car park by reception were blocked off by the builders fencing which holds their container and an overkill skip. We walked around the reception and the side of the building to get to the toilet/shower block. When we in when the builders first started the knocking and walking across the floor was quite disconcerting, but nothing fell through, not always the case with some tradesmen! By all accounts the rebuilding of “East Hills” will be ongoing until February, well it is Norfolk (almost as bad as getting work done in Devon). In the past I have been involved in total Pub refits and the shortest time for one in Sheffield was 3 days, working around the clock. After we got back to the boat, I rolled up the canopy sides and removed the front canopy panel so we did not have a restricted view of the river, I took us out of the berth then Tan took the helm and then took a bit of “right-hand it is captain” at the end of marina onto the river. Tan took it easy and I asked her to slow down a little when we had entered the 6 mph section, where the two marina’s and the boats are moored on river this section should be 5 mph like at the Ferry House just up the river. At times it appears that these limits are just pulled out of a hat, without any logic. They must be getting on well with the dredging because there were heavily laden craft coming back from Rockland St Mary. I don’t know where they are putting the dredging spoil (I thought there were distance rulings of where dredging could be moved to). We moored at Brammerton for the evening, we would have gone up to the Waters Edge but Tan did not fancy walking up the dark lane, so I was chained to the galley sink yet again. We didn’t bother with the aerial and just watched a couple of DVD’s, there was only one other boat on the common moorings a rather big boat out of our marina, very nice, it made our boat look like a tender. Rather late to bed about 11.30, went and put another card in the electric post and checked the ropes, it was quite cold then and we there was going to be a severe frost overnight. We left the small oil filled radiator (600 watts) on overnight, we have been doing this every evening since we came on board last Sunday, it has worked very well and reduced the condensation we have encountered, a little heat and ventilation works wonders. The topper on the bed and two duvets in the cover helped keep us toasty. Regards Alan
  10. Saturday 26th November 2016 We woke up to a frosty start all the walkways were glistening sparkling white. We had breakfast waiting for the morning to wake up. First port of call this morning was Brian Ward’s, I was after an hand drill, Tanya said they did not have one but would sell me a battery drill for £30.00. We then went up to Brundall we wanted a few items of shopping and wanted to call at the hardware shop. We noticed a load of people in co-op uniforms with bags and shopping trolleys walking around Brundall. We soon found out why, the refurbishment at Budgens, still yet to open (opening 1st December) is now a Co-op. At first we thought it was open, but only the Post Office section was open. In the hardware shop Tan saw a Christmas item she wanted and some cleaning items for the boat, I got on important shopping getting a replacement tin opener (not wanting to do a “Robin”). I noted that they had an hand drill but at a little under £22 for a none named brand the battery drill was good value. Next stop off to the other Co-op at the end of Brundall, we managed to find a place in the car park; it was quite busy this morning. We called in the Yare for lunch and sat next to their welcoming log fire. Tan had the steak and ale pie while I was defeated with a cheese pizza and a side helping of chips. Back at the boat Tan was doing some tidying up with her crocheting hook whilst I tackled the bathing platform rubber trim, now I had a drill all sorted. A few other little jobs now I was on a roll done we settled down for the night, curtains drawn we sadly watched Strictly and the X factor whilst having a light meal and few drinks. A few games Tan almost caught up again, but I am still ahead on the week so far, coffee and bed by 11.30 pm. Regards Alan
  11. Friday 25th November 2016 We awoke about 7.40 am and had breakfast and completed a couple of crosswords. I popped along to the Yacht Station office and paid for last nights mooring and electrical hook up, talking to the chap in the office the toilet/shower block upgrade is still on the cards and there is also to be electric points on the other side of the marina for the other visitor moorings, I would have thought while they are doing that they may as well install electric posts for the private moorings. The marina was quite full with private boats on the visitor mooring who had come in for the winter (similar happens at the Oulton Broad Yacht Station). Card stamped (free mooring on completed card, 10 stamps) back on the boat I got ready for setting off by taking the canopy down. Tan had finished the washing up so I took us under the bridge; Tan took over the helm when we got into 6 mph section. While Tan was hard at work on the her helm I was down in the galley preparing lunch, something we have now called Al’s hodgepot, a casserole dish with mushy peas in the bottom, boiled potatoes and carrots, cooked off bacon in pieces intermingled with the vegetables and finished off with a generous stilton and cheddar cheese sauce. I put the casserole dish into the oven on gas mark 3 for 30 to 40 minutes. We moored up at the Somerleyton mooring after the bridge was opened for us. It seemed churlish not to have a glass of wine to wash our lunch down, a couple of crosswords later I set off while Tan did some more washing up. Tan took over her helm after I had gone under Reedham bridge all the way back to Brundall, needless to say I was called upon to dock the boat. Still just light we put the canopy up and then headed up to the shower block. Now clean once again we settled back on the boat for a few games of Rummikub Tan managed to win a few games so ended up just one game down on the week. We watched the next Batman DVD and had coffee before going to bed at 11.00 pm Regards Alan
  12. Hi Paul, Is that sign on the hill down to the New Inn at Rockland St. Mary? Regards Alan
  13. Thursday 24th November 2016 I had tried to fix the bathing platform rubbing strip but I had not taken my drill with me on this trip. The hardware shop did not have an hand drill, I did not want to go to the expense of another battery drill, so the repair will have to wait until we get back to Brundall, maybe I can borrow a drill. We set off this morning and headed for Beccles, on the way Tan saw another Kingfisher and a rather large flying seagull, it turned out to a rather long neck however, she must remember to wear her glasses from time to time. We only saw one boat again today other than a few moored boats,and the odd fisherman trying to keep warm. Whilst on route I put a couple of jacket potatoes in the over, later some sausages, tomatoes and after we moored in the Yacht Station I added a cheese omelette. The late lunch and crosswords over we put the canopy up and went to the office, this was closed likewise the toilet block, they are on winter service and can be closed by a little after 12.00 noon. We walked up the road a went to Morrisons, it was getting dark by the time we got back to the boat, on board heaters on we settled down to a few games, still in the lead but now only by one, Tan put this down to cheating by plying her with a couple of glasses of Gin & tonic. We watched a DVD and when it finished we had coffee a couple of crosswords and bed by 11.00 pm Regards Alan
  14. Wednesday 23rd November part 2 We kept the canopy up, just removed the front screen panel, this tended to keep us warmer. We only saw one boat on our journey towards Loddon, a Broads Authority launch (a real one) passed us near to the sugar factory, Strange how it keeps appearing and then disappearing. We saw a cormorant sitting on top of the monument at the junction of the Chet, needless to say it flew off when we got to near. We had seen a Kingfisher earlier so we could cross off a few our wildlife tick boxes. Tan was at the helm going up the Chet and got caught out slightly by the first outlet from the Broad, on the other two she was fine. We arrived at the Lodden Staithe and had some lunch, a few crosswords latter we went for walk and to do some shopping. It was sad to see that more trees had been cut down in the car park, we had a look at the revamped toilets, which now include a disabled toilet at one end and a shower at the other end of toilet block, sadly this had a little bit of work to be done on it, they had fitted a lock system and then changed their minds so the door had been filled and was awaiting a new locking bolt on the inside. I have to say the finish was at an high standard. The Kings Head still do not have the operating tokens available, maybe these will be issued when the shower is fully open. Off to the Co-op for a few bits and a call into the hardware shop for a couple of items. Back on the boat I got my own back on Tan by beating her at Rummikub; so I was now two games up on her this week. We watched some TV, coffee and bed a little after 11.00 pm. Regards Alan
  15. We saw a sign yesterday on the river Chet saying "diverted pedestrians" Regards Alanc
  16. Wednesday 23rd November 2016 We had showers on our way to the Yare last night whether we needed them or not. Nice meal Tan had the chicken and bacon melt, I had the steak but asked for gammon steak, my guess the confusion was a case of Yorkshire babble not translating. The steak was very good however, so another meal on my list. A couple of beers and a glass of wine and we went back to boat. Tan beat me hands down at Runnikub two games in a row. We watched a DVD I got for my birthday Batman versus Superman, it became a bit confusing for Tan, it was a good job that Batman wore a cowl or she would have not recognised who it was. Coffee, crackers and cheese and bed by 11.00pm, we even braved it without hot water bottles. Up at a little before 8.00am we have had breakfast, answered all emails and checked out the forum. What’s with all this knocking the skipper? Glad to see all the support We may be off the grid, we are setting off shortly for Loddon. Regards Alan
  17. 22nd November 2016. Comfort food last night, jacket potatoes, sausages and baked beans all cooked in the oven, kept the boat toasty warm. We played a few games of Rummikub (a numbers tile game) and ended up even 2 games all. Watched a little TV and in bed by 11.20pm, it was windy all night with the noises from the ropes, canopy and fenders, we were being pushed around somewhat Tan was not happy. We managed to stay in bed until 7.30am, Tan was up and started breakfast and we were all done, including crosswords by 8.30. I took the panels out of the canopy and stowed them and removed all the upper helm seating into the forward bathroom. The rest of the canopy down we arrived in Wroxham at Jeckells by 9.20am, I showed them the broken tooth on the zip, the stitching would be repaired with putting in the new zip, quite a long zip from the bottom of the back panel right around the door section to the middle of the canopy, so about 8 foot long and around a corner. We went into the friendly chandlers! To see if they had any curtain runners and end stops, got a few bits to try and a good look around. Back in the car we went to Potter Heigham to check out Latham and a coffee and wedge at the Bridge Restaurant/Café. Very good with plenty of people using their services. Back in the car I wanted a few bits from B&Q so we headed for Norwich, we did not get what we went for but came out with a few items, Tan bought a pack of baubles, by the time we arrived back at Jeckells the canopy was ready for us. A quick trip into Roy’s and then back to the boat. Canopy fitted and a couple of jobs done, Tan was at the crosswords again and checking out the stair lifts and haggis in the Peoples Friend. Off to the Yare soon for a beer or two and a meal. Bye for now Regards Alan & Tan
  18. No doubt our Michael will let me know how the first program went when we get home, he has had the Amazon fire stick since Christmas and has watched a few programs but was waiting with bated breath for the trio to come onto the screen. Clarkson is like Marmite, personally I like Clarkson but not Marmite. Regards Alan
  19. There area good number of the people that work in the front line of Broads Authority, I am sure all of us owners have come across the friendly, hard working and dedicated members of the various departments within the Broads Authority, Hirers also deal with the rangers and yacht station staff and information staff when they used to be present (sad loss at Beccles, Ranworth and other locations). I do not know JP and the other members of the management, but they come across as an uncaring dictatorship. Regards Alan
  20. Monday 21st November 2016 on Ranworth Breeze The AGM on Saturday went well but quite a lot of apologies, work to be done, quotations to be obtained etc. We chatted at the bar and came down for a meal at 6.30pm for a meal with Mark & Rely, good meal & conversation, TV and bed by 11.00pm tired but kept waking up the bed was not to comfortable and rain could be heard for most of the night. Down for breakfast by a little after 8.00am, I do like my hotel breakfasts and a full English was on the cards. Rich & Lisa sat at the side of us and did likewise, needless to say we chattered away. Packing done we settled the bill, packed the car and called it at Roy’s but had to wait a short while until the doors opened at 10.30. A couple of items purchased we headed to Beccles to do some shopping at Morrison’s, usually it is at Roy’s but we needed to use the Morrison’s promotional voucher and a couple of £5 vouchers. Shopping done we headed back to the boat at Brundall, we had dropped some of our bags earlier to make sure there was room for the shopping. Whilst doing that a number of people on the marina were making sure they were battened down, saying the storm was due to hit us. We arrived back at the boat and loaded the rest of our gear aboard and proceeded to find space for it all, kettle on we stopped for a brew and bit to eat. All done we settled down and watched the TV, Strictly results and X Factor results, Tan was dismayed with both results and could not understand why the judges on X Factor had the opportunity to get rid of Honey G did not take it. All these shows are all fixed in my opinion anyway, so I was not surprised at all. In bed by 10.00pm tired, we did not wake up until 8.00am this morning. It rained much of the night but did not keep us awake. Off to the showers and back to the boat for breakfast, a few crosswords whilst eating, before finding was happening out there. It looks as if we will be staying put today, I need to remove the canopy for repairs to a zip, one of the teeth has broken off and some stitching is required. I had already pre warned Jeckells that I would be coming in to have some repairs done. All for now. Regards Alan & Tan
  21. We are sat in our room at the Hotel Wroxham, Tan is crocheting whilst I am checking up on the forum. Its our boats AGM tomorrow and Sunday we can get onto the boat. We are just going to relax and potter about on the southern rivers. Regards Alan & Tan
  22. Hi John, We have already stopped feeding the fish, but we do leave the pump running but move it as high as possible in the pond, if yours is not on an higher shelf put some bricks under it to lift it nearer to the surface. Regards Alan
  23. Hi Grendel, I am waiting to see how you are finishing off those planks at the bows, I assume it will need a lot of planning to make them fit. No doubt the first few are going to need more fitting than the rest. Regards Alan
  24. Hi John, Since we have been moored (2007/8) at Brundall we have seen many boats for sale both at Brooms and NYA, most seem to eventually sell, I assume that many of these boats will have been sold to go on other waterways. It has always been a case of trading up on boats, but the time will always come that is not cost effective to keep them if they are not fully used. I was talking to a chap a couple of years ago at the Yacht Station at Oulton Broad, he had only been out for a couple of days totally in the season and I he was talking about boat share as a future option, he was thinking about advertising his boat for shares to help cover the cost. Over the years we have come across a few boats that are shared by a group of owners, a prime example is Broad Ambition. Regards Alan
  25. Hi John, Sadly the Broads Authority have no concept of the costs involved with boating. There are or were? some boats fueling up at Brooms fuel station taking on 1500 to 2000 litres of fuel, gladly my worse case was £186 and that included a dual pump out. Regards Alan
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