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Everything posted by ranworthbreeze

  1. Hi John, We are on the rivers from Sunday so we may see you around. Regards Alan
  2. Hi Stuart, I hope that double bass is one you made earlier Regards Alan
  3. Hello LincsLass, The air draft on Ranworth Breeze is 9 ft 8 inches when we go through Yarmouth we always check the Broads Authority tide tables and look for low tide hights of less than 0.02. I have checked the tables for this month and your options are limited to tide on the following days:- The times on the table are always plus one hour because of the difference in tides from Gorleston to Yarmouth. 15th November 15.24 16th November 03.41 & 16.11 17th November 04.32 & 16.57 18th November 05.24 19th November 06.15 20th November 07.09 As with all tables check the bridge marker at the end of Breydon Water which is just through the lift bridge. A little tip coming down river through Yarmouth if you can see 7 ladder rungs out of the water on the Yacht Station there is 10 foot clearance at the bridges. Regards Alan
  4. Hi Mark, Good shirt for the camper or maybe a Breaking Bad tee-shirt Regards Alan
  5. Our Michael said he was watching the fish bar at their branch of Morrisons, the chap at the counter was standing with his arms held in-front of him observing the two minutes silence like the rest of the staff. A customer (a man in his 50's) went right up to him seemingly unaware what was happening and kept saying I want some haddock, until the silence finished. Other customers waiting were also nonplussed. Regards Alan
  6. My guess is the tent is there to house all the stuff they could not move in the last Broads Authority auction Regards Alan
  7. Hi Mark, I see in your last picture that the circs have capped off and there was a motorized valve in operation is this still in use or have you gone in for a condensing boiler? Regards Alan
  8. I would say that it could only happen on the Broads, sadly this sort of issue happens all the time not only in this country but also abroad. To many Quango's, think tanks and people out there that have never had a real job where they have had to work! Regards Alan
  9. I have deleted the entry in the forum calendar as requested by Sue. Regards Alan
  10. Hi Sue, Please let me have the details of the entry you need deleting. Regards Alan
  11. Hi John, If you go to the link that Q posted and then click on the blue highlighted locations it takes you to a map of the location, the rivers and channels are marked in colours, there is a table on the left that gives you the depth in meters. Regards Alan
  12. Hello ginbottle, What size is your boat and the weight of the mud weight in KG so forum members can give you advice. We have all started boating at some time in our lives, it is a leaning curve and we still learn every day we go onto the water. Regards Alan
  13. Hello ginbottle, Welcome to the forum, please tell us a little about yourself, your shack and boat. Regards Alan
  14. Hi Q, It would be interesting to see if Iain could fold that small enough to fit into his wee purse, my guess is no problem Regards Alan
  15. Hi Peter, As you say it is truly a shame that the boat could not be saved. I seem to think I saw a picture of the port side with a crack in the hull towards the bows? Regards Alan
  16. Well said Keith, maybe Mark just wanted to be on a boat in the fresh air, any boat! Regards Alan
  17. Bump, A reminder of the dredging and closure of Rockland Staithe. From now 7th November. Dredging Work in Rockland Dike and Rockland Staithe from Monday 7 November 2016 The planned dredging work in Rockland Dike is due to start slightly ahead of schedule on Monday 7 November 2016. Between Monday 7 November and Sunday 13 November 2016 Rockland Dike and Rockland Staithe will remain open, but boaters must approach with caution and may experience restricted width and some delay as works barges are manoeuvred. As published in NTM Notice 06 of 2016 Rockland Dike and Rockland Staithe will then be closed to navigation between Monday 14 November and Friday 23December 2016 and also between Monday 9 January and Friday 20 January 2017. Regards Alan
  18. Has anyone seen anything relating to the closure of the Bell Inn Salhouse? http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/sadness_after_unexpected_closure_of_well_used_community_pub_1_4764886 Regards Alan
  19. Hi Simon, Our routine for the colder months is to do the following. Cut down the amount of the boat you heat, so when we do not have guests we close the modesty curtains of the forward berth/seating area. When on shore power we have two fan heaters, so we put one in the galley and one in the aft cabin. Or we use the heating. We take four hot water bottles with us as part of our boat kit. We put all four hot water bottles into the bed a couple of hours before we go to bed, this airs the bed and takes any chill of. We refill these just before turning in. We always have a king sized fleece that we put on top of the duvet, this keeps us toasty warm and if there is any condensation this will form on the fleece rather than the bedding. The fleece can be dried if required during the day. We always have hats, gloves and the thermals if needed for cruising in the open air. Have a good supply of warm socks and change of shoes, after saying that I mostly just use m deck shoes, the main thing is not to get your feet or hands to wet. Regards Alan
  20. Please find attached the Broads Authority’s Notice to Mariners 08 2016 which relates to the closure of Cockshoot Dyke moorings during the period 12th December 2016 through to 31st March 2017. Kind regards. Chris Bailey Administrative Officer Operations 01603 756007 Please note my current working days are Monday - Wednesday. Broads Authority, Yare House, 62-64 Thorpe Road. Norwich NR1 1RY 01603 610734 www.broads-authority.gov.uk BROADS AUTHORITY NOTICE TO MARINERS No. 8 of 2016 Closure of Cockshoot Dyke 24hr Mooring Notice is hereby given that Cockshoot Dyke 24hr mooring will be closed to navigation for re-piling and refurbishment work from Monday 12th December 2016 until Friday 31st March 2017. During this period there will be no public access to the mooring and therefore no access from the mooring to the adjoining boardwalks. If there is a specific need for access to the mooring or Cockshoot Broad Boardwalk please contact Tom Hunter on 01603 756066. Tom Hunter Rivers Engineer Broads Authority Yare House 62-64 Thorpe Road Norwich , NR1 1RY 07 November 2016
  21. Hi Jill, The first time I heard Bob Newhart was his sketch on tobacco with Walter Raleigh on the phone. Regards Alan
  22. Stuart & Peter, Have a look at this link:- http://www.shieldtechnology.co.uk/ I use some of their products on some of my tools. Regards Alan
  23. Hi Stuart, At Screw fix they have Dimplex 1 foot and two foot heaters, I have called in the Norwich branch on our way down to the boat at times. Regards Alan
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