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Everything posted by ranworthbreeze

  1. Hi Griff, While you are in the area have a look at the Cavendish Hotel in Haversage, very good for a special meal or if you can afford it spend a night or two there. Tan & I have been there on a couple of occasions for anniversaries, never stopped but on the last occasion we were shown around one of the rooms by my cousin who used to be a Receptionist there, very nice but ouch! Regards Alan
  2. I agree Monica, now if only we could get a camera back into operation at Oulton Broad. It would pay the management at the Wherry Hotel to find an alternative supplier, being able to see if a mooring on their moorings or at the Yacht Station is a bonus for all of us Broads users. Regards Alan
  3. Whilst the B.A. are reinventing the wheel, would it not be an idea to have a toll system where toll users who have more than one vessel have a discount for additional craft, the most common is having a tender or dingy. Lets face it we only use one at a time. After saying that we got rid of our dingy it was not worth the toll paid for the times it was used. Regards Alan
  4. Hi Rob, Happy birthday, as you say we did not realize that we shared the same birthday date, well the first couple of dates at least Of course I didn't see your first contract with the syndicate. It is good to see you posting on the forum again. Rob has been a member of the forum since August 2014. Regards Alan
  5. Hi Grace, What you need for when the girls call in is some form of dispenser with the required number of tubes or straws. Also some very large bottles Regards Alan
  6. Many thanks to all of you kind forum members for wishing me a happy birthday. Tan & I are at work today and have already sent two happy people o their way after repairs to their jukebox mechanisms Birthday chips, fish & mushy peas was the order of the day for lunch. Back onto the forum for my normal lunchtime overview of the forum. Might go home early after doing the weekly shop. It gets no better. See you on the forum later, I will be the one sampling an odd glass or two. Regards Alan
  7. One for me please. Regards Alan
  8. Tan & I saw them doubled up leaving Acle when we used to be moored on the Northern Rivers. So much to be seen out of the usual season. Regards Alan
  9. I guess that ticks nearly all the boxes with a certain lady, just's needs a butler to change the bottle from time to time. Regards Alan
  10. Hi Stuart, Because we are getting towards to end of the season and some people are looking as if they will be not visiting their boats for a few months. The chance of damage or their boats being broken into will be rife. Can the various agencies have an active presence on the rivers during the winter months? Regards Alan
  11. Hi Grendel, Do you have a bench drill that you could adapt into a press? You could then try to press the brass into a channel, just a thought. The first bend would have been straight forward but the second bend in such a short distance would have been almost impossible, maybe if it had been a curved bottom it might have been easier. Looking forward to seeing your solution. Regards Alan
  12. Oulton Broad boat fire earlier this evening, thankfully no reported injuries http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/firefighters_tackle_boat_blaze_in_oulton_broad_1_4740835
  13. You too John, I thought it was only me. Regards Alan
  14. My Business Partner uses Simply Green on his speedboat hull as soon as he gets the boat back on his trailer after going on Lake Windermere or on Loch Lomond. On Windermere you get a greenish weed on the hull in a couple of days. On Ranworth Breeze we have always encountered a brown/black slick at the water level, it is always a weekly job of cleaning this off when the boat is cleaned. It was just as bad when we on the Northern Rivers at Ferry Marina. I usually clean the boat at water level whenever we are moored side on, it only takes a few minutes with a brush and the river water, just to keep it down. Regards Alan
  15. Hi Alan, I great report, pity about the bump but if no damage done that is a bonus. A good tale with only slight exaggeration How was the Maltsters other than busy after you brought in the all the other crews. Regards Alan
  16. Hi Lori, Have a look at the following link:- http://forum.norfolkbroadsnetwork.com/topic/11520-acle-overnight-moorings/?page=4 Regards Alan
  17. Hi Neil, Is it the Shoulder of Mutton, Howard beat me to it. We met John & Mary-Jane at a pub a couple of miles from Brundall, up Station Road to the tee junction and turn right, over the roundabout and it was on the left after a mile or so. Regards Alan
  18. Hello Bill, Welcome to the forum and your first post. Regards Alan
  19. Hi Neil, One of our allocations a couple of years ago was during the 5th November, we were moored at the yacht station at Beccles. There normally is a public display of fireworks there each year. Fireworks always look great over the water. I hope you manage to get to a display. Regards Alan
  20. This message is on every Broads forum and facebook group. I would like to think that it correct and a plea for the person who took pictures of the group whilst they were in their canoes paddling up river from the Ferry Inn at Horning to come forward with a last picture of a member of their group. Regards Alan
  21. I tend to agree with you. Regards Alan
  22. Just had a look and it is somewhat pixelated my guess is rain on the lens may be the answer., most of these cameras have an heater under the lens to combat condensation on the outer glass of camera enclosure, so it may clear soon. Regards Alan
  23. Hi Grace, Last year we moored at Rockland St Mary Staithe and bye passed the New Inn and walked up the hill to the village, we needed milk and a few bits & pieces so kept walking or should I say limping bye the time we eventually reached the Post Office. We purchased the items and coffees and a slice; and made full use of the seating outside of the Post Office, resting done we headed back down to the boat, calling in the pub to reserve a table for that evening. I have to say the journey downhill to the pub was the easiest. Sample drunk we went back to the boat. Regards Alan
  24. Hi Peter, It only seems to apply when walking and signposts for the villages usually say 1.5 or 1.75 miles from the moorings, a relative short distance to catch out the casual visitor Regards Alan
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