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Everything posted by ranworthbreeze

  1. Hi John, I see John managed to get into that mooring slot he wanted next to you. I hope the weather holds for you all, at this time of year you could hope for no better. Regards Alan
  2. Hi John, In many respects I agree with you, we all drop the mud weight when stern mooring (a few of us also drop the weights down in those area's we think it might be a good idea). In high winds when stern moored we also use warps from our middle cleats to help prevent the bows from being blown to Starboard (it always seems to be starboard for some reason). Regards Alan
  3. Hi Vaughan, You could be right there, they may have progressed to joined up writing but my guess it is still on classroom slates You find the same mentality with regards to certain areas of the canal system. In Birmingham they have truly adopted the city center. Manchester the home of the canal system have basically turned there back on the canal. Regards Alan
  4. Hi Vaughan, The Canal & River Trust only own the tow path bank of the canals, you would think that you could moor anywhere on the towpath side of the canals, but this is not always the case because the trust does lease off long term moorings, in some more popular villages where you would like to moor it is a case of mooring well before or after the village because of the leased moorings and visitor moorings being full. With regards to good upkeep of the tow paths these have encouraged more people using the canals for cycling, walking, a means of getting to work etc. These activities help revitalize a waterway, both for boats and wildlife. Regards Alan
  5. Saw this report on the upper Wensum. http://www.edp24.co.uk/business/farming/historic_meander_reconnected_during_upper_wensum_river_restoration_1_4709984 Regards Alan
  6. Looking forward to loads of pictures. Have a great meet everyone. Regards Alan
  7. Hello Dredger, Welcome to the NBN forum. Regards Alan
  8. Hi Iain, You and me both, both with the old book on the roller skate and making trolleys, squeegee mops used for brakes on the rear wheels (the squeegee pads removed and replaced with wooden blocks). Both great for going down the hills, the only drag was having to walk back up the hill. Regards Alan
  9. Hi Bob, Its getting closer now. For everyone's benefit here is a link to Richardson's and Tobago:- http://www.richardsonsboatingholidays.co.uk/boats/tobago/ Regards Alan
  10. Hello Vaughan, Julia got back to me it would seem that there is only an individual member option. I will contact Julia again when I return from holiday. Regards Alan
  11. Hi Trev, When we used to be moored there we had membership to the facilities at the pool. They did the odd snack and a number of mooring holders used to chew the fat over a coffee on the seating outside. We tended to make use of the toilet & shower that used to be in the entrance to the launderette and the launderette itself (all of the machines never worked all of the time and were as old as the hills. Used the showers a few times within the pool complex, but you always received the evil eye. Not much for your buck if the prices are going up with less facilities, parking is not great, security is piece meal and with no pontoon moorings is a bit of joke because of the flooding issues, wellies were always part of our boat kit just to get aboard the boat. With regards to marina fees the Broads is still the cheapest anywhere, one of our owners left the syndicate in 2007 after buying his own boat, it was moored in the hull marina at £11000.00 per year. Regards Alan
  12. Hi Jean, If you want to PM me regarding syndicate sharing, I have over 16 years of experience both from a shareholders point of view and from managing our syndicate since 2011. So I know of the benefits and the pitfalls to watch out for. Regards Alan
  13. Since the owner took over the Woods End and renamed it the Waters Edge nearly three years ago, we have always found it open, great food and top notch service. It is now one of our favorite stopping locations, at Brammerton Green or outside of the pub. Regards Alan
  14. Hi John, I have emailed Julia at the NSBA for information regarding membership be it personal or if they have a syndicate membership (this may be of interest to all of our fellow syndicates on the Broads). When I get the details I will pass them on in the syndicate section. Regards Alan
  15. Hi Grendel, What glue are you using? Looking good by the way, looking forward to the planking. Regards Alan
  16. Yesterday was warm with some blue sky on our journey to Birmingham yesterday but sun did not last it turned dull but still warm. Returning to Sheffield in the early evening the sky went black and lighting was seen and heard, by all accounts there was a tornado seen in Sheffield. Today has been mixed with some sunny spells but managed to get the cars roof down. Off to Devon tomorrow morning so hoping the good weather continues. Regards Alan
  17. Hi Ashley, I hope this does not turn out to be a Busman's holiday, as you say you would never live it down. Enjoy your break. Regards Alan
  18. If that were the case Iain, I would ditch the Norfolk Broads and look for another waterway. The beauty of the Broads is being able to go out for a week or longer if you are among the lucky just to potter about on the river. Regards Alan
  19. The pubic mooring at Horning is limited to about 3 boats 4 at a pinch, At Wroxham there are no moorings other than through the bridge. At Potter Heigham there are two sections of public moorings for around 8 to 10 boats. So on the Northern Broads there is scope for major improvement with regards to public mooring where people want and need to moor to take on provisions etc. Regards Alan
  20. Ditto when Tan & I are aboard Ranworth Breeze. Always willing to share a socket with suitable splitters. Regards Alan
  21. Hello Peter, I was contacted by one of our owners this evening, they left the boat today. Bob said that the whole of the building has been effected and the toilets, wetrooms and reception were closed this morning, at this stage it is difficult to say when these facilities will be open. Regards Alan
  22. Hi Brian, Its good to see you back on the forum. Regards Alan
  23. Hello Trev, Most of the Marinas do sell the B.A. £1.00 cards as well as the ones that are used on the various marinas, if you do look on the B.A. link they do have a list of other outlets that stock the cards. I would however only get a few cards because the B.A. are talking about changing the card system in 2017, after saying that the B.A. are very good at replacing cards that do not work, so I assume any old cards they will exchange. Regards Alan
  24. Hello Mondeoman, Here is a link to see Crystal Gem for forum members. http://www.richardsonsboatingholidays.co.uk/boats/crystal-gem/ Regards Alan
  25. Hi Simon, We have the water traps (Morrisons sell a good moisture trap, we then buy the replacement crystals in bulk locally) in various locations on the boat, we also have one of the small mains units that we tend to leave running overnight in the galley. In the morning we use the Karcher and cloths. As already stated leave windows and roof vents open. Regards Alan
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