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Everything posted by ranworthbreeze

  1. Hi Gramps, Beware of any distances given in "Norfolk Miles" usually a Norfolk mile is twice the distance Regards Alan
  2. Hi John, I was in the process of merging these three topics. Regards Alan
  3. Thanks Poppy, I will check it out when we are down in November. Regards Alan
  4. When I first saw this topic I thought that, how are they going to get services to a building by the Broad, eventually realizing that they were talking about a building in the village. Although passing through the village regularly during our visits I do not know where the car park is or where the other cafe is located. Regarding the Broad lets face it the mooring fee charged is over the top for no facilities, when we last tried to stern moor there we couldn't reach the moorings because of insufficient depth and ended up mud weighting on the broad. Regards Aaln
  5. Hi Grendel, Nobody says sorry anymore, be it a bank, insurance company or the idiots that just damaged your boat, car etc. Re direct debits, I always opt for standing orders that way you have control rather than a company just taking cash when it is convenient to them. Regards Alan
  6. Hi Vaghan, Personally I share your view, from the report of the coroners statement, I think the management of this body of water got away lightly by saying signs were removed. If this body of water is still open to the public then the management must take suitable measures to protect the public. Regards Alan
  7. Hi Frank, When you find a company to do the re-chroming, you may have to go far afield to get it done and you will no doubt be shocked by the price. I have customers who have chrome sections re-chromed for their jukeboxes, the prices they tell me about are frightening. My guess is that a new wheel will be far cheaper. Regards Alan
  8. Hi John, That link works for me. Regards Alan
  9. Come on Grendel, look after your workforce, not a safety harness, hard hat or high viz jacket in sight. The elf & safety would have a field day I have been looking at your picture for some time, are you lifting the hog to insert the ribs or are you feeding them in under the hog? Regards Alan
  10. The only time I have walked up that narrow path from the Broad was to help our Syndicate manager at the time to carry a battery down to the boat. This was at a time when the mooring was deep enough for us to stern moor there. A tidy walk up to the village, bye the time if I walked up there again it would be straight into the pub for a pint and rest Regards Alan
  11. I have not seen the pods at the WRC, but if you look at the buildings at Whitlingham, could there be anything uglier than those. Regards Alan
  12. Its usually down to installing larger fuel tanks/ Regards Alan
  13. Hi John, I know that Chris is not one of the guy,s but she is one of the good guy's at the Broads Authority to name but one, in dealing with a number of the departments within the B.A. they do have some very good staff at the sharpe end, helpful with their advice and getting the job done. Regards Alan
  14. Chris Bailey is one of the Good Guy's at the B.A. I am thankful for being included in these notices. We usually are the first forum to report any stoppages or works affecting the Broads. Regards Alan
  15. Hi Mark, Not knocking dredging, but that is going to spoil any attempt that we may have made to visit the New Inn during our allocation. Regards Alan
  16. I only reported the message off of facebook word for word. Do not shoot the messenger too much Regards Alan
  17. Please find attached the Broads Authority’s Notice to Mariners No. 6 which relates to closures of Rockland Boat Dike and Rockland Staithe during the periods 14th November through to 23rd December 2016 and 9th January through to 20th January 2017. Kind regards. Chris Bailey Administrative Officer Operations 01603 756007 Please note my current working days are Monday - Wednesday. Broads Authority, Yare House, 62-64 Thorpe Road. Norwich NR1 1RY 01603 610734 www.broads-authority.gov.uk BROADS AUTHORITY NOTICE TO MARINERS No. 6 of 2016 Closure of Rockland Boat Dike & Rockland Staithe Notice is hereby given that Rockland Boat Dike and Rockland Staithe will be closed to navigation for essential maintenance dredging during the following periods: Closed: Monday 14 November 2016 until Friday 23 December 2016 Closed: Monday 9th January 2017 until Friday 20 January 2017 Between Saturday 24th December 2016 and Sunday 8th January 2017, the Rockland Boat Dike and Rockland Staithe will be open to navigation; however moorings and turning space in the Staithe will be limited by the presence of the dredging rig. Rockland Broad, The Fleet and the Short Dike will remain open to navigation, but mariners should be aware that during the periods of the closures barges will be moving across Rockland Broad and in the Short Dike. All equipment will be lit and signage will be in place to warn of restriction and delays. If there is a specific need for access to Rockland Dike or Rockland Staithe then please contact Tom Hunter on 01603 756066. Tom Hunter Rivers Engineer Broads Authority Yare House 62-64 Thorpe Road Norwich, NR1 1RY 10 October 2016 Regards Alan
  18. Hi Steve, That is the trouble these days with the young, no commitment Regards Alan
  19. Hi Matt, For those who do not go on facebook here is a copy of the message:- Morning folks!! some exciting positive news regarding horizon craft at Acle......We have been in talks with Richardsons and the BA regarding taking over the site and keeping all the facilities operating while being a sustainable business. Clive and all at Richardsons have been extremely supportive and are very keen to keep the visitor moorings and facilities open, however the BA not so much, but hopefully will soon make an effort to help us keep it all going.I have been hiring boats on the broads with my family since before I was born and loved every minute of it! Seeing so many places close down, having less and less places to moor and less activities to do is the reason for wanting to take this on and put something back into the broads! Our first plans where to operate a smaller fleet of around 10-12 craft in the first year while converting the front of the workshop into a bar/restaurant/clubhouse and install approximately 10-15 glamping pods along the site, and provide around 10 private moorings, this allowed more than one stream of income and also provided more services and facilities on the broads rather than take them away however, while Richardsons supported the plan, the BA point blank refused the pods so we where back to the drawing board. We are now planning to take over the site in November and spend the winter refurbishing the 10 boats we've secured, converting the front of the workshop into the fun 'food for sharing' style clubhouse/restaurant that we currently operate in Cumbria, create around 10 private moorings and try to negotiate with the BA on what else we can do on the land instead of it all just turning into private moorings, which we don't want. We will need all the support you guys can give over the coming months and years to make this a success. If you could all like our Facebook page, thebroadsboatingco that would be fantastic, we will post updates and pictures on there (and on this site if allowed?) and we are also looking to ask you guys on suggestions for the boat names ect, while running some introductory prices for the first customers to book nearer the time. Any feedback or suggestions please feel free to comment or private message me, hope to see you all soon, Ryan, Sam and the Team Regards Alan
  20. Like politicians the executive of the Broads Authority deal with direct questions whilst being civil answer with no relevance to the topic points in the question asked, the result is always we are no wiser and the politician/executive has not offered any promises that can later be quoted. I caught some the last questions and answer sessions on the NBF and I was not optimistic. Regards Alan
  21. Hi Steve, So what facilities does the Ferry Marina actually offer? When we were moored there this is all that was on offer:- Electric posts Hose pipes at a number of locations Gravel parking area Small swimming pool that included showers & toilet and snack area (you had to be a member to use them).We were members but felt ill at ease using them. Low level cameras from the single story roof for security. Launderette with an attached toilet and single shower cubical (to be honest the only facilities we used) Hard to get to fuel station and service area right at the back of the complex (only used once too much trouble) No pontoon moorings so flooding was often an issue. I think there was also a small shop that seemed never to be open back in 2001 to 2007. Regards Alan
  22. Hello Simon, Yes there was a Birchwood forum (http://birchwoodboatowners.myfreeforum.org), I was a member until it finished. As you say there is not too much information around, but there are still plenty of Birchwood owners out there. Our syndicate owns a 2001 Birchwood 340. I will have a word with Jonzo, to see if we can have a Birchwood section. Regards Alan
  23. Hi Clive, A great looking boat, can you please post some pictures of the interior? Regards Alan
  24. Hi Frank, We have two tanks on Ranworth Breeze, the smallest is 98ltr which is under the bed in the aft cabin for the ensuite bathroom. This has always lasted us a week for our allocations, fit an level indicator on the tank, they do not give too much warning, they always seem to go from green to red without hardly lighting the amber. Regards Alan
  25. The Reception at Tingdene Marina at Brundall have various gas bottles including the 4.5KG Calor Gas. Regards Alan
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