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Everything posted by ranworthbreeze

  1. A couple of years ago during one of last major storms we were going up through Reedham almost sideways, I did not want to chance it all the way back to Brundall so with the windscreen section of the canopy zipped down I went up the Chet into the Loddon basin knowing this would be sheltered. It took nearly 2 hours to get up the Chet due gale force wind blowing us back down the river. Even in the wet weather gear I had on including over trousers I was wet through to the skin. Another time of bad weather was in the late 70's we had had a long weekend on Narrow Boat from a company called Barrington Boats (sadly they ceased trading in the early 80's) at that time you could have a four full days on this 10 berth boat out of season including fuel for £60 (high season was £300 per week plus fuel and security deposit (I remembered these well, you wrote a cheque and they gave it you back if no damage or losses). That weekend the Hurricane hit and destroyed a number of piers around the country. We were due back on the Monday evening, the wind was so strong that we were continually blown into the bank, I broke the barge pole in half getting free from the bank. Eventually because we were getting nowhere I reversed back down the canal (the wind was actually helping) until we came to a bridge and a bit of shelter. We started with high revs and managed to keep going straight until we got to the locks and onto their home base at the top of Stenson lock a 12 foot high lock if memory serves me correctly. Tan and I were totally wet through, it was after 8.00pm the boatyard staff had gone home by then, we wrote them a note apologizing for the broken barge pole and our late arrival. After getting dry and changing in the van (I drove a Transit in those days) we headed home. Regards Alan
  2. Hi Eric, One of our owners and his wife are aboard Ranworth Breeze this week, if you see them on the Southern Broads please give them a wave. Sadly Tan and I have to wait until July for our next visit to the boat. Regards Alan
  3. Hi Mark, I am with Stuart on this try to remove the tube in the center, you could use your Dremel, but I would be inclined to use a jigsaw with a metal cutting blade in it. Do several cuts, you can then lever against each section to ease out the tube. Once that is out you can see the depth of the circular plate, you could use the jigsaw again or go for the Dremel now you know the depth to cut. Best of luck. Regards Alan
  4. Hello Andrew, Welcome to the NBN forum from Tan and myself. As already stated members do enter the chat room for a quiz on Monday evenings, but a number of forum members do enter the chat room from time to time. As with all chat rooms there can be delays text coming up and cross overs in dialog but everyone seems to cope, give it a go and see what it is like for you. Regards Aaln
  5. Yes it was a good program, personally I think he should have stuck with the Indian, his bike seemed to not be as stable on the wall, it looked as if he was fighting vibration all the time. A good record broken and long may it last. Regards Alan
  6. Hi Matt, If it has happened in the past or if it happens again, it might be an idea for your syndicate to move to pastures new! One of the reasons we moved from Ferry Marine that we had been moved twice to different locations, when we were to be moved to near to the hire craft were moored we looked for another marina. Since being at Tingdene we have only moved once so both boat are moored side by side (Ranworth Breeze & Southern Crusader) at the time of the move to the Southern Broads we had to have different locations. During our time at Tingdene we have never returned to find another boat on our moorings. I know have major issues with a move from Brooms with regards to cleaning, turn round services and of course your discount on fuel for being a Broom's berth holder. It sounds like a job for your syndicate Chairman to sort out with assurances from Broom's written in stone. Regards Alan
  7. Hello Woodsafloat, Welcome to the NBN forum from Tan & myself. Good advise from Iain Regards Alan
  8. Watching as I type. Regards Alan
  9. Hi Siddy, The difference in height was 500mm, I have been through some stop locks where diffence was less than 50mm and you had difficulty getting the gates to stay shut. As I said yesterday the program was very interesting, it Breydon Water look like a small pond compared with some of the waterways they were crossing. Regards Alan
  10. I have merged these two topic. Regards Alan
  11. Hi John, Best of luck with the knee operation tomorrow and give my regards to Mary-Jane. Regards Alan
  12. Hi Geoff, It is always easier to get in and out of a soft-top with the roof down especially in our case on the odd occasion if we have someone sat in the back seats. We have no space however on our jaunts down to the Broad or Devon when we are fully loaded including the back seats. Regards Alan
  13. Hi Steve, Trim any fat off of your meat including bacon. Grill or braise, The George Forman grill is ideal, hot air friers are great if you must have chips, the results are much improved on oven chips. Regards Alan
  14. Hi Seriously, Don't tell me hot water bottles and fleece are not part of your boat kit? At this time of the year or at the end of the season, we put four hot water bottles into the bed a couple of hours prior to going to bed and then refresh them if required with more hot water. If you have a gas oven, put that on but allow for some ventilation. If you can screen off areas of the boat with curtains do so to cut down the area you need to heat. The other year our heater was back at eberspacher at the end of the season so we made sure we were on shore power and used a couple of electric convectors to provide heat. I hope you manage to keep warm. Regards Alan
  15. Well Iain at least it will not be Monday, you can get used to these short weeks, if only it could be a 3 or 4 day working week every week, it almost takes you back to the early 70's Regards Alan
  16. I am currently watching Tim & Pru on the second part of their canal journeys on the Swedish Canals, very interesting. Regards Alan
  17. Hi Iain, It has to be Heinz for me, they are the only beans that do not contain onion or garlic, onion has always been a problem for me since childhood and at 30 I found I was allergic to garlic, my son Michael also comes out in little white spots if we have anything containing garlic. Regards Alan
  18. Hi Iain, Before or after the baked beans Regards Alan
  19. Hello Seriously, I would check the 30 amp supply to the heater, make sure all the connection are tight. In your picture I would wrap that pipe in insulation unless it is the air intake, any heat coming from the pipe would not help the wiring and control of the heater. It would appear to be a battery issue or a short on the wiring if the boats lights are going out. Regards Alan
  20. Hello Shreck, Welcome to the NBN forum from Tan & myself. Regards Alan
  21. Hi Strowager, Thank you for the message. I will leave the advert running on Ebay until it runs out, not too many days to go it is good advertising if nothing else, since running the Ebay Classified adverts for shares for sale on Ranworth Breeze the highest views we have had in a month is 11000 with over 63 watches. The advert we have on www.boatshare.co .uk we leave running for the full year, this like Ebay is very cheap advertising. Regards Alan
  22. Hi Ray, You tried a Nissan Juke, I thought you had style, at least once inside you could not see the outside Regards Alan
  23. Hi Poppy, A big thumbs up for Lim's in Loddon and all of the fish & chip shops in Wroxham are well worth a visit. Regards Alan
  24. Hi Iain, Great warm sunny weather down in Sheffield this morning as well, just popped in for lunch so thought I would check on the forum. Regards Alan
  25. I had a look at the webcam last night it was partially lit so you could see the Peregrine is sitting on the eggs, seeing the view around the cathedral with all the house and car lights twinkling was interesting. The Peregrine is still sitting on the eggs this morning so you can not tell how many there are at the moment, it is my understanding that there are three eggs. Regards Alan
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