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Everything posted by ranworthbreeze

  1. Hi Mark, We as a forum try to not name and shame anyone. Personally however in David's place I would have had a word with the Broads Control, if this crew were in a state whilst travelling on the rivers before mooring up and more than likely the following day, should they be in control of a boat. Regards Alan
  2. Hi Jeff, Checkout our webpage information, as I posted earlier in this thread, I have posted an alternative link, please look in the webpage section. http://thenorfolkbroads.net/forum/forum/124-webcams/ Regards Alan
  3. The Falcon website is now up and working again. Regards Alan
  4. Hello David, Sorry to hear of experience at Rockland St Mary, I hope the offending crew did not follow you around the Broads. Silverline are a great yard, I have friends who have been year on year with them, you never hear of any negative reports about Silverline. Regards Alan
  5. Hi Griff, It's not you, I can't even see a link to the video. No doubt Robin will let us know in due course. Regards Alan
  6. I have found another site that shows some pictures of the nesting box attached to the Norwich Cathedral, it is mounted in front of a window. http://www.norwichperegrines.co.uk/13th-march-2016/4592044749 Regards Alan
  7. There is currently a problem with this website. Regards Alan
  8. Hi Iain, I guess you are also watching the snooker today? Yesterday it was all sports from 2.00pm, with the snooker, formula 1 and then more snooker. Regards Alan
  9. Hi Iain, Nothing wrong with getting a replacement or two. Regards Alan
  10. Hi Iain, It is more than likely the control buttons, if you take it apart you should see that the buttons are made of a two part rubber that have graphite (or similar) adhered to the rubber, this tends to wear off, I have stuck tin foil to each side which makes the switch operable again. Regards Alan
  11. Indeed heart breaking news for the devastated family. .
  12. Hi Ray, Welcome to the NBN forum, as John says there will be no issues mud weighting on the two broads, my choice of the two would be South Walsham, it should be quieter but not a lot. Regards Alan
  13. until
    Our first allocation visit this year on Ranworth Breeze
  14. Hi Strowager, Do you have a full shot of the wooden boat, I assume it was a very upmarket day-boat, but very nice. It was good to see that the day went well for everyone. Regards Alan
  15. Hi Eric, It may have been 4 chicks when you were watching, EDP24 repaorted that the fourth egg hatched overnight. http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/environment/fourth_peregrine_falcon_chick_hatches_at_norwich_cathedral_1_4516842 Regards Alan
  16. I have not told you about the the owner that went straight across from the moorings and hit another boat (in the early days), that bent the starboard rails. Another owner moored up and totally bent the Port side boarding ladder after grazing the aft port window frame and bending both stanchions that boarding ladder fits onto. At the time they were on the week before me so I took suitable panel beating tools with me to try and sort it out. One look at the removed ladder told me to straight round to the fabrication shop for them to make a new ladder in time for the following Tuesday. This they did, I had to give two training sessions that week with out a ladder on one side of the boat. At times we all make mistakes, most of the time they are little and effect nobody other times it can be a major problem. Regards Alan
  17. Hi Jean, I blended the margarine and sugar by hand but used a hand mixer for introduction of the eggs. The rest was done by hand. The syrup took some time and because of the extra fluid (the Cointreau) I added a bit more sugar. I forgot to put the milk into the mix but it seems to have turned out OK and the syrup makes the cake very moist. We could almost see the calories piling on Regards Alan
  18. Hi David, Yes it was Phil & Caroline, who are one of our more local owners. Regards Alan
  19. Thanks Bern, I gave it a go this morning, but substituted with gluten free flour, so it maybe it didn't raise as much, but not bad. I also put a couple of cap-fulls of Cointreau and used milk chocolate. Used a fan oven at 175 for one hour. It tasted good, the next slice will be even better when we can wait for the chocolate to fully set Regards Alan
  20. Hi Vanessa, We have been lucky. The skipper apologised straight away which was good, so there are still many good guys on the water. Regards Alan
  21. Hi Wooster, I would add staying overnight at Womak staithe and mud weighting on South Walsham Broad or Salhouse Broad. Being as it is half-term it is bound to be busier. Regards Alan
  22. Just had a message from one of our owners aboard Ranworth Breeze that we where clipped on the rear port quarter on Wednesday evening when a boat was coming in to moor at St Olaves. This will be only the second time that the boat has been involved in a third party incident since the boat was launched in 2001. Regards Alan
  23. The clear night skies of the Norfolk Broads are very special (matched by many places in the country) the glow from city lights gone; it is time to look upwards and reflect how small our world actually is. Regards Alan
  24. EDP24 has a picture of the first three chicks. http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/environment/three_peregrine_falcon_chicks_hatch_overnight_at_norwich_cathedral_1_4515598 Regards Alan
  25. I have just been watching the Norwich Falcons and was lucky to see one of the tiny balls of white fluff, the sitting parent is very active whilst keeping the chicks warm. Regards Alan
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