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Everything posted by ranworthbreeze

  1. The Bins at Bramerton were in a stockade this was removed a while ago, there is no sign it was ever there. There were no facilities in September and notices were on the green asking people to take their rubbish home. Regards Alan
  2. Hello Gordo, Welcome to the NBN forum from Tan & myself. Regards Alan
  3. One of our owners has just informed me that a Norfolk local radio station has reported that a number of boats have been broken into at the Brundall Bay Marina. I have just phoned the Marina and it was just one boat that was on the hard standing over the Christmas holidays. If anyone is doubt I suggest that they phone the marina office. Regards Alan
  4. Hi Jill, A drop of cooking oil into the top of the piston stops the manual pump from squeaking and makes those stiff pumps more usable by lubricating the pump piston seals. Regards Alan
  5. Hi Alan, I got a reply as well today they have passed my message onto the relevant department that now has 28 to respond. Regards Alan
  6. Hi Timbo, The dump through toilets used to have issues with the water seal on the toilet bowls, when they worked they were very good, the problem was they always needed the seals replacing by all accounts. I would be inclined to fit a standard manual Jabsco compact toilet with a short length of pipe into the tank. I am not sure if Brian Ward's will allow the forums 10% discount on this discounted item, but it should never offend to ask, talk to Tanya or Nick. http://www.brianwards.co.uk/toilets/manual-toilets/jabsco-manual-compact-toilet.html Regards Alan
  7. I have heard but not seen situations of floating pontoons on marina's on the canals, where the pontoons have frozen in place and when the thaw came it flooded the boats that were still frozen attached to the pontoons that were under water. Hi Steve, Is the Winderemere Marina Village still basing their mooring rates over a 8 month period, I know you had to pay extra for water & electric being supplied for the additional period. They used to charge mooring fees which would have most Broads owners weep even at today's charges on Broads. Regards Alan
  8. A few years ago (2009) lake Windermere suffered floods and in the Windermere Marine Village about a dozen plus boats sank, it would have been far more, but the marina staff went round the moorings cutting ropes to free the craft, if memory severs me correctly they only have one floating main pontoon. Regards Alan
  9. Hi Mark, Sadly some of the bins have been removed from some of the flight of locks or limited to to one location. It is much easier to double bag the rubbish and store in the well at the front of the boat until you manage to find a a refuge point, assuming any bags do not get washed overboard from leaking lock gates. Regards Alan
  10. Here is a reminder of what bins were available last April which were still in operation in September on the Southern Broads. If anyone can confirm the situation on the Northern Broads when they see it rather than what is in the press. Regards Alan
  11. When the owner (Mr Archer) bought the pub in the mid sixties there were 3 ferries at that time, I remember reading somewhere that they had one in operation and one that they worked on as a spare. I doubt that they could have the ferry out of operation for too long, it works from early morning until about 11.00pm and the only time it could be out of service is when the river is so high that sand bags have to be placed on the slipway outside the pub to prevent flooding. Regards Alan
  12. I see that the Reedham Ferry is still moored outside of the Wherry Hotel mooring on Oulton Broad awaiting use of the lock. I assume that the spare ferry is in place at Reedham whilst this one is on its way for repairs. Regards Alan
  13. I tied to look at some of the Norfolk Broads webcams and have found that Norfolklive is currently not available. Regards Alan
  14. Hello Laura, If you send me a PM I will include your mooring information or other boat services you have to offer in the relevant locations on our information pages. For example:- Regards Alan
  15. Hi Matt, Is that the latest tender Regards Alan
  16. Hi Sue, You know what its like, peoples lifestyles change, the threats of redundancy, old age or infirmity effects us all at some time or other. Like yourself some have moved to other syndicates, one of our new owners also is a member of another syndicate but wanted a change in the style of boat and handling. It is with with regret that we have lost syndicate owners who could no longer continue boating due to cancer. Regards Alan
  17. No wonder anything is never completed on time, on budget and free from defaults, we are governed by red tape, elf & Safety to an extent that it is almost impossible to work. With regards to bins be they trade or domestic there is no national conformity regarding the colour which is used for the type of rubbish, also in some areas bins have been withdrawn even though the the authorities have not met their quota on recycling. When we have been on holiday in areas of the country a number of the holiday lets leave exempt bags which any rubbish can be placed, this saves holiday makers the effort and confusion regarding the various bins in operation. When we were young we were taught to put your litter in a bin or put it in your pocket till you got home, sadly that is not the case these days, there is rubbish everywhere. There are more dog waste bins than litter bins on our estates or parks. When will the government and local authorities get it into their heads that the majority want and need services. Regards Alan
  18. We currently have no shares for sale on the Ranworth Breeze Boat Syndicate. If you wish to go onto our waiting list for available shares, please contact me. There are 20 owners in the boat syndicate each having a 5% share that gives two weeks allocation each year. Ranworth Breeze is a 2001 Birchwood 340AC that is moored at the Tingdene Marina at Brundall. The boat is the sea going specification with a Yanmar 210bhp diesel engine, trim tabs, bow thruster, full deck safety rails and side ladders. We do however limit the boat to just the Broads now. The boat is fitted with a full canopy (new in 2010) that can be partially or fully let down for bridges or cruising. Dual controls are standard in the boat. There is an aft double cabin with en-suite toilet/wet room, lounge with seating for 6 to 7 people; forward toilet/wet room a fully fitted galley that includes inbuilt gas oven and grill, gas hob and sink, the fridge is 12 volts. The forward seating/dinette converts into another double berth. The heating is hot air diesel. The 2017 allocation dates were drawn at the 2015 AGM in November. Ranworth Breeze is now self managed by the Management Committee that is made up of five of the owners voted on at the yearly AGM. The 2012 management fee was £700 compared with a fee of almost £1000 in 2011. The 2013 management fee was £500 The 2014 management fee was £600 The 2015 management fee was £700 The 2016 management fee has been set at £600 For more information please visit the Ranworth Breeze website or contact Alan Hood. 0114 247 0242 work 0114 265 0934 home 07768 342075 mobile alan-hood@datex.co.uk www.ranworthbreeze.co.uk Regards Alan Alan Hood Chairman & Trustee. Ranworth Breeze Boat Syndicate
  19. Hi Mark, Yes the facilities at the marina are reasonable, maybe they could separate the bottles and have a bin for tins, I agree that introduction of a container for used oil is a bonus for some of the boat owners likewise are area for dumping electrical items etc. It is a couple of years since I found the information on mooring prices on the Broads (the prices are in our information pages) it made interesting reading then and although our marina is up there with the dearest, there are many now that have similar prices per foot/meter. Regards Alan
  20. A tourist area that the local authorities and Broads Authority have turned their backs on with regards to basic facilities such as waste disposal and pubic toilets, they all should be ashamed of themselves. Most of the private owners can save up their rubbish if they are only going out on day trips from their moorings assuming their home mooring provide these facilities. We tend to leave the marina and stop out all week unless we have guests or are training people. The people hiring the hire-boats go out for all their week or fortnight, will not be best pleased after spending all of their hard earned money to be in an area with fly tipped litter all over the place. Litter is a problem that effect us all and overfull or none existent bins costs more in the long run with heavy bills for clearing up operations by the councils. The Broads is a place of beauty everyone needs to help keep it that way. Regards Alan
  21. Hello Iain, Sorry to hear you have not been very well, I hope you can get on a more even keel shortly. Regards Alan
  22. Hi Robin, I thought he was a tiler Regards Alan
  23. I bet Ian has come across many chef's who thought they were gods To be honest the place I like most for its food and location is the Waters Edge at Bramerton, my eldest son also a chef still talks of the meal we had in there a couple of years ago and my cousin who has been involved in hotels for many years joined us last season on the boat and for their meal had the biggest pork chops that I have ever seen. Regards Alan
  24. Hi Steve, On the 340 it has a blue insert strip in the center of the rubbing strake, I have seen these in red however. Up to now however we have not had to source these. Birchwood obtain a lot of there spare parts from Spain I believe, the bow thruster is basically a revamp of a Russian truck starter motor. I would have a word with Tanya or Nick at Brian Ward's, take in a small sample of the insert to see if they can locate any for you. Remember that Brian Ward's offer a 10% discount to all of of our forum members. Regards Alan
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